"Heaven, are you letting Yuan Baby Master help me?"

Gauss is excited, and it is worried about saying: "However, the employment of the Yuan Ying's initial in the early days there is no necessarily to withstand the horror pressure."

"Little corner, you come over ..."

Zhang Bin smiled and shouted.

It is still in the small corner of Liu Ruomei to play Liu Ruo Mei, and fly over the sky.

"Little corner, you send you to a place, listen to the command of Gauss, kill a big bad guy, then transfer it back, know?"

Zhang Bin pressed low voice.

The powerful strength of the small corner is strong, absolutely can be satisfied than the proposed babies.

Moreover, the little horns and soul are also very powerful.

Of course, you can withstand the horror pressure of Star.

In fact, he really wants himself to send past to help Gora.

However, StarCraft is not a joke, but he still worried that he can't bear it.

Because of its own body, it is still far less than a small corner.

In addition, I have not cultivated to the small tree, and the furious defense ability is not too strong.

Therefore, the small corner will be insured.

"Yes, the master."

Little corners looked at Gauss on Zhang Bin, excitedly said.

It is very happy, because it can finally do things for the owner.

"What is the pet? Is it very powerful?"

Gaussian is stunned, I can't believe my ear and eyes.

"It is called a small corner, my strongest pet, there is a full strength to kill the small tree." Zhang Bin said faintly, "the initial stage of killing, the small dishes."

"The cowhide blows to the sky, the ghost is only a letter?"

Gauss, where is the letter, so small snake?

Zhang Bin did not have a Gauss, and immediately transferred the small corner.


Gaussian estate underground miraculing chamber.

Light up a touch of white rays.

Then, the small corner appears as ghost.

Even, the little corner doesn't know that this is another planet.

It flew out of the transfer array, and fell on the palm of Gao Sony. I used to talk about it. "You are Gauss? Let me find that person, I have to go back, the air here is too bad." I don't like it. "

The air of Xuanwu is certainly can't be compared with the Golden City.

After all, there is still no more plants, and pollution has not been completely purified.

"Little corner, you check it first, is there any discomfort?"

Gauss is worried about.

It is obviously worried that the small angle is hurt.

After all, the pressure of StarCraft is extremely horrible.

After many small tree monks, they may be injured and need to be recovered for a few days.

"What will I don't have?" Little Hou suddenly looked at Gasto, even the fool, even, he doubted that the brain of Gauss had a problem.

Is this the legendary and human fool?

"This, I am very far from your hostess, it is very easy to get huge, so it is easy to hurt." Gao Si was seriously explained.

"I will be injured? You are too fun."

The little corner said proudly, "Don't worry, go."

"Little corner, I will tell you, the man has a very powerful armor, that is the Chinese magic weapon, hard to hard ... What is your special ability? What is the ability to do?" Gauss is very afraid of death. I don't understand the details of the small corners, where do you dare to kill now?

"Tao Fa? Ability? What is it?" Gao Si sudden.

"Lying in the trough, don't even have the attack Dao law, don't you master it?

Gao San suddenly.

"I really don't master the road law and abilities."

Little corner.

Gauss also queried in detail, but the door was rugged.

And very urgent.

Gauss took the door, and a servant said in a horror: "Young master, not good, not good. Tori has a few masters to visit ..."

Of course Tori is the spread of the Gaosi Manor's idea.

Gauss's face became pale, "Zhang Bin, this time, I rely on your pet, don't let me down, otherwise, I can only turn into a body."

He went out uneasy.

Of course, the little horns are wrapped around the Gaussian fingers, it looks a ring.

Into the hall.

Gauss's face has floated the color, and the sweat is out of the forehead.

Because Tori has two masters.

These two masters are also strong than the Tori, which is cultivated to the median.

Obviously his estimate is wrong, Tori is not a scaffina without any roots.

"Hahaha ... Gauss, I am very happy to see you."

Tori sat in the host hall, two masters stood behind him, they all looked at Gauss in the same way.

"Tori, do you have anything?"

Gauss is a bit fear.

"Hey ... Actually, I will come to send you to the way. Who will make you cultivate a manor such as cultivation?"

Tori smiled and said.

"Are you not afraid of law sanctions?"

Gao Sheng was very annoying, where did he have seen this kind of person who makes the manor?

Also directly than the robber.

"Sanction of the law? Hahaha ... It's so ridiculous, you are a scaff that doesn't have any foundation. Kill you, there is no trouble. And your manor is owned by me, because you will write a transfer agreement Give it to me, you will be handked, as for you to sell the manor, where to go, who will manage? "Tori smiled.

"You are very poison ..." Gao Si is shaking, "Do you think you have to eat me?"

"Hahaha ... Yes, eat you, I have been investigating you for half a year, you don't have any roots." Tori laughed, "Do you say that you are arranged on a plate? Do you have not discovered that the ball is stopped Yet?"

Gauss is of course furnished in its own estate.

However, now he discovers that the ball can't be running, it seems that there is no energy.

"How did you do it?"

Gaussi said.

"Hey ... Young master, I took out the spirit of the ball." The servant who just knocked on the door whispered, "Because Tori will give me a huge wealth."

"How are you so stupid? It is actually betrayed me, don't you know that he will kill people?"

Gauss is almost vomiting blood.

"I have a big job, how can he kill me, he will continue to make me a servant, manage the manor."

The servant said that he said.

"Gauss, now you can die, see if you contribute a so good manor, I will allow you to commit suicide. Give you a whole body." Tori said.

"Let me commit suicide, be your Qingqiu Dream." Gao Si is said, "If I don't have a self-policy ability, how can I make an estate? So, you are best to leave immediately, then I can do it. Otherwise You must die here today! "

(Five chapters sent, begging to recommend tickets.)

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