The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1026 Teenagers Eat Tie Nails

On the sky, a huge white cloud is slowly flying.

Zhang Bin and three teasings are sitting on white clouds, greedily look at the scenery below.

It is already winter.

Many places are snowing, and the snowy snow is raised, and it is covered with the heavens and the earth.

It looks like a dream.

The earth has also become white.

Qingshan also covered with snow, from above, can't see green water in Qingshan.

Only the same snow is like a quilt.

"It's too beautiful, it is too moving."

"We are really like gods, see such beautiful scenery, too cool."

"Beauty is beautiful, but the weather becomes too cold, the beauty will wear, and you can't show up the beautiful figure."

Three teasing shouted in excitement, the last talking Ma Rufei successfully shifted the topic to the beauty.

This has become their habits. In the last talk, you will inevitably connect the topic to the beauty.

This is called three sentences.

Of course, they also expect Zhang Bin to take them to pick up the girl immediately, this is actually reminding Zhang Bin ...

"Three teases that are unharvable."

Zhang Bin shook his head in his heart, it was really crying.

However, he still knows clearly, three teasing is not a bad person, just a colored point.

Bullying or tune women's things they disdain.

However, once they see the beauty, their courage is very big, they will go to.

Then I look forward to what the beauty is awkward.

If the beauty is ignive to them, then they will use the farewell move, that is, money.

Take the cash from the space ring, until the beauty promises or beautiful women.

Of course, they have another move, such as boasting their cannons.

They don't know what is love.

It will not be emotionally for women.

It is simply three big bastards.

Finally, Zhang Bin took three teasing to land on an inconspicuous town.

The town covered by the snow is really beautiful.

"Master, is there a beautiful woman here?"

"Master, we still go to the big city to pick up the girl?"

"Go directly to Swan City." Swan is the capital of Bai Swan, the real beauty is like a cloud. "

Three teasing shouted a bit disappointing.

"Shut up." Zhang Bin said coldly, "Not to pick up the girl, but there is something else."

"In addition to picking up, what else is there?"

Three teasings are completely dumbfounded, I can't believe their ears.

They know clearly that Zhang Bin has never been there. Bai Swan.

This is the first time Zhang Bin, how can I come like this?

Zhang Bin did not explain.

He walked into the grocery shop, said with fluent white swan language to say: "Uncle, what is the place?"

Undoubtedly, Zhang Bin is a white swan to the Star Language School.

"Pu? He lives ..."

The grocery store is detailed, Zhang Bin, four people, and found that they are not bad people, only to say the address of the Putu.

"Thank you." Zhang Bin took out a hundred yuan of the renminbi to give the boss, turn it away, but he suddenly turned back, smiled: "Right, Pu Hao also likes to eat iron nails?"

"Ha ha ha ... Pu Wei's rabbit scorpion, I used to steal my iron nails. However, I didn't do this. He changed to stealing the iron track. Almost being caught by the police."


Zhang Bin slammed, and didn't ask more, with three teasing to go to the Putong family.

"Master, how do you know that there is a Pu? He actually eats iron nails and railroad tracks?"

Ma Rufei asked very curiously.

The rest of the other functions have floated and curious.


Zhang Bin was slowly walking and explained faintly.

It turned out that the gemmour or Galina told him.

Who is Galina?

Of course, Zhang Bin is a white swan girl who knows at the last hero auction.

That time, if it was not a small lily of wild, then Galina also made Zhang Bin's woman.

However, because Garyna wants Zhang Bin's contact information, she has always contacted her with Zhang Bin.

The two are chatting from time to time, and even video calls.

A few days ago, Zhang Bin told Galina to go to the country ...

Galiña is very surprised, and there is a fun thing to say.

That is about Pu.

Gali Na is also growing up in this town, and naturally knows this geeks.

Pu Yi is an orphan, it is difficult to grow up.

However, he and the average person are different, because he can do not eat food, just eat steel.

So, what he is looking for scrap iron, or stealing the neighbor's iron pot knife iron nail.

All were eaten by him.

Ordinary people must not understand.

However, Zhang Bin listened, he understood that ten eight nine, Pu Wei is a natural metal abilities.

Such a person is the top genius of cultivation, and it is also a furnace that is Jiu Xuan once looking for.

If the Jiu Shout has not fallen, it is like this, it may really take only ten years, you can practice to the peak of the flying.

Therefore, Zhang Bin came to see and plan to pay too clearly.

That will be a super powerful master in the future.

"When is the trough, is it a metallic abilities?"

"God, the metal is so powerful?"

"The metallic abilities are really peerless geniuses? Then the girl is not too easy?"

Three teasing shouted shouted, and their faces were also envied and jealous.

They also understood that the three people were not bad, but they still can't compare with those top genius.

For example, Yang Xiong, only 11 years old is strong to terrible situations, stronger than them.

Even, they tried to join hands, and now it is difficult to defeat Yang Xiong.

Didn't think of this, this is not a small town, there is a genius.

That too clear, don't you have a monster?

And is it suppressed their monsters?

"The natural metallic abilities are very rare, and our Hua Guo has so many people, but also has not been found." Zhang Bin said seriously, "such abilities are terrible, they can manipulate the metal and make an incomparably horrible Attack. Even, their body can also be metallized, the defensive ability is super strong. Therefore, metal abilities are a strong powerful ability. If you learn to practice the secret law, it is so strong. " Zhang Bin explained.

For a few days ago, he really used the name of Dao Zhizhen to find a metallic genius.

His purpose is of course not to give Jing Jiu Shun looking for a furnace.

Instead, it will hide it, secretly cultivate.

The other disciples were not found.

Jing Jiu Xiaoxun also can't get this furnace.

But it is not looking for one.

Finally, Zhang Bin came to the front of the Putu family, Zhang Bin's face suddenly changed!

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