The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1043 feels true

"Wenwu, you are so good. I love you."

Gali Na is big, send a kiss, enthusiasm.

So the two began to be hotly lingering.

One night passion.

One night.

The next morning, because of the rain to nourish, and taking Chang Qing Dan, it seems more and more beautiful Galina, and it has become more and more and more beautiful, and Babun is going to work.

They are beautiful flight attendants.

It is still very easy to go to work.

When they walked, my face was full of happiness.

Because, last night, they really had a very happy, and they have never been so happy.

On the road.

Xiyi also said: "As, don't you talk to a boyfriend? How come the bed last night?"

"Ming Yi is also I know, and I have went to bed with him. He didn't give me a promise. In fact, it is not a boyfriend." Xiru is a bit awkward.

"Is the horse to give you a promise?"

Barbun asked curiously.

"They have already had a wife, or there is an object. Don't expect." Xirui smiled. "However, Ma Ru Fei is better than Ming Yi, his ability is so strong, tomorrow, I will come back tomorrow, I I have to find him ... "

" ... ..."

The seats and Babyb also smiled.

Because they have the same feeling.

"The strongest or my man Zhang Wenwu. I am happy to die." Galina was embarrassed in my heart, "the best is also him, because he is going to be his woman, and willing to let me give him life child."

"He also gave me this."

Xi Ruyi took a check.

Two beautiful women immediately showed a look, showing the sound: "God, one million meters?"

"You don't even call your little, they also give you so much!"

Western said.

"how do you know?"

Two beautiful women doubtful.

"They are good friends, the way they act is estimated."

Western said.

Two beautiful women also took a smile, and took out a ticket for one million meters, proud.

Inspiring, they all fell on the face of Galiña, and asked curiously: "Galina, what is he gave you?"

"He gave me the most precious thing - true love!"

Gallina's face is full of happiness, writing full of love, and is full of happiness.

"Real love? Give a geometry? Is there a precious case?"

Three beautiful women did not.

Of course, they did not say this.

They are very happy, very happy, very happy.

Soon, they became the most beautiful scenery on the road.

Soon, they also became the most beautiful flight attendant on flights.

Many passengers will reverse.

Enter benevolence, plant melon to eat beans.

What do you want to get, through your own efforts, usually you can get it.

Galina is looking forward to getting true feelings. So she got it.

Western as three beautiful women look forward to wealth, so they are all kinds of teasing, and they have gotten.

They enjoy this happiness.

Happiness may be the same.

But the realm is different.

This is Zhang Bin's sentiment, he is delivered to them, and his knowledge has been shrouded.

Now he is in the true meaning of life.

It is the mystery that practices practice.

He must be very strong and must enhance our experience and feelings.

His enemies are too powerful.

Magic, Jing Jiu Xuan, Magic Dou, Magic Devil in the Base of the Base, the black martial art in the warship, one more horrible.

The next night.

Four beautiful women in Galiña appeared again.

They have a meal together.

Then four beautiful women took them in Bai Swan City.

Xe suddenly said: "Zhang Wenwu, Galina, I heard a bad thing."

"What is bad?"

Zhang Bin, Ma Rufei is at the same time.

"I heard that Khan returned to the mountain."

Western said.

"What do you mean, Khan returns to the door to revenue?"

Zhang Bin's face has become serious.

"Today, Ming Yi found me, telling me this thing. He said that the cold door is a super powerful martial art. In our white swan country, you can take the top three. The master is like a cloud, the older master is extremely powerful Many masters of cultivating to the Yuan Baby, there are also many masters that cultivate to the fit. "Western said," He hopes that you will leave here, Haojie Auction, the World Strong Competition is also involved. "

"Ming Yi will hope I will leave you immediately." Ma Rufei said, "So scare you."

Can he do not know what Ming Yi and the West is like a dew couple?

Therefore, Ming Yi, of course, I don't want to see the West Ru and Ma Ru Feiqing, I am.

After all, the West is a super beautiful.

"Don't worry." Zhang Bin also smiled, "the symmetric monk is impossible for such a small amount of horses. The most is the first day of Yuan Ying. Our Hua Guo has also come to many masters, will arrive tomorrow. Many my friend."

"I can rest assured that."

Xiru Xiji said.

To be honest, she is really obsessed with the beauty of Ma Rufei.

Take more than one million meters, how can she have to serve many times a few times.

That conscience is.

"Wenwu, I specially invited a holiday. Specially accompany you."

Galina snuggling in Zhang Bin's arms, it seems that it is better than Tianxian.

"I also leave ..."

"me too."

"me too……"

Three beautiful women said excitedly.

"Hahaha ... That's great, we have played a place to play well."

Zhang Bin laughed.

Three teasings also made excited laugh.

This time, they can soaked so beautiful woman, it is so cool.

"Walk away ... We go to the ice lake to skate ... there is beautiful."

Galina also said excitedly.

Soon, their four pairs of couples appeared at a big mountain.

This mountain is of course outside Bai Swan.

The ice lake is located on this mountain.

Due to high sea level, it is frozen because of the four seasons a year.

It is equivalent to a natural rink.

Now is winter, of course, is a cold ice.

There are a lot of people who come to the ice lake to play.

It is rich.

Because it is not easy to come here in winter.

It's too hard to climb.

They are all use of a helicopter.

Zhang Bin, of course, no plane, it is really step forward.

Enjoy this pleasant to climb the mountain.

Just as Zhang Bin and three teases, the mountain is of course a snatch.

They respect their own lover and go straight.

One step is a few meters away.

The real stepping is no trace.

Four beautiful women are of course clear and happy, happy.

"There is an ice house here, let's take a break."

Galina pointed to the front, excitedly.

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