The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1024 Terrorism is useless

"Yes, I will regret that there is no early killing you."

There was a singularity in the hands of Gu Chuan, smiled and shouted. In your way, take all the treasures, I promise to spare you. "

Others are old, and of course there is also a hand.

This symbol is his largest card.

And so, actually in delaying time.

I hope that Liu Sheng invincible can recover quickly.

As far as Liu Sheng invincible terrorist strength, it can certainly be defeated.

Just now Liu Sheng invincible is no preparation, was successful by Zhang Bin's sneak attack.

"Send you to the road ..."

Zhang Bin shouted and shouted, he suddenly took a hand.

The flying sword in the finger is taken out.

This is a flying sword belonging to Guichuan.

" ..."

The flying sword is broken, the speed is like electricity.

With a moment of destroying everything.

"Stop me ..."

Gu Chuan is crazy, working hard and flying swords.

However, the flying sword can't stop because of the power of horrible, it can't stop, and continue to shoot in his eyebrow.


Gu Chuan shouted.

I will inspire the horses in my hand.

The inquiry just spoke, he felt the eyebrow pain, then the back is also a pain.

Blood broke out.

He understood that his head was taken by his flying sword.

However, he still didn't die, the soul flew out of the moon flop, fled into the yuan baby, Yuan Ying flew out.

The grievances shouted: "You will die all!"

That person is really different.

It turned a simple sword in an instant.

Explosion is incomparably sharp.

Let the world tremble.

Let the world have lost color.

The strange gas machine is also dead, and Zhang Bin is killed, and Zhang Bin feels that there is no possibility of escape.


The sound is screaming, scratching space.

The sword, with a murderous, and widen to Zhang Bin's head.

Gurch and Liu Sheng invincible faces have been laughed.

All three tence faces were full of horror.

Because they found that they were like a nightmare.

Why can't you move?

"God Red Day, give me ..."

Zhang Bin has continued to stand like a mountain, and his face has a thick laugh.

Among his two eyes, a series of red days suddenly shot.

With the sky, the momentum is on that sword.

"Bang Bang Bang ..."

The horrible voice sounded, as if the sky was down.

The red light is also taken, and there is a blood red.

Impact waves impact on four sides. It has become a huge horrible mushroom cloud.

This momentum is really horrible.


The rumored sword is really not simple. It turned out a passage in hard studies, cutting the energy of the rolling.

Then bring a murderous murder to Zhang Bin.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Bin was anger, and his hand had a too clear cone, and it turned a few hundred times in an instant.

He slammed too clearly the king of the swing on the sword.


Super loud sound sounded, real shocked.

The spark is also splashing high.

Zhang Bin felt that a horrible power came from, and his two hands were split.

He also retired after standing.

However, that a sword has also been greatly shock.

The inch is broken, and it is chemical into a bit of white rays, and the smoke is disappeared.

Such a horrible sword, did not hit Zhang Bin.

This is simply an incredible thing.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

The fire of the horrible shock wave shocks, the Yuan Ying, who is rolling, and the .

His face is full of shock, and it is not dare to confuse.

Liu Sheng, which is finished, has been looked at the eyes, and the chin is almost dropped.

They clearly know that this sword is produced in the early stage of the advice.

Seal the full hit of the early monk of the admonity.

But there is no boy who can kill a juvenile that only cultivates the golden Danfeng.

What is this juvenile? What is the power?

"Guichuan, now you can go to the road."

Zhang Bin's face floated the cold laugh, his two eyes were angry.

Once again, two rounds of heavenly fire broke out, and the pen brought to Yuan Ying in Guichuan.

How can he let him go such an enemy?

It must be completely killed thoroughly.

"Space solidification ..."

Changsheng invincible angrily shouted, used a magical space road.

The space road is really terrible, cultivated to the ultimate, and even cultivate space collapse and blade.

That is simply destroying everything.

In the nine dazzling and the magic swallowing, he cultivated this trick.

Liu Sheng is invincible, of course, is not so powerful, but the space of the space he has applied is still very powerful.

In an instant, Zhang Bin shoted in the red day of the sky, and even went to the slightest.

Even Zhang Bin secretly surprised that this opaque island expert actually cultivated the space road to the way?

Do you have imprisoned his God Red Day?

"Ha ha ha ... kid, today you are dead."

The Yuan Ying of Gu Chuan made a proud laugh, and his face was also a ferocious color.

"Kid, just sneaked me, I didn't have to prepare. I ate a small loss." Liu Sheng invincible a look and proudly, "But now I am going to I will repair you, you still put your cultivation Say the practice. Otherwise, I can only find it from your body. "

"Two two more ..."

"I don't know what to live ..."

"It's still stupid than pigs."

Three teases look at the two people like the dead, and smiled and shouted.

"Heaven, I can live, I can't live in." Zhang Bin also said coldly. "I still want to stay in your life. After all, there is no hatred. But, since you want to kill me, you can only send you Go on. "

"Kid, you are tone. Don't you know, my Master is a mid-term monk in Yuan Ying? You are in his eyes, you can kill." Guichuan's Yuan baby smiled and shouted .

"Kid, you have to kill me? Come, you can kill."

Liu Sheng invincible smiled and shouted, and his eyes were also shot, and the bouldering of the cold.

"I haven't seen you in the world, I have never seen anything like this."

Zhang Bin said.

"Master, he is always bored, you will become all."

"They parked in this place, just see that the wind is very good here, waiting here to die."

"Hey, this is the legendary death, I finally saw it."

Three teasing smirked at the same time.

(Five chapters sent, ask for recommendations, thank you.)

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