The Tale Never Ends

Vol 4 Chapter 26: Passion for Zhang

I called a little helplessly on the other end of the phone: "Who, talk! Your signal is not good over there!"

After shouting for a long time, no one agreed, but I had to hang up the phone. Zheng Shuang asked who I was calling, and I shook my head and said, "I don't know, I didn't make a sound when I connected the phone, forget it." Then, I walked straight with Zheng Shuang to the scene of the accident in the middle of the road. As soon as I walked in, a police officer reached out to me: "No onlookers, idlers are free." Before he finished, he saw that the person was me, so he immediately changed his mouth: "Oh, Brother Yan. Brother Yan is not Idlers. "I thanked and walked between the two cars that collided. At this time, the bus was empty, and the injured passengers and drivers should have been taken to the hospital, and the pickup driver was already taken away by Zheng Shuang's police team, leaving only two empty and unrecognizable. Car.

According to what Lin Feng said, I walked to the edge of the pickup's waiting wheel, squatted down and looked around. However, I can see from the spirit eyes that everything is normal and there are no problems. Although this was also what I expected, I was still somewhat displeased. And when I was bored in my heart, the phone rang again. I took out my phone and saw it as an unread text message. I said to myself, who was this time? When I turned on the phone, it turned out to be the strange number just called. I opened the text message impatiently, and it read "Where are you, I have an accident here, hurry and come over!" The payment is Xiaoqi!

I felt an ominous hunch in my heart. I said why there was no one talking on the phone just now. It's said that ghost calls, ghosts call, no wonder there is only noise on the phone! To say that this little seven is a female ghost, not to mention that she still has six sisters, and even they can't figure it out, then this matter is really big! Thinking of this, I quickly turned around and quickly grabbed Lin Feng and Chong Xi to get on the bus. Zheng Shuang shouted behind him: "Yan Brother, what are you going to do?" I didn't have time to elaborate with him, but just turned around and told him to find out What result came to call me, and then drove away with Lin Feng.

On the car, Lin Feng was too late to ask what happened to me. I said that I didn't mention it clearly. Xiaoqi sent a text message saying something happened and let me go. Chong Xi said: "Xiao Qi and their sisters are not good at all, they can't solve the problem, I'm afraid we have to work hard!" Chong Xi's view is the same as mine, but Lin Feng does not think so, only Listening to Lin Feng pondered for a while, said: "I don't see it. After all, they are ghosts. Unlike us, Mr. Yin and Yang, they can't do some things. What's more, she texted you to go, indicating that it must be you Is it possible that the uncle Uncle Fen (Mr. Zhang) has an accident? "I habitually touched the scar on my face and said," Now we can't guess how useful it is. Let's go to Aunt Fen's house as soon as possible. " "

When I arrived at Aunt Fen ’s house, I already noticed a strange breath spreading outside the community. It seems that something really happened. When the car drove downstairs to Aunt Fen's house, I found out that Aunt Fen had already been waiting downstairs and looked anxiously in the direction of my car. After seeing my car, his face eased a little.

After getting off the bus, I hurried forward to ask what happened to Aunt Fen. Aunt Fen said anxiously, "You go up and see, your uncle has an accident, and suddenly you do n’t know what happened, and you ran into madness. It looks similar! Xiaoqi and they have helped him to suppress him. "I realized that Uncle Zhang hit evil spirits, although the current Aunt Fen is the eldest of the seven sisters, but has been reincarnated as a person, no longer like that. The big ghost is capable, so it can only be controlled by the small seven.

