The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1010, see also strong spinach

"Hahaha ..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin has no excitement.

Because if this is the case, the treasure that Sun Kung is hide is definitely not small.

As long as you get the book in the sky, you can enter the secret room, get the treasure hide by Sun Wukong.

Then it is definitely the world.

Zhang Bin is looking forward to the ultimate and is eager to get the ultimate.

He hated that the planet going to the migration of the golden civilization immediately, got the book of the Tiandou, and came back to open the treasures left by Sun Wukong.

"The master is happy because of the peach tree."

"The master, as long as she eats peach, it is estimated that I can get rid of. Can you not happy?"

"We eat peach, the flying estimates are not problematic, then we have to go to the fairy in the fairy with the master, and save the monkeys."

Three teasing also watched the peach on the tree, muttered in his mouth.

It's hard, Zhang Bin wakes up from the beautiful YY realm.

He immediately took out two figures and arranged in this valley.

Tell the method of Pengwanli and Peng Qianli manipulated aircraft.

He also arranged a transfer array in the water curtain hole.

Then he went out of the valley and tarable tens of thousands of best.

Now Zhang Bin clearly understands that the trees on the mountain are high to terrible.

Most have a long life.

Even the life of nearly 100 million years.

However, they can't be considered a tree demon.

They only know that instinctively attacks creatures, there is no wisdom.

And this area is two Dapeng's sites, and there is no too powerful monster dare to enter.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's cultivation of the aura, there is no fear, it is also easy.

Zhang Bin buried 30,000 pool of Lingshi under the peach tree.

The two Dapeng three days of water is told.

After the first water was poured, the treasure tree that was lush in the city was even more spiritual.

The leaves are in Ying Ying's green rays, it seems like real jade, too beautiful and charming.

99 peaches have also happened some small changes, and the fluffs are not dancing, and it seems very happy.

The through gas also has a variety of changes, with a shallow purple.

Undoubtedly, that purple is Hongmeng Ziqi.

"The best Lingshi only has a fairy world, and cultivating the world is a magical ability. The peach will be mature in advance." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

In view of the importance of peach, Zhang Bin is still a bit unhearted, but also taught the Golden Tianshi to two Dapeng.

The Golden Tiantian is very magical, not only people can practice, and pets can also practice.

Zhang Bin once taught the Golden Tianshi to Xiao Qian Huang Xiaoxuanzi, etc. All pets, and the pets' defensive ability has been greatly improved.

"Thank you master ..."

Peng Wanli and Peng Qianli grateful to Zhang Bin, thank you.

Because they feel that the Golden Tianshi is too magical, you can make them stronger faster.

Such a good master, where are you going?

Hold the owner's thighs must not be put on.

Zhang Bin is going to fly away from the corner of the snake king. Peng Qianli is shouting: "The owner, our children will have to hatch it immediately, and also ask the owner to name."

"How long is it right?"

Zhang Bin stopped and asked curiously.

"It will hatch over half an hour."

Peng Qianli said.

Zhang Bin didn't go, and three teasings are here to talk about it.

After waiting for half an hour, there were two eggs to break, and the two Xiaopeng climbed out.

There are two pounds of multiple, chubby, look extra love.

Zhang Bin can't get it.

Three teasing is also very excited.

I rushed to hold two Xiaopeng in the arms.

Have fun.

Zhang Bin took a detailed inspection and found it was a mother.

He said: "The public is called Peng Baili, and the mother is called Pengzi."

"If you have added Xiaopeng, what is it?"

Three teasing are stunned, watching Zhang Bin, looking at Zhang Bin, watching the monster, and asked Ma Ri Fei.

"Pengjiu Li, Peng Bayi ..."

Zhang Bin said with a smile.

Three teasings plus two Dapeng were fainted.

Even Fengfei is darkly glated in his heart. Fortunately, he has taken his name before, otherwise, the name of the owner gives me is estimated to be a bee five miles, which is too scary.

Zhang Bin also used theory to give two Xiapeng to the body.

And Peng Wanli has already arrested a big snake, starting to feed the snake meat to eat two Xiaopeng.

Two Xiaopeng wolf swallowed, a very healthy look.

Zhang Bin did not stop here again.

Gourd into the gourd with three tendes.

I posted a hidden console on the gourd and drove the gourd.

Of course, Fengfei turned into a small bee, along with the front.

Otherwise, Zhang Bin himself, can not quickly go out.

After all, the red fog is too strong, covering everything.

There are still two bone dragons in the sky, exudes the permanent pressure and momentum of incomparable terror.

However, Zhang Bin is not very afraid.

Because Xiaoyin's defense is even more powerful than the .

Because Zhang Bin went to the Dragon Palace twice, but not only absorbed some dragon, but also quenched in the dragon blood, Xiaoqing wandered and refined the energy of some dragon blood.

Of course, the bone dragon has noticed Fengfei, but it did not attack at all.

Therefore, in the air of Fengfei, Zhang Bin fly out of the mountains slowly.

I also flew over the mountain river.

Come to the area of ​​flying blood ants.

I don't know what kind of reason, let the horses and flying blood ants live together, and hidden in the soil.

" ... how did a strong spinach appeared?"

Zhang Bin suddenly issued a surprised voice.

Because he found out, how did you have a strong spinach, once again grow a strong spinach.

"There are still a few spinach over there?"

Zhang Navy's eyes pointed to another direction.

Zhang Bin and the other two teasing eyes glanced over.

Sure enough, the far-sighted green spinach is long, it looks vibrant.

"How can this be?"

Zhang Bin is completely stupid. To know, strong spinach is a super magical world of heavens. You can make the monks gain a strong ability.

It is difficult to cultivate it.

Because strong spinach must absorb dragon blood can be long.

In the past, this area, only a strong spinach in the district.

And there are nearly billion years of history.

In other words, there are still few large spinach among the hundreds of years.

A thick brilliance, Zhang Bin, rushed to hover in the sky, and even the bone dragon on the sky, but he also received a gourd.

After all, it is already particularly dangerous.

Flying blood ants are very powerful.

The horn snake is more powerful.

One is not careful, Fengfei is to be injured.

How to give Zhang Bin to get Fengye injured? What a beautiful fairy is that Fengfei is!

In this way, Zhang Bin has a greater discovery that the flourish ants occupied, and the ranges have grown out some strong spinach.

How to have nearly 100 pieces.

"This must be cultivated, not born at the same time." Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, "Is it, the dragon blood is banned, there is another monk? Or a strong monster, know how to cultivate heaven and earth medicine?"

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