The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1030 of the sly old ghost (first more)

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Just after a moment, the people in Kunlun spread from the sky and landed in front of Zhang Bin.

He said in a surprised: "Jing Jiu Hyun is still alive? How is this possible?"

"of course it's true……"

Zhang Binfei explained quickly.

"Really cattle, really is the old ghost, the peak of the peak." Kunlun said, "The space is chaotic, it is very dangerous, the soul enters it, it will basically collapse, completely fallen. But His soul can actually be safe, this is not luck, but a powerful strength. "

"What strength? Just luck, if it is not a space crack to swallow his blue fire, just controlled by his deputy soul, used to protect your body, early death in the space, and the Magic Dou is also the same The reason, there is a green body, and escape the space in the space. "Zhang Bin's two eyes shot the light of wisdom.

"To pair, you analyze it. It is worthy of top genius, wisdom is super." The people in Kunlun admire, "He was not found soon. Your luck is very good. And his life is also It's not strong, I went to find it, perhaps you can find him, as our current strength, I will kill him like a dog. "

"Then, please, I monitor him above, he can't escape the square round."

Zhang Bin said confident.

Soon, the people in Kunlun sneaked into the dirt, and the search is Since Jiu Xuan.

As for Zhang Bin, it was the air, and the huge knowledge was released, and inserted finely.

In addition, rabbits also invade the satellites of Bai Swan, monitor this place in detail.

Zhang Bin's reasoning does not sneak into the dirt, it is worried that it is secretly decided.

Jing Jiu Xuan suddenly sneaked with blue fire, he really can't resist.

Maybe it will be ash immediately.

"Be sure to kill this old devil."

Three teasing anger is also an angry, all shouting in your heart.

Unfortunately, things are willing to violate.

After approximately half an hour, the people in Kunlun came up, and there was no jague on his face.

Zhang Bin felt the situation, flew down, and said: "Didn't find it?"

The people in Kunlun threw a conveyor of the ordinary railroad rail to the ground, and said that "Zhen Niu force, so many years, I didn't admire anyone. But, Jing Jiu Xiaoxun is let me admire He has already prepared it, and he dug a hole in the ground, and put a simple transfer array in the hole, and the transfer fled. "

"It's amazing, it is really powerful, it is a nine dazzling."

Zhang Bin also said.

You know, there is only three days of time, but he has already discovered that it is ready to escape.

What old is this?

It is a old ghost that lives for 3 million years.

"I see him is scared by the master."

"He is afraid of death, countless."


Three teasings are unconfaciated, and they have repeatedly said.

"You don't really don't serve." Zhang Bin said, "He just won, what is the treasure. What is the difficulty of refining the transfer array? But he did it."

He mastered the horrible blue fire, but because there was no firing with the body, he did not derive strong spiritual power, so he was a transfer array of ordinary iron blocks, only once. " The people in Kunlun also added that "In order to refine a few conveyance arrays, find scrap iron everywhere, spend such a big energy, really not ordinary people can do it."

"If he did not arrange the delivery, this time is absolutely no living. This is wisdom, it is his greatness." Zhang Bin said seriously, "So, in the future, Jiu Xuan is more difficult to deal with. To completely kill He is not easy. "

"He is another sly, that is, a light commander, how can it?"

Ma Rufei said that he did not accept it.

"Yeah, yeah, he is alone, we don't have to fear him at all."

"We are so powerful too clear the door, so many experts, still afraid?"

Chen Chao Yue and Zhang Haijun also said very uncomfortable.

"If you encounter him, how do you deal with him?"

Zhang Bin looked at them and said coldly.

"Of course, run, the faster you run."

Ma Rus is out of mouth.

In addition, two teasings also todped up.

"Not bad."

Zhang Bin's face revealed satisfactory smile, encountering Jing Jiu Xuan, the only way is to run.

Because Jingjiu has a blue fire body, Zhang Bin has no way to kill him, and three teasings will have no ability.


The people in Kunlun are smiling, and the face is also exposed a bad expression.

Obviously, he also knows that three teasing is a bit funny.

"Old man, what are you laughing? If I have you so powerful, of course, I will not run."

Zhang Haigu actually not afraid of Kunlun.

"I laugh at your ridiculous place."

The people in Kunlun did not be angry. After smiling, I took my eyes on Zhang Bin's face, "Zhang Bin, how do you plan?"

"Please pay attention to it, if you are in the Jiu Xuan, how will I retaliate me?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.

Kunlun people are also flying, but only only cultivate into the initial stage.

It is better to be a good night.

However, he is the closest master.

His way of thinking may be similar to that.

"The nine dazzle most of the soul energy is killed, only two legs left, and many days in the spatial chaos. There will be no lots left." Kunlun said, "plus He is a harvest, to completely restore strength, it takes ten years to do not even. As he cautious people, there will be no more people who are not sure. So, he will have been cultivating the peak peak, there is absolutely grasp, Will find you to retaliate. "

"If this is the case, it is really trouble. He can restore it to the peak of the flying in ten years. Do you have a good thing? The priority of the dragon pulse said that the cultivation is impossible to go to the sky. One step is also a false image, it is impossible to become a giant. "Zhang Bin's brow deeply got deep, muttered:" Is there any What is the way to retaliate in advance? "

"That's too difficult, if you don't know that he is resurrected, then he may take a risk to attack you. But you already know, it will be ready. He attacked you, or attacked your loved ones, it is likely Just step into the trap. It is equal to yourself to die. After all, he now, only a number of yuan baby monks who have mastered the space of the space to join hands, imprisonment space, let him sink into the ground, then use similar to Your God Red Day attack method or yellow Thunder attack, you can kill. Or arrange the ball, lead him into. Use the power of the blast, can also kill easily. "Kunlun said," He clearly knows Weakness. Will n't be so unhappy. "

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