The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1039 This is a skill (tenth more)

"Yeah, yeah, let him come over, if he has friends, bring it."

In addition, two beautiful women were also surprised and expected.

Obviously, they also hope to make a very powerful boyfriend.

It is best to be a teenager that is the same as Ming Yi.

That's cool.

"Amount ... this situation is not right."

Three teasings are a bit depressed, to tell the truth, Xi, Xi Yi, Bun Yun is a universal rare beauty, just Ai Galina.

They are full of it can be soaked.

However, now actually peaks to turn.

They also know very strong monks.

In addition, I remembered that Zhang Bin and what they said, the monks of Bai Sang State were very powerful, and there was no less than Hua Guo.

Let them don't cause trouble.

They are even more depressed.

The board is standing behind Zhang Bin.

There is also no desire to talk.

Zhang Bin is still a little smile, as if something is nothing happened.

Even, he also enjoyed such a scene.

He tasted his heart and felt.

Refining can't bury, you must understand life.

Real genius, they can understand the cultivation of cultivation from the usual life trivial matter.

Realize the true meaning of the real repair.

Encover a special way.

Zhang Bin is now not lacking in genius, nor does it lack the practice of cultivation.

Not lack of talents.

He is lacking is life experience, lack is sentiment.

So, now this scene, he is with your heart.

Even, he felt that the West is just looking for a best opportunity, let her boyfriend began, and he took over Galina boyfriend.

Let three beautiful colleagues envious and embarrassed.

This is a show, a silent and interesting.

"The cultivation is also the same, attack the enemy, isn't it to find the best opportunity? I am destroyed the magic door and the nime, not to find the best opportunity, successful? In the future, I have to deal with the nine dazzling and the magic gate It is also necessary to grasp the opportunity. Even if there is no good opportunity, it is necessary to create a good opportunity. Do I not create a chance? Give the Kunlun people, the dragon marrow, improve his strength. I also let Jiang Xue work hard to practice Dragon, even, I have to take Jiang Xue to the dragon blood quench, strong her body and soul ... This is in order to deal with strong and enemies create a good form and opportunity ... "Zhang Bin fell into a strange The realm of the enlightener.

West, if she started calling, her face showed more proud colors.

Soon, she finished the phone, and said, "He said that he took a small affairs. He came over and would bring a few teachers. I said, I have a good opportunity. His brother is there without him. Strong, but it is also a super genius monk. For the monks like them, money is no longer in the eye. They will cultivate a spirit, that is, billions or billions of rice ... "

Achilled and Babyb are excited to the extreme and excited.

They give each other to deal with each other, comb.

It also takes out the small mirror from the bag, and bowes fine.

In fact, they are now dressing now, and now it is perfect.

Really make any man's heart.

Especially Galina, is a peony like a hundred flower kings.

It looks beautiful to the ultimate.

However, Garyne did not envy Xi Xi.

Because she is not very clear about Zhang Bin's strength, she knows that Zhang Bin is a strong monk.

It will not be too much like a boyfriend.

She snuggled with the little bird in Zhang Binhuai, and her face was full of expectations.

I look forward to the Wuxi's boyfriend, and you can deal with Hans's retaliation.

Things have passed.

She can have two people in the world with Zhang Bin.

In this year, she has chatted with Zhang Bin in the network, and she has already determined the relationship between men and women.

Therefore, she did she dared to kiss Zhang Bin in the majestic public.

" ..."

The broken sound sounded, and the three white light flew rapidly.

It is three girlish boy.

They wore a red samurai service, and the sword flew.

It seems that it is handsome and handsome.

"It is a monk of Yu Jianfei. Is it a boyfriend in front?"

Xi Yi and Babyb have been shocked to the extreme, and the hot light is shot among the eyes.

Just a blink of an eye, three teenagers landed in the west.

"Ming Yi, you are coming ..."

Xi Ru immediately pulled the hand of the first boy, introduced it to the two sides, "This is my colleague Galina, Xi Yi, Barbun ..."

Ming Yi is a proud color, just gaining Zhang Bin, four people, no longer paying.

However, he is very enthusiastic about three beautiful women, and smiling and introducing his two brothers.

A named Daxv, a name called Wicke.

All are only 22 years old, all cultivated to Jindan peaks.

As for Mingyi, it is also 22 years old. Of course, Jin Dan is a full master.

At the end, he also said: "There are more than 6 billion people in the world. However, it is necessary to cultivate it to my two brothers in the age of 22, and there is not much. In today's world, they are absolutely ranked first ten Genius. "

This is forcing skills.

He has no sentence to praise himself, but since two teachers who have to be low than him can enter the world's genius 10, is he not a few days of genius?

Therefore, the face of the West is full of pride, full of excitement and excitement, of course, is also full.

At this moment, she felt that it was extremely comfortable.

It is also a swept away from the beauty of Galina's beauty.

"God, they actually so talented?"

Xi Yi and Babyb are beautiful, and the face has a strong worship.

Love heroes since ancient beauty.

They are the top beauty of Bai Swan, and they have received too much attention and pet from small.

So, they have a high demand for their boyfriend.

I can't see my average person.

However, I saw three juvenile Yu Jian's heroic, and they naturally believed that they were not blowing, it is a rare cultivation of the world.

"Nima, it is really much better than us."

"I must try hard to practice quickly to Jin Dan."

"In front of me, I can't stand it, I must become strong ..."

Three teasings have been greatly excited, one by one is unganimately shouting.

"It's a great advantage that I have been walking away. I have been exciting three times, and I will have a huge potential, and I will not think about picking up every day ..."

Zhang Bin glanced at the three times of the Tarra, but the eyes of the eyes were in the heart.

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