Chapter 101: Humiliated Anku, like a pet played with in the palm of his hand, as a balancing method for the game master, send the plug-in!.

“Huh? What the.. Stuff? ”

At the doorway, a red shadow in the line of sight quickly flashed away. Listen to the sound of breaking the void in your ears.

Li Zhong stopped in surprise. Turn to look at the office.

The next moment, her beautiful eyes widened slightly, only because she saw a red monster arm in the office facing the position of her president.

Fly quickly!

This arm: It’s Anku!

“President! Be careful! ”

Suddenly, Lizhong shouted loudly, wanting to rush into the office to stop Anku. However, she just reacted.

The movement is already slow!

In mid-air, Anku Greeed on his arm. Purple glow blooms.

Its speed has almost reached the limit that can be reached at this stage, and it flew in front of Tan Lidou’s body, and it was about to grab Tan Lidou’s neck!

When his distance was only a stone’s throw away from Tan Lidou. The sound of tapping on the keyboard stopped sharply.

The next moment Anku’s line of sight. Tan Lidou’s eyes lifted.

The sharp light locked Anku, but then there was no movement, allowing Anku’s monster-like arm. Directly, he pinched Tan Lidou’s neck.

Its surface blooms purple. More and more deep!

It was as if all the power at his disposal had been used. However at this moment Anku.

Just feel yourself.

What he grabbed was not a small human, extremely fragile neck, but an indestructible piece of steel no matter how hard he used.

Can’t destroy it, not even a little! Nani? How is this possible! Anku at this moment.

In my heart, there was an extremely bad feeling and a deep disbelief! The next moment, Tan Lidou’s voice sounded.

Anku was taken aback.

“Hey, isn’t this Anku?”


“Haven’t eaten?”

The slightly ridiculed words fell, Tan Lidou glanced at Anku, who was pinching his neck, and said again in a leisurely tone: “With this strength, even doing a massage after a busy day is not qualified.” ”

Seemingly leisurely, but extremely insulting words. Let Anku be stunned at first.

Immediately afterwards, I felt extremely angry. And yet this sentiment.

but was forcibly suppressed by him!

At this moment, the most filled in his heart was the unbelievable emotion, why this guy is now just a human body.

Myself.. I couldn’t help him in the slightest! Didn’t you fully recover yourself.

Is it weak to this extent?!

Immediately afterwards, the uneasiness that surged in Anku’s heart became more and more violent, and the next moment Anku made a decision immediately, since the sneak attack failed! Then, snatch a crystal card from his desk.

Escape directly!


The monster-like claws jerked loose.

The next moment, Anku immediately locked on the office desktop, and at this moment, several knights in the instrument, flashing with light, played with cartridges.

When I saw a green crystal card on the table. Anku subconsciously cheered up.

That crystal card.

Impressively, Tan Lidou transformed into the crystal card that had the ability to summon plants at the beginning. Without the slightest hesitation!

Anku immediately fell.

Grab the endless plant cartridge and the player drive on the side! As long as it works.

Well, this time it’s a big profit!

Looking at Anku’s fingertips.

You have to touch the crystal card.

The next moment, his movements suddenly froze and he stopped above the desk, only because Tan Lidou’s hand had already grabbed Anku’s Greeed arm.

“Is the sneak attack fake, and snatching my crystal card is the real purpose?”

Feel free to lift Anku.

Tan Lidou looked at it and said with a smile on his face. And the doorway location.

Lizhong, also walked over quickly.

He said apologetically: “Sorry, President Li Dou, when I opened the door, I didn’t notice that Anku was actually lurking at the door. ”

Hearing this, Tan Lidou waved his hand.

The smile remained the same, and he said: “It’s okay, you go and get busy, and then I’ll have fun with Anku.” ”

Listen to Tan Lidou’s words.

Richu nodded.

Eyes, very dissatisfied glance, this she did not expect at all, lurking in the intruder, Anku, then walked towards the door.


As the gate was closed.

On the seat, Tan Lidou leaned on the back of the chair, busy for so long. Take a leisurely trip once in a while.

Isn’t that bad?

There is no doubt that Anku, who is lurking at this moment and has a different purpose, has become an entertainment activity in Tan Lidou’s eyes, after work.

“I think that the weirdo form that Esmont turned into using my crystal card is very powerful.”

“So, you moved your mind?”

Grabbing Anku, Tan Lidou said seemingly inquiringly. However, it is a positive tone.

In his opinion. Anku’s move.

That’s the only possibility. However, for Tan Lidou’s words.

Anku at the moment. But at all, unable to answer! He struggled frantically.

Wanted, break free from Tan Lidou’s hand that grabbed him, but no matter how hard he tried, even the power of his two bird core coins in his body.

All mobilized!

However, it is of no use. Instead, with his struggle. Tan Lidou’s power. Constant enhancement.


Finally, Anku let out a cry of pain and gave up the struggle. Although in the arm state.