The three of us rushed upstairs, and Lin Feng kicked the door of the false room in front of him. I saw that the second, the second and the third of the room were fiercely entangled with Uncle Zhang. At this time, Uncle Zhang's eyes were red, his face was like white paper, and he was violently thundering. When he saw Uncle Zhang's situation on the eve, he immediately lifted his hands and threw a few Fingers, then shouted: "I wipe! Broken!" I stunned, turned around and looked at the result of Chong Xi's fortune-telling. At that time, my heart was also awkward, "Bigger!" I turned my head subconsciously to look at Uncle Zhang, who seemed to feel my gaze. At this moment, Uncle Zhang shocked the six ghosts that contained him, his head was slammed, and his red eyes stared fiercely. Got me!

It was at this moment that a strong resentment broke out in Zhang Shu's bright red eyes, coming towards me like a storm. This resentment made me tremble, and Lin Feng around me also felt the resentment, and Lin Feng was much more violent than me. The moment I felt this resentment, Lin Feng seemed to be infected and jumped like thunder! With a loud roar, he rushed towards Uncle Zhang and got up with a mandarin duck leg straight towards Uncle Zhang's door!

Lin Feng's foot kicked unpreparedly on President Zhang's face, but President Zhang did not retreat. Instead, he raised his hand and grabbed Lin Feng's foot and slammed it. Lin Feng immediately kicked the other foot. He kicked his feet in a circle in the air and landed again. My heart says it's broken, this is going to fight, I don't have room to shoot! Looking at Lin Feng and Uncle Zhang's wrestling, I couldn't express the anxiety in my heart, but Ling looked at Uncle Zhang's body, but there was no trace of anger. I really couldn't see what was wrong with this uncle.

However, Uncle Zhang at this time was obviously not normal, because Lin Feng could not beat him! Lin Feng, who had done everything he could, still could not shake the mad Zhang Zhang. Under the retreat, Lin Feng was exhausted and panting, and kicked on Zhang ’s calf. Although Zhang ’s calf was all It was swollen, but it was as if there was no pain at all. He grabbed the leg kicked by Lin Feng with one hand, then pulled it back, and gave Lin Feng a big split! President Zhang loosened Lin Feng ’s legs and turned his hands toward Lin Feng ’s neck for the first time. All the people present, including me, rushed to control President Zhang when they were in trouble.

At this moment, the direction of the door suddenly heard the sound of a horse snorting. I can't be more familiar with this sound. In Inner Mongolia, riding a horse is like riding a bicycle, but how can there be the sound of a horse in such a place? President Zhang, who was about to strangle Lin Feng, was shocked when he heard the horse's snorting. Before we responded, we heard a rush of horseshoes in the corridor and went straight to us!

The scene was originally chaotic, but as the horseshoe sounded, the audience was silent. Along with the sound of a horseshoe, I saw a black gas roaring in from outside the door. A black horse formed by the black gas rushed in like a ghost, and went straight to President Zhang's chest through Chong Xi and me! Between electro-optical flint, President Zhang threw away Lin Feng in his hand and tried to hide. However, the horse formed by the black gas was as fast as lightning, and President Zhang didn't have time to dodge. He only heard "Bang!" And President Zhang flew out of the top of the black horse and hit the wall. President Zhang struggled to get up again, and the dark horse did not mean to stop there, but continued to walk toward President Zhang who got up. With a hissing sound, the dark horse lifted its forelegs high, and stepped on the chest of President Zhang. This step seems to be so heavy that General Zhang under his hoof can't move!

I was on the side with Chong Xi and my chin was about to fall. What did I say! While we were surprised, there was a series of rapid footsteps in the corridor. Then three people rushed in and dragged a roll of cloth bag for the first one. This bag was nothing great, but the things in the bag were I was surprised. The bag is not something else, but a row of acupuncture needles! To say that needles are not uncommon, what surprised me is that these needles all emit a strong aura. Obviously this is a powerful and precious set of magical instruments!

After the needle holder rushed into the door, he could not help but beckoned backwards. One of the two people behind him nodded at him, then took out the two pieces of paper in his pocket and nodded. The thing that surprised me again happened. I saw that among the ashes after the burning of the paper, two armour soldiers formed by black gas stood up abruptly.

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