The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 501: Return and Plan.

Athan and Linci returned from their adventure after a month with a big haul. 

After leaving the chaos phenom dimension, They first submitted the items to the Task & Mission hill center to get the Monolith Credits before going to the Trade & Market Hill to sell other items.

This place was a bit deeper on the cloudly land, and it was also very big and full of people.

They went to the trade center to sell the items directly instead of opening a temporary stall since Athan didn't want to waste time.

After entering a private room, the staff arrived there to appraise the items and buy them.

"Peak 6-star chaos beast bones...."

"Aquatic Thunder Limestones..."



"Oh? A string of Starmetal Vine?" The lady spoke in a surprised tone as she saw a string of Starmetal vine, "This alone is worth 500 Monolith Credits."

Linci and Athan were sitting on the couch in front of the staff lady, and Athan was pleasantly surprised to hear the price of that material.

"Great finding, Linci." 

Linci smiled happily and nodded.

After a while, The staff lady counted the price of all items and said, "All those items are worth a total of 845 Monolith Credits."

Athan nodded before speaking, "How many Kuriazak fruits can I exchange  with that amount of Monolith Credits?"

"Hmm...The price is 50 Monolith credits per one, so you can get a total of 17 Kuriazak fruits by paying additional 5 Monolith Credits."

Athan slightly frowned, but he nodded and gave his crystal card to the staff, "Exchange them to Kuriazak fruits and take five credits from my crystal card."


After getting 17 Kuriazak fruits, Both of them flew back towards Efyeed.

"What now, Athan? You already need 10 Kuriazak fruits to call one catastrophe and will more fruits later. If you got anything to do, then I will help you with it." Linci said.

"I have two plans in my mind. I just need to check which plan brings me more Kuriazak fruits faster." 


After returning, He was surprised to receive a message from Efyeed that Sen, Shiromi, Telaery, Arcued, and Theo went to Purgatory Hill and will return after three years.

"Purgatory HIll...," Athan muttered with a faint smile. He had heard about this place and knew that it was very beneficial to people as long as one could survive for three years inside.

But he didn't think that it could provide any benefits to him, so he didn't plan to waste three years in there. It might be purgatory to others, but not for him.

"Since they are determined and have resolve to enter there, I can only wish best for them. I believe that they will come out stronger," Athan spoke with a smile.

Linci also nodded as she looked at Athan and chuckled, "Yep. Their driving force is you, and they all possess the tough will and are determined enough after staying with you for many years."

Linci had heard about everything from Sen, Shiromi, Tealery, and Arcued, so she knew their admiration and respect for Athan. 

Although Theo was the latest member, He was also awed by the complete domination displayed by Athan in the test as no matter how many people attacked and injured him; he didn't bat an eye to himself and just focused on his ridiculous goal to kill everyone except 50 people and ended the test before the deadline.

Athan smiled as he touched his nose. He didn't know what kind of future awaited us, but since they were willing to accompany him on his journey, He had no reason to turn down their resolve and will to accompany him.

Turning his gaze to the Primo, who was floating with his eyes closed, Athan asked, "How much did you progress, Primo? Were you able to make the thing?"

Athan didn't see any orb around Primo and guessed that Primo should have taken it inside his body.

Primo didn't open his eyes but said to Athan, "Master, I have already perfectly finished it, but I need voidpulse because I used all I had on experimenting."

"Alright," Athan said before he waved his hand and sent all of his voidpulse to Primo.

After taking, Primo still didn't open his eyes.

"What is Primo creating?" Linci asked with curiosity.

Athan grinned and said, "It's a surprise."

Athan and Linci patiently waited for ten minutes as Primo finally opened his eyes and took out a lapis blue orb with dark blue clouds and green patterns on it.

"Nyahahaha, It's done! Master, I have perfectly created this thing, and Linci can carry it after infusing a bit of her soul energy in it." Primo flew towards Athan with an excited face as the cute cat showed off the mystical orb to Athan.

Athan patted its head with a smile, "Great work, Primo."

Primo giggled before explaining the work of the Orb, "Master, this orb has less attraction force than the one inside you, so when you are near Linci, You will absorb it instead of this orb, but when you are not in range, This orb will do its job."

After saying that, Primo went to Linci and said, "Infuse a bit of your soul energy inside, and you can control the movement of this orb. Since you can't control Netherly frost, it will be sealed inside the orb, but if you want to attack, you just have to use your soul sense to unlock the seal, and it will attack whoever that is close to you."

Linci was absolutely shocked hearing this and looked at Athan, "T-this...I am not dreaming, right?"

Athan gently smiled and said, "Nope. It's real."

Linci was moved as her eyes welled up, but she also felt a strange disappointment which she couldn't describe but understood in a few moments, ' it because Athan will not stay beside me for more time from now on?'

But nonetheless, she was happy that Athan did this for her.

"Thank you so much, Athan." Linci brightly smiled, which looked like the blooming of a heavenly flower.

Athan nodded with a smile as he sat down crossed-legged before saying, "Now I am going to sit in meditation to start my first plan. Meanwhile, you can roam or do anything you want since your Netherly frost won't bother anyone."

Linci hesitated before she smiled wryly and sat down beside Athan, "I...I am not close with anyone except for you guys. Anyway, I will also just sit in meditation and train."


Afterward, Athan closed his eyes and started inspecting and exploring the Kuriazak fruit with his soul sense.

He wanted to completely understand this fruit and see if he could create it using his voidpulse.

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