Zhang Bin came out, got big eyes.

This valley is different, in the air, there is no red fog, all the rich aura, breathing a bite, it is extra comfort.

This is simply the miracle of the heavens and the earth.

Therefore, Zhang Bin also dared to take three teasings.

Otherwise, they can't afford it.

The valley is very wide, but it is almost in the mountains.

Let Zhang Bin are speechless that the steep cliff is made of China Lingshi.

Excorps the incomparable ray.

Obviously, there is a huge Lingshi Mining.

More amazing is that a curtain waterfall is sloppy from the cliff, impact on the smooth stone, rushing up high waves, and there is also a thousand meters.

It looks very magnificent.

Among the valleys, a strange tree is growing.

The trunk is huge to terrible, and there is no less than 20 meters in diameter. If the trunk is dragon, it is full of .

Dried branches, curved curvature, covering the sky.

On the branches, I still have some cyan fruits.

"The master, the demon monkey lives in the cave behind the waterfall, there is very broad, too much than the rumored tree cave than the moon. If you don't want to give the owner, we have moved here." Peng There are excitement of thousands of miles.

However, Zhang Bin did not hear it. He glanced at this big tree, then he was in the ground on the spot, shocked: "God, the peach tree described in Journey to the West is really What is existed? How is this? How is it? "

Nirvana's Danfang, the most important drug is peach.

The peach tree is spent for three thousand years, and the result of 3,000 years, three thousand years a mature.

After taking it, although you can't featuring a fairy, it is possible to enhance the vitality of people and greatly extend the life of people. If you are taking it, you can still return to the old child.

If you let your parents take a peach, they will be cultivated when they go back to teenagers.

Xiaofang and Liu Rulan Yang Yiyi also wish the Dan cigarette, they can also go on the road.

Therefore, is one of the most precious Tiandi demonstrations.

You know, countless people who are gone, because they missed the good time of cultivation, and then I can't take the road to the truth.

They can only regret to do ordinary people, and finally become loess.

However, there is a peach, but it is possible to return to the most suitable for practice again.

They can take the road to the repair.

Such treasures are extremely precious for any one.

If a martial art has got a peach tree, you can cultivate the peach, you can use the peach to cultivate the disciples of super genius.

This martial art will certainly become very powerful.

"Ha ha ha ... I don't want to refine the wisdom of Dan, that's too embarrassing. I still have to cultivate the peach tree." Zhang Bin made a lot of exciting laughter.

As he is so relieved, if his woman and his parents go old, he will certainly be very painful, may have a big blow to his cultivation.

Therefore, it is hard to find a medicinal material for refining wisdom.

However, the medicinal materials of refining wisdom Dan are too much, and all the medicinal materials of Xuanwu, the plants of Xuanwu Xings have been extinct, and now the mysterious worship will cultivate plants again, but they are not previous plants. It is from that small green planet.

It is difficult to find all the herbs in the earth, and it is difficult than Deng.

So far, more than 3,000 medicinal materials, he also found a hundred roots.

This is still because he got a natural day, and he also got some medicinal materials of the magic gate station.

Otherwise, fewer.

"What? Peach? This is the peach in the Westward Journey?

Three teasings are dumbfounded, I can't believe my ears.

This is too absurd, and it is not believed that it is better than heaven.

" ..."

Zhang Bin flew to the branches, and the eyes widened to see a peach on the branches.

This peach is only half a fist, or a cyan, the surface is full of thin fluff.

There is crystal dew on the flash.

It seems to be beautiful.

Moreover, a strange breath is also distributed.

Breathing, let people flutter.

Also, this peach is actually aura in the through the air.

A group of white fogs transpiratively in the surface of the peach, a volvence, magical pole.

Seeing this here, Zhang Bin is more confident, this is the main medicine to bullying the old Zunno Dan.

But he still didn't rest assured, took out the drug detector, and detected a tree as a jade.

It is found that the drug is completely as described.

Suddenly, he jumped with a fight, haha ​​laughed: "Fortune, this time, we really send a big fortune, real Hong Fu Qi Tian."

"Master, this is really the peach in the Westward Journey?"

Three teasing finally woken up, and their faces showed the color of the ecstasy.

"Of course, it is true, I have been tested." Zhang Bin said, "This treasure is one of the top genius, precious to the ultimate, can make people return to the old children. Also It is actually a great improvement of the vitality of the monk. If you are killed, as long as the body is still there, it may be resurrected. "

"My God, there are 99 peaches on this tree. That is really a fortune."

"This is amazing, the master, you are really Hong Fuqi Tian."

"Master, is this ?"

Three teases are extremely excited, but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

They did not leave the Bank, and they were not possible to say that beauty.

"It seems that gains huge merits, my luck is much better."

Zhang Bin's face also exposed a brilliant smile.

"The owner, is it delicious? When can I mature?"

Peng Wanli's saliva also flows out.

"Of course, it is very delicious. But eat one is enough. It is a waste." Zhang Bin said, "It is necessary to have a good morning. However, in the future, the spirit of the peach tree is ripe, you should speed up Time. I am willing to mature within 100 years. "

As far as his magical medicine, let the parents live another hundred years.

Therefore, the peach is a hundred years of mature, you can let your parents and Xiaofang, and if they are still returning to the old children, I will take the road to the truth.

"The owner, the life of this peach tree is about 100 million years. Perhaps, I have also got out of the peach, and it is mature. I don't know if the demon monkey has to be stored?" Xiao Qingjiao said excitedly, " should be A treasure that can be better than the blood of the truth, if you take it, you can greatly improve your vitality and you can practice it directly to the condensation. "

Now Zhang Bin repairs into the peak peak, the seeds are almost not swallowing theory and the dragon energy.

Just slowly change, but, sometimes it will swallow a little true or dragon and dragon blood energy.

It is necessary to comprehensively absorb and refine the immortality of the seeds, and it is a successful cultivation to the condensation.

However, if you can take the magical heaven and earth drug such as , the seed will certainly change immediately.

Rui becomes a congenital spirit of the horror vitality!

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