He has no eyes.

However, at this moment, his gaze was locked on the man in front of him, who was extremely jealous of him, and roared with great irritation.

“You guy, like that woman named Izumi Bina!”

“Are they all monsters?!”

At this moment, Anku shouted the words of “monster”. It was Tan Lidou.

And Izumi, the outrageous strength, this pure terrifying power, even some of the Devourers and even their Greeed except for Carmel.

It’s not comparable!

Listening to Anku’s shocked words, Tan Lidou’s smile was even worse.

Casual, like teasing a pet cat. Grabbed Anku and fiddled with it for a moment.

In its exasperated roar.

Tan Lidou, with his free right hand, tapped several times on the keyboard, and a progress bar suddenly appeared on the screen of one of the computers.

That is, the auxiliary crystal card used to increase the strength. Fangs Dangerous Berserk Crystal Card.

Since at present, the first one used is the violent increase data of the fangs memory, so Tan Lidou named it with his fangs, and this crystal card is the progress completed at this moment.

Already reached!

Ninety-nine percent degree. The difference is only one hundredth.

It’s done!

However, this one percent needs a little, violent and out-of-control combat data to fill the last piece of the puzzle. Activate it completely.

In simple words.

That is, a guinea pig is needed to use this half-finished crystal card. Activate it.

And the arrival of Anku made Tan Lidou originally want to. Give it to the idea of Esmont to use.

Forget about it.

If he increases Esmont’s combat power again, even if Eiji Naruno uses a joint group, he will not have to fight, after all, after every battle. Berserk zombie cartridges will increase the level.

The strength of Esmont. It will also continue to increase.

As the mastermind behind this observation experiment, the part-time administrator, naturally needs to balance the combat power between the two. Therefore, this fangs dangerous fury crystal card.

Tan Lidou intends to pass through Anku. Handed over to Eiji Naruno for use.

As the host of Esmont, the world’s first infection with the Bugster Collapse Virus, Eiji Naruno is naturally able to use knights to play cartridges.

Just do it before getting the dinosaur core coins and using them. Experience it once in advance.

Runaway violent force.

Thinking of this, Tan Lidou stretched out his hand and took out the Fangs Dangerous Berserk Crystal Card from the instrument. Immediately, he released the hand that was holding Anku.

Together with the desktop.

That spare failed drive. Handed to Anku.

The action that made Anku want to flee immediately suddenly stopped. This is…?!

The next moment, in Anku’s surprised expression.

Tan Lidou spoke, “Don’t you want a crystal card?” This brand new crystal card just needs an experimenter, so I will use it for you temporarily. ”

When the words fell, Tan Lidou forced them in. Anku Greeed in the palm of his arm.

Immediately, grabbed it again.

Towards the back, outside the open window, directly thrown out.

“Bye bye.”

In Tan Lidou’s last words. Anku never came back to his senses.


It smashed heavily on the ground at the door of the Phantom Dream Group, making a dull sound, and the pain gushed out so that Anku couldn’t help but exhale in pain.


But this cry of pain followed Anku’s palm. Clutching deadly.

Feeling, in the palm of your hand, after those two real things. It came to an abrupt end.

Actually.. Really got it!

However, it was not snatched by himself, but Tan Lidou: Stuffed to him! Anku at this moment.

It’s complicated.

I didn’t expect this to be the result. At the moment of being caught by Tan Lidou.

He had even thought about it. Worst result!

That is, he can’t fly out at all, the door of the Phantom Dream Group! It’s going to be planted here!

But the end result was dreamy. Lie on the ground.

Anku, even forgot to fly, and was silent for a long time! But at the moment of 1.3, he immediately levitated and flew!

Whatever he got about!

In a word… Now that it’s in hand! That is undoubtedly the best outcome.

Immediately, Anku flew directly towards the Phantom Group, and as the automatic door opened, under the terrified gaze of the young lady at the front desk. Anku, directly repossessed by Shingo Izumi.

Black hair instantly turns into blonde wavy hot.

Anku got up with a tumbling expression.

Rubbing his left hand, Greed’s arm, which was still vaguely painful, looked at the faulty drive in his palm and the fangs dangerous berserk crystal card.

The corners of his mouth evoked a smile. The mood improved.

Although, he humiliated Tan Lidou and teased him as a pet for a while. But compared to the harvest this time.

Anku said that he endured it! Earn a lot!

Throwing, the faulty drive and crystal card in his hand, Anku glanced, the front desk lady, and looked at his terrified gaze. In a very good mood, he couldn’t help but raise his head and shake Greeed’s arm at him.

“Look what, haven’t you seen Greeed?”

The words fell, and Anku walked out of the Phantom Dream Group. Immediately got on the vending machine motorcycle.

Drive straight away!

Leaving a layer, the front desk lady was full of stunned and terrified expressions. I seem to have seen a monster circulating on the Internet!.

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