In the lobby of Kibe Castle.

Jilang looked at the pink swimsuit loli who pulled out her pistol, then held the gun with both hands and pointed the gun at his body.

Immediately, he opened his eyes wide and screamed for mercy in panic.

"No, no, don't..."

However, the more he begged for mercy in panic.

The tension and fear in the pink swimsuit loli gradually shrank, and at the same time, her face showed more excitement and eyes full of hatred.

She hoped that the man in front of her would die, and hoped that her hand controlled by the mysterious oriental man could pull the heavy pistol and shoot the leader of the Kibe organization.

But just when she thought so, the voice of the mysterious oriental man rang in her ears.

"Baby, this man's life is now in your hands. It's up to you to let him live or die."

When she heard the words of the mysterious oriental man, the pink loli girl's hands holding the pistol sank slightly, and her body involuntarily leaned forward because of the weight of the pistol.

At that moment.

She realized.

She could control her own body.

In an instant.

She understood what the mysterious oriental man meant, that the life of the man who destroyed her family and killed her parents was now in her hands.


Without thinking too much, she closed her eyes, quickly pulled the trigger of the gun, and fired randomly.

"Bang, bang, bang" several gunshots rang out.

Jilang's abdomen, thigh, and shoulder were all shot, but they were not fatal, but the pain made him scream louder than Jibao.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

The pink loli girl heard Jilang's screams, her body trembled suddenly, opened her eyes, and saw Jilang lying on the ground, covering his abdomen and screaming.

Immediately, she aimed at Jilang on the ground again.


Another gunshot rang out.

Jilang's other shoulder was shot again, and the pain made him scream again.

But soon, he endured the pain and looked at the pink swimsuit loli girl who pointed the gun at him again.

In that second, he didn't care about the pain and begged for mercy: "No, no, let me go, don't kill me, as long as you don't kill me, I can give you a lot of money..."

The pink swimsuit loli girl, listening to the fearful look of Jilang begging for mercy, she no longer hid her inner hatred and laughed ferociously and excitedly.

"Hahaha... What's the use of your money? Haha... When you killed my parents, caught us here, let these girls control and brainwash us every day, let us stay in cages like dogs every day, have you ever thought that there will be such a day in the future? Haha..."

The words of the pink loli girl instantly resonated with the other loli girls present.

So, as soon as she finished speaking, several loli girls slowly stood up and looked at the Kibe members in front of them with hatred.

They also wanted revenge and wanted to kill their enemies.

A red swimsuit loli girl stood up, untied the collar on her neck, and threw it fiercely in front of the control girl who specifically controlled their group.


She reached out and grabbed the black whip tied around the waist of the control girl, and then stripped her clothes off.

The control girl shouted in fear: "Stop, what are you going to do?"

"What am I going to do?" The red swimsuit loli girl said, slapping her face hard, "I want to avenge my sister who died under your whip."

As she said.

She waved the black whip without hesitation and whipped the control girl.


A crisp sound rang out.

A blood-red whip mark immediately appeared on the naked body of the control girl, causing her to scream in pain.

While the red swimsuit loli girl was whipping the control girl, the loli girls who were originally chained by the control girl.

Their numb faces seemed no longer as numb as before, but their eyes were deep and there was a hint of pleasure.

When the red swimsuit lolita girl whipped the control girl, several other lolita girls also followed her example and stripped off the clothes of the control girl in front of them.


They used the whips that the control girls carried with them to whip them crazily.


"Ahhhh, it hurts..."

"Ahhhh, no, no, ahhhh..."

All of a sudden.

The whole castle hall was filled with the tragic screams of these control girls.

Their screams made the other Kibe organization members present feel extremely panicked.

Because they could feel that the mysterious oriental man would never let them live.

Zeng Shen listened to the words of the pink swimsuit lolita girl and saw that the other lolita girls began to vent their inner hatred.

He smiled with a smile on his face, walked behind the extremely emotional pink lolita girl, and said to her:

"Little baby, this is not how to use a gun. Come, I'll teach you, hold it tight and aim."

As he said.

Zeng Shen leaned his body slightly against her delicate back, holding her trembling fingers with both hands, slowly aimed at the head of Jilang lying on the ground, and gently pulled the trigger.

"Bang" a gunshot.

A bullet instantly passed through Jilang's head, and a warning sound suddenly rang in Zeng Shen's ears.

[Congratulations to the host, you have successfully killed a fourth-level lost god by using the opponent's strength to defeat him. Survival points +10,000, God-level experience +20, and you get a lost god fragment. ]

[Lost god fragment: Gathering ten lost god fragments can allow a ninth-level peak believer to break through his own shackles. ]

When Zeng Shen heard the prompt, he looked at his backpack and the introduction of the lost god fragment that appeared out of thin air. He felt the tender body in his arms trembling with both knees because it was the first time to kill someone, and she was about to fall to the ground.

Immediately, he hurriedly supported her and whispered in her ear: "Take a deep breath, don't be afraid."

"Yeah." The loli girl in the pink swimsuit made a light nasal sound, but her body couldn't help shaking violently.


"Good name." Zeng Shen praised softly, and helped her look at the red loli girl who had beaten the control girl to death and was still beating her, and said:

"What's your name?"

The red loli girl stopped the whip in her hand after hearing Zeng Shen's words, and said:


"It's also a good name." Zeng Shen said softly, and asked the names of the other loli girls.

After that, he asked the few lolita girls who were still conscious to throw away the whips in their hands, walk up to him and say:

"You let me see that you are completely different from those lolita girls who are completely numb and brainwashed to only obey. Now I ask you, are you willing to follow me, become my believers, and become my swords?"

"I am willing."

Fen Yasa in Zeng Shen's arms immediately replied, and then she glanced at the trembling Malajia and the other two and said: "Becoming your believers and swords is better than becoming the sex of these people...."

And the other lolita girls, without thinking too much, nodded and said: "Yes, we are willing to follow you, because we see hope from you."

"Very good."

Zeng Shen smiled with satisfaction, then pointed to the Kibe members around him and said: "Then your first task after following me is to send them to hell." (End of this chapter)

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