The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1004, brother, give me a red envelope

Night is quiet, wind sound is thin.

Moonlight is like silver.

The lid of Golden City becomes transparent under the role of the singular array.

Such as the silver moonlight sprinkled.

Let the space in the Golden City be more beautiful.

The current Gold City is no longer used to do energy.

But use bioenergy.

There is also a lot of sun trees.

So, at night, Golden City is definitely the most beautiful.

The garden of the city owner.

A gazebo.

Zhang Bin is sitting on the railway with Yang Yiyi.

Yang Yiyi leaned against Zhang Bin's shoulder, and his face was full of delicateness, and it was full of happiness.

At this moment, her heart and her body are like this garden night scene, particularly beautiful.

Like dreams.

Today, she is here to play, but in fact, I want to see Zhang Bin's parents and women to accept her.

If you can't, then she can only climb.

She is reluctant to put her luck in the pain of others.

However, unexpectedly, whether there is Liu Rulan Xiaofang Liu Xintian, or Liu Ruo Mei Han Bingyun, is very friendly, even very excited and happy.

I didn't reject her at all.

It seems that I have to take care of him for more than one sister.

This is not pretending, but sincere.

As for the father, it is better to have a mother.

So she stayed overnight and was ready to walk into his life.

It is of course the happiest, which is of course the happiest, and she is looking forward to it.

In fact, Liu Ruomei, which love to eat vinegar is also willing to accept Yang Yiyi, or because they already have psychological preparations, after all, Zhang Bin came back Yang Xiong for a long time, Yang Xiong shouted Zhang Bin's sister.

Yang Xiong is only 11 years old, it is so strong that he is good, and anyone is amazing.

All the disciples of too late doors, all of them regard Yang Xiong as a successor of Zhang Bin.

In the future, Zhang Bin is going to get to the fairy world.

They may also go together.

However, it is impossible to bring everyone to the past.

I want to come, any monks who fly to the fairy world, although they can bring people, but the places are limited.

Therefore, it is still necessary for the genius disciple to leave the earth.

That can protect their loved ones and relatives.

In other words, Yang Xiong is a very important person.

They certainly have to accept Yang Yiyi.

What's more, Yang Yiyi's character is very good, not the kind of woman.

The main thing is that they believe that Zhang Bin's eyes, knowing that the woman in him is a good woman.

Even, the cold ice clouds called all the sisters who opened a meeting.

Some of the hardships experienced by Zhang Bin, in the future, more terrible enemies should be dealt, his pressure is large.

He is a rare hero.

As a woman, it should be proud, can't be jealous.

I really want to be good to him.

Her spoke has been affirmed by Liu Rulan and Xiaofang.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's hometown has also become extra harmony.

"Yiyi, let's take a break?"

Zhang Bin has been a bit can't stand it. After all, women in the arms are too beautiful.

Yang Yi is ashamed, but it is slightly nodded.

Zhang Bin is big, put Yang Yiyi, and entered his room in his room in his house.

There are many rooms in the city owner.

Liu Rulan, Liu Ruoyme, Xiaoyang, Liu Xin, Tian Bing, they have their own rooms.

And Golden City is a super-powerful magic weapon.

Zhang Bin wants to go to anyone of them, it is definitely silent, without anyone can find it.

And his ability is likely to sleep in a few beautiful rooms at night.

So, in their feelings, as if Zhang Bin, I will sleep with yourself every night.

Of course, all are very happy.

Soon, in the room, spring with a intoxicating aroma.

Flowers blossoms, flowers and flowers ...

The next morning.

Ma Rufei Zhang's Navy and Chen Chao Yue got up and went to see it.

They secretly came to the city mainfate.

Because last night, they taught the silly children Yang Xionghu.

"Yang Xiong, tomorrow morning, you have to knock your brother-in-law. Ask him to red envelope. Guarantee you can get the benefits of heaven."

"This is a chance to make a chance, and you will have a pity."

"Xiao Xiong, must be a little earlier, you must knock on the door hard, shouting my brother-in-law, red packets ..."

"Really fake? Why do you want tomorrow morning? Don't you do it now?"

Yang Xiong was puzzled.

"Now it's not good, it is absolutely not."

"You can't bother him."

"Your brother cafe is sleepy, and you will give you a big red envelope."

"If you dare to lie to me, I will flatten you."

Yang Xiong said.

"It's coming, it's coming, the stupid child is really coming."

Three teasings are hidden in the flower wood, while we laugh.

Yang Xiong is coming, he is only 11 years old, from a small family poor, there is a unique moment to red envelope.

I didn't sleep well last night, I was afraid that I have slept my head, missed a good time to get the red envelope.

He can not pay attention to Huawei from hiding people.

He is looking forward to Zhang Bin's door before.

He is particularly naughty, and there is any place in Golden City.

He is also familiar with the city mainfare, and naturally knows Zhang Bin's room.

Therefore, he began to take the door hard, and he asked: "Sister, give me a red envelope ..."

The sound is like thunder, and there is any corner of the city mainfather.

I wake up all people.

"Hey ... This silly boy is stupid."

Zhang Lele also heard, suddenly smiled.

"The stupid child is stupid."

Zhang mother and Zhang have also laughed.

Liu Yulian Liu Ruo Mei Xiaofangyitian Ice Bing Liu Xin also laughed forward.

"Go Go, wait for your red envelope ..."

Zhang Bin was crying, and the sound was lowered.

I am afraid that I have heard it.

As for Yang Yiyi, I was ashamed to use the bedding, and Yang Xiong was a dog blood head in my heart. This is unlucky, how is it so stupid? Is it also toys?

"Sister, you don't give me a red envelope, I will not go."

Silly boy, shouting excitedly.

The heart is also for three teases, they really don't lie to him, I can really get the red envelope.

"Big silly eggs, you will go, otherwise the sister is not happy."

Yang Yiyi was forced to press the shame in his heart, opened the quilt, and said.

"Hey ... how do you in my brother-in-law?"

Yang Xiong not only did not leave, but it issued an amazing voice.

It seems like Columbus to discover the new mainland.

"Wow haha……"

" ..."

"Hee hee hee……"

Three teasing can't bear to laugh, laughing from the flower and wood.

One laughed at alike.

This trick is really cool.

The owner of the city mainfare is also laughed again.

(Five chapters sent, please vote for the brothers. Thank you.)

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