The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 952: Taiqing moral god

As soon as he said this, the smile of the sage, who was still happy, stopped abruptly, opened his mouth wide, and looked surprised.

"how do you know?"

After a long silence, the Supreme Holy Talent spoke.

"Are you really a moral god?"

Yang Fan was taken aback again.

What's the situation, even if there are two bodhisattvas, Lu Dongbin, one of the eight immortals, is also there, and he recognizes it, but why is there even the Taishang Laojun?

The Taishang Sage nodded, his clothes changed, and he became the familiar Taishang Laojun wearing a yellow robe and holding floating dust in Journey to the West.

Yang Fan was dumbfounded.

"I wonder if Tianzun has anything to do with me?"

After returning to his senses, Yang Fan immediately paid a respectful salute to the Supreme Saint. The person in front of him is a sage who is stronger than Zhong Yuze, even his fellow villagers must be treated respectfully.

"because this."

The Supreme Sage took out a piece of paper, and the surrounding time and space were also taken out of this piece of paper, and it was instantly frozen.

Deep in the sky, the two Immortal Venerable Realm powerhouses, Long Shangwu and Tang Shixian, both maintained a fighting posture, but at this moment, they were all imprisoned by an inexplicable force.

Yang Fan was a little surprised. Is this the saint's method? Just a thought can freeze the time and space around him.

"Don't be surprised, you can do it after you reach my level. Little friend, you haven't answered me, how did you have this pill?"

The piece of paper flew in front of Yang Fan, and Yang Fan saw clearly that it was the red pill prescription written in Morse code.

"Tianzun, in fact, like you, I'm from Kunlun Star, Yanhuang tribe."

This time, it was the turn of the Supreme Saint to be surprised, and a golden light burst out of his eyes, submerged in Yang Fan's body. It didn't take long for the golden light to drill out, and the Supreme Saint nodded, confirming Yang Fan's identity from Kunlun Star.

"I really didn't expect to meet fellow villagers in this universe."

The Supreme Sage sighed with emotion, and what happened on Kunlun Star flashed in his mind.

"Don't Tianzun know that there are also Ksitigarbha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Lu Dongbin, one of the Eight Immortals?"

Yang Fan was puzzled, the strength of the old monarch of the ether, want to know this, it should be very easy.

"I know, I have been aware of them since they first descended into the Celestial Realm. It's just that I haven't seen them for so many years. It's just that I didn't expect Lu Dongbin to die in the hands of Tiangongyuan, and things can only happen. Stop here."

Yang Fan heard the helplessness of Taishang Laojun.

"Is this Tiangongyuan very powerful?"

"This is no longer a strong term. I don't know a lot, but I can be sure that there are at least six saints in Tiangongyuan. Four of them are the guardians of the Taiyi Heavenly Stone, and they are very powerful. Even if one For one, I may not be one of them opponents. In addition, there are two ancestors on the bright side, who have also reached the saint."

Yang Fan laughed blankly, he didn't expect Tiangongyuan to be so powerful. It's just that Yang Fan didn't understand, since the Tiangongyuan was so powerful, why would the Tiangongyuan of later generations be destroyed overnight.

"what happened to you."

"Tianzun, it is true that I have inherited Xuanyuanlong's mantle and need to avenge him. The oath of heaven clearly states that as long as there is a chance, Tiangongyuan will be destroyed."

With a wry smile on his face, Yang Fan suddenly felt hopeless to destroy the Tiangongyuan.

The Supreme Sage shook his head and said.

"Still too naive. Do you know Taiyi Heavenly Stone?"

"Know, it takes a couple to get through love together."

"No, you don’t know yet. It’s okay to tell you. Taiyi Heavenly Stone has another function, which is to open the key to the God’s Domain. It just needs a couple to spend the love together. But millions of years have passed. , No couple has succeeded, and no couple has succeeded in surviving."

Too sage lighter, a picture appeared a year ago, a gray-black stone monument stands tall, a pair of lovers approached it, the two instantly stopped moving, their eyes became dull.

But it didn't take long for the couple to be wiped out in ashes, wiped out together with their souls, and the saint couldn't stop it.

"Tianzun, why do you need the lovers of Taiyi Tianshi to save your love?"

Regarding this point, there is no detailed description in the anti-routine system.

"Because only the Taiyi Heavenly Stone couples who have successfully survived the tribulations can fully arouse the power of the Taiyi Heavenly Stone, and the passage to God's Domain will be opened. It has only been a few million years without success. The worry is that the godhead hasn't appeared in the fairyland for five million years. Without the godhead, basically you can't become a god, and naturally you can't open the way to ascend to the gods."

Yang Fan's heart was shocked. This was basically the same as the daughter of the demon sect master said. After comparison, it was the plan of blood sacrifice to the entire immortal domain.

"But there is another way to open the passage of God's Domain, but this method is very cruel and will cause extremely huge karma. At present, no saint dares to bear such a powerful karma."

"Are you offering sacrifices to the creatures of the entire Celestial Immortal Realm and using this power to forcibly open up the passage to the God Realm?"

"how do you know?"

The Supreme Sage looked dumbfounded, as if he had seen incredible things.

"When I was in the upper reaches of the continent, I met a man from the magic door, she told me."

Yang Fan said that the people of the Demon Sect refers to Guan Qinxuan, the third daughter of the Sect Master of the Demon Sect.

"It turns out that you are a descendant of Xuanyuanlong, and Xuanyuan family was destroyed because of the Tiangongyuan, and Xuanyuan Qishang is the son-in-law of the master of the demon sect. To a certain extent, you are still a member of the demon sect. But you had better not take it. Speaking of this matter, the Demon Sect and Tiangongyuan are mortal enemies."

"Sacrifice the creatures of the entire fairyland. No one can bear this terrible consequence, but Tiangongyuan has a way to not be afraid of this kind of karma. In fact, the saints of the fairyland also want to enter the gods, but they don't want to sacrifice the entire fairyland. For the price. Including me, I also want to enter the realm of the gods. Since someone is willing to take the lead in offering sacrifices, all the saints are tacitly unstoppable, except for the master of the magic door."

"So, you have to think about it. Once you become an enemy of Tiangongyuan, you are likely to face all the saints."

Yang Fan was silent and suddenly felt that he shouldn't have inherited Xuanyuanlong's mantle.

"Tianzun, let's talk about it when the time comes. The oath only says that if there is a chance, it will be destroyed, not necessarily."

"That's OK. It doesn't matter to violate the oath of the heavens. If necessary, I can resist the punishments of the heavens for you."

"There is one thing I need to know. Did you ask Lin Xuantian to bring this red pill to me, just to collect the Boundary Breaking Talisman and the Void Junction Talisman?"

"Yes, I want to return to Kunlun Star, these two things are indispensable."

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