"Ah, what?" Zeng Shen was surprised, and then pretended to be angry and said: "You don't keep your word, aren't you afraid of being punished by God?"

"Humph, punishment by God? Stupid Orientals, actually believe this?"

Lei Sili sneered disdainfully, clenched her left fist, and suddenly attacked Zeng Shen's abdomen.


After Zeng Shen became a first-level god, his agility in the four-dimensional attributes was greatly enhanced.


In his eyes, Lei Sili's sudden punch seemed very slow, and he could easily reach out and grab her fist and wrist as long as he wanted.

However, Zeng Shen was in a playful mood and did not reach out to grab her fist and wrist.

He quickly stepped back with his left and right feet, pretending to dodge hastily, avoiding the punch, and then showed a frightened expression, and was about to pretend to be angry.

Suddenly, he saw Jamies on the right, and stepped forward quickly, and a hand knife was about to chop his neck.

Immediately, he once again resisted the urge to reach out and grab her wrist, and quickly stepped back to the side, pretending to dodge hastily, and then yelled at the two of them:

"What do you want to do? Not only do you break your promise, but you also want to attack me? Aren't you afraid of being punished by the Sea God?"

Leisili and Jamies, they didn't expect Zeng Shen to react so quickly and dodge their sudden attack, even if it was a "hasty" dodge.

But it also made them feel a little surprised.

However, when she heard his roar, she ignored it, but stepped forward at a fast pace, punched again, trying to subdue Zeng Shen and take him away.

As for the four indifferent women on the side, they didn't take them seriously.

After all, they felt that as long as they caught this man, the other four women could be easily dealt with.

Seeing the two of them approaching, Zeng Shen hastily retreated again, and then looked even more "angry", "Damn, are you forcibly taking me away? No way."


He dived into the water and walked towards the sea area which was more than two meters deep.

When Diesha and other girls saw Zeng Shen dive, they also quickly followed him and swam forward.

Lei Sili and Jamies did not expect Zeng Shen to dive into the water again and began to swim towards the water area which was more than two meters deep in panic.


They quickly dived and chased him, hoping to catch up with the man and catch him with their years of swimming skills.

Zeng Shen swam forward while looking at the two unlucky women chasing him behind him, and then whispered to the woman beside him: "There is a piece of kelp over there, let's swim over there, I will use telekinesis to control the kelp to interfere with them, and then you use the skill of flying butterfly into vine, slowly appear around them, and then entangle them, so that they think they are bound by real sea vines."

"Okay, Master."

Diesha and other girls showed playful smiles on their faces, and then followed Zeng Shen to swim towards the seaweed.

Lei Sili and Jamies chased Zeng Shen for a minute, then went up to take a breath. Suddenly, they swam towards a kelp bush. The two did not think much and followed quickly.

But as soon as they swam into this kelp area, the two women felt that the kelp seemed to be alive and often blocked their sight.

And there were no sea vines from where in the kelp bush. If they had not reacted quickly, they would have been bound several times, which was very dangerous.

However, when they occasionally saw Zeng Shen and others who seemed to have the same trouble, the two women directly expected that Zeng Shen and others would be entangled by these sea vines.

In that way, they could easily catch him.

A minute later, the two women came out to take a breath and chased Zeng Shen again.

But as soon as they dived down and swam towards Zeng Shen, several vines, driven by the current, seemed to be alive and entangled their legs.

The two women reached out to pull the vines apart, but the next second, another obvious sea current surged, and several vines rolled into a ball, entangled their hands tightly, making it impossible for them to break free.

Immediately, the two women were frightened and twisted their bodies wildly.

After all, they didn't want to drown because of these sea vines.

However, these sea vines seemed to bind them tighter the more they struggled, and the two women suddenly showed an impatient look on their faces, anxious, and scared.

While they were panicking, Zeng Shen and others who were swimming forward suddenly turned their heads to look over.

Immediately, the two women's eyes shone, hoping that he would turn around and save them.

But when they thought of their actions just now, they felt a little uneasy, afraid that the man would not care about their lives.

After all, they were entangled by the sea vines, and if they were found, they would only think it was an ordinary drowning death.

They would not think that they were drowned because they were entangled by the vines in order to chase Zeng Shen and others.

Just as the two women cast their eyes to Zeng Shen for help, they saw Zeng Shen and his men turn around and swim back to them, saying:

"You seem to need help."

The two women were surprised to hear that Zeng Shen could speak clearly in the water, and then nodded quickly, with anxious eyes and gurgling sounds.

"Haha, are you running out of oxygen? I can give you some."

Zeng Shen said, and quickly stepped forward, hugged Lei Sili and Jamies waist, kissed them, and began to give each other artificial respiration and air.

At the same time.

He began to move his hands up and down, pulling their swimsuits.

Lei Sili and Jamies wanted to struggle, but due to lack of oxygen, the two women had to greedily inhale Zeng Shen's artificial air, twisting their bodies to resist his touch.


Zeng Shen was not just touching them randomly. He stripped the two women naked in a few seconds and began to enjoy the food.

At the same time, he signaled Diesha, Qiaodanni and other women to give them air from time to time...

After a while.

Two strands of red blood began to appear in the water...

More than an hour later, a one-sided battle ended briefly.

Zeng Shen looked at Lei Sili and Jamies, who were naked and kept trying to get oxygen from Qiaodanni's mouth.

He curled his lips slightly and said to Qiaodanni: "Danni, turn them into your vampire servants."

Qiaodanni nodded immediately after hearing this, raised her beautiful mouth that was breathing, revealing two sharp fangs, and then bit Lei Sili's neck quickly.

"Ah, gurgle... cough"

Jamies was startled when she saw Qiaodanni showing her fangs, but as soon as she opened her mouth, seawater poured into her mouth. She immediately closed her mouth and looked at the man who was moving under her belly in horror.

Zeng Shen saw this and smiled, "Soon, you will be free, my baby..."

Jamies shook her head and twisted her body wildly, but a pair of beautiful hands suddenly grabbed her waist, and then she felt like a mosquito bite on her neck, and a stream of evil and death energy flowed into her body.

At this time.

Zeng Shen heard a reminder.

[Congratulations to the host, your direct vampire Jordanni has successfully transformed two vampire slaves, you have obtained two pan-believers, survival points +200, faith +280] (End of this chapter)

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