The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1060, Soul, Double Sword

In the hotel room, Zhang Bin sat in the small green belly.

The soul flew out and suddenly fused together, turned into a black villain, and Zhang Bin is exactly the same, but only one baby is so big.

The soul is sitting in the knee, five hearts.

Start to build a soul in the secret law in the book.

A small stony is also emitted from his soul.

Black rays are also litter.

A strange black line begins to form in the body, as with an arrow, in the body.


Zhang Bin issued a painful voice.

The pain of drill heart makes him unbearable.

"No pain No gain."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart and continued to open the soul, without any stagnation and hesitation.

Pain is getting more powerful, increasingly hard to endure.

But the soul is increasing, more and more complex.

Gradually becomes a vertical and horizontal thin line, and the soul is completely linked together.

The soul energy is also a thorough integration, and it is no longer divided.


Like thunder, the sound of the sound, the soul is big.

There is a singular music sound in the sky.

There is a colorful sky in the fall, integrating into the soul one by one.

There is a weird elf, dancing, singing.

Unparalleled mystery and weird.

The soul is also thoroughly formed, and it began to become larger, and a special space is formed in the middle.

Many black little fake cheers, excited into Zhang Bin's soul, entered the soul, flow and circulate in the soul pulse.

Each loop is a circle, the soul is to condense.

The breath that exits is powerful.

Circular 99 laps, all the elves become a singular energy.

All in the head of the soul, it has become a black liquid.

Zhang Bin's soul is also open his eyes.

The two black light is also taken out.

Extended the length of nearly three meters.

"Ha ha ha ... I finally cultivated the soul, my soul was at least ten times." Zhang Bin made a lot of exciting laugh, his face was also showing ecstasy.

The soul of the soul, forming the soul, is only true to leave the body.

From today, even if the body is destroyed, no longer exist, his soul can still exist independent, or cultivate it, because there is a soul.

Of course, we must practice the point of ghosts, but also use the practice of cultivating the ghost fairy.

Such exercises are recorded in the book and the book.

However, because the soul is strong, Zhang Bin's strength will also rise high.

The power of shredning the moon double sword will be more horrible.

"The soul is home ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, his soul, just like lightning, entered