The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1054 is a witch or a fairy?

Zhang Bin didn't bluntly sat down at the beauty, and he breathed a fragrance of a intoxicating.

His hot spicy eyes are all on the beauty.

Her beauty makes him secretly shocked and amazed.

Such a woman is certainly famous.

However, in contrast, even the rabbits can't find her information.

"Beauty, I am Hua Guidao Zhimen Men, I would like, what is your name?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Queen Gate? I have never heard. Also, why do I tell you the name."

The beauty of the beauty of Zhang Bin and said a little indifferently.

However, her voice is really beautiful, any man heard, will feel pleasant.

So, indifferently adding some kind of charm.

"You haven't heard of the gates? What are you going out?"

Zhang Bin smashed, asked in surprise.

"How do you know that I am going out for the first time?"

The sound of the beauty is surprised and not confident.

"It's very simple, you are so beautiful, but no one knows you. Plus you don't know Dao Yi ..."

Zhang Bin said.

In this way, Zhang Bin and the universal rare beauty talk.

As Zhang Bin's bubble, there is also a super smart mind, soon, I will listen to some information about this beauty.

She is called Lin Yue, comes from a hidden door.

This hidden door never contacts the outside world.

They are working hard.

Of course, they will send people to participate in the Haojie auction, in exchange for some cultivation resources.

In fact, there are many martial arts in the world.

It also has a very powerful martial art.

In the past, Zhang Bin said that too clear the door is a hidden door, that is, because the rabbit queries, the earth has many hidden doors.

Lin Yue is just 18 years old this year, and I participated in the Haojie Auction for the first time.

"Do you come out with you in your door? They are not afraid that you encounter bad people?"

Zhang Bin asked in confused.

"Master let me start in the red dust calendar, will earn mers in the world," Lin Yue is charming, "Of course, I can only be alone. And, I am not afraid of bad people. In fact, I have proved Walk, no one hits my idea. "

Speaking here, her face has been vigilant, "Mo, you are a big bad person? Want to hit my mind?"

"It's really true! Just don't know, is it installed."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

At this time, how much he wants to have a sense of reading, reading this beautiful heart.

Because he always feels, this woman is too beautiful, it is simply a scorpion country.

How can the elders in her door can be relieved?

"Master, perhaps, her elders are in the dark." The rabbit is dark, "Just, she deliberately sits at the place nearest, a little suspicious."

"Coincidentality is also possible. After all, I am the first handsome guy, any beauty is interested, I have to close me." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

"How, are you really a bad person?"

Lin Yuejia said.

"The bad guys, the good people are all, they are not self-sealing. To see your own eyes, use your own heart to feel."

Zhang Bin said that he said such a sentence.

He got up and went back and sat in the place where he was sitting.

It seems that he is not a bit for this beauty, but only he knows that Lin Yue is very tempting to him, and it is great to let him feel the ground.

However, he is a master, of course, will not have a death in Linyue.

That will make beautiful women feel bad about him.

In addition, the fortune of the magic gate, but threatening to make him magic.

So, for strange women, he certainly be extra care.

I don't understand the origin of the beauty, he won't go to this beauty anyway.

Zhang Bin walks, and there are many men to sway in the past, all of them and the beauty of the beauty.

Just as mosquitoes have seen blood.

That's too terrible.

"If this beauty is a bad person, the world must be big, she can let the man die." Li Taiqing said in the ear of Zhang Bin, "I have a very bad sense, this woman will cause big disaster."

"You are too alarmist." Zhang Bin said, "Although I also estimate that she is not clear, although she doesn't know if she is connected with the magic gate, I feel that she is not an evil woman. My There is no response to merit printing. I didn't find a flaw and I didn't find a flaw. "

"I hope so."

Li Taiqing deeply saw the woman around the countless man, she sighed.

Yes, he felt that Zhang Bin was confused by the beauty.

So I can't see the weird and horror of this woman.

"Xiaoqian is not so fascinating, and it will not want to cover his peerless beauty."

Li Taishi squatted in his heart, but also worried about it.

Because he found that Most of Zhang Bin have attracted the past, frequently see it.

"Is it, the beauty cultivated a terrorist merit to confuse men? This kind of practice is not known?" Li Taiqing muttered, he put his eyes on Zhang Bin's face, said seriously: "Small Bin, go back, go to explore the abyss of the big Qingshan, be sure to find Xiaoqian, only she can see the origin of this demon woman. "

"Don't worry, even the nine dazzling magic swallow, I am not afraid, what is the beautiful woman who only cultivates the golden Danfeng in the area?" Zhang Bin said, "Detect abyss, I feel less than time. Because we Not very powerful. "

"It's over, Xiaobin is completely lost, and it is confused by the demon girl."

Li Taiqing is even more anxious.

Zhang Bin did paying attention to Lin Yue secretly, he hopes to see anything flaw.

However, no matter how he observed, it still can't see anything.

Instead, he found that Lin Moon is clear, and it is good.

She did not passion for any man, her indifference.

Almost ignore any man who wants him.

As long as she is not confused or tempting men, it is not a disaster, will not bring disasters to the world.

"Is there such a perfect beauty in the world? No, can't say it is a beautiful woman, you must use a fairy to describe?"

Zhang Bin's heart began to beat.

Perhaps it is a man who is surrounded by too many men, so that Lin Yue is not used to it. She stood up and came to Zhang Bin with a intoxicating fragrance. The pair of talking eyes shot incomparably clear light, projected to Zhang Bin's face, charming: "Can I sit here? I am not used to there are too many people to surround me."

"of course can."

Zhang Bin did not think about it.

"Beauty, you are sitting ..."

When I was sitting in Zhang Bin, I woke up at this time at this time, hurry out.

The rest of the two teasings are also secretly shocking. Is it just that Zhang Bin just went to the beautiful woman, just put this beauty?

"Thank you."

Lin Yue smiled in Zhang Bin, just like a beautiful beauty.

It's simply a soul.

Zhang Bin's heart leaks a shot.

Many disciples are more unbearable, most of which have flowed from nosebleeds!

(Five chapters sent, seeking tickets, not far from thirty).)

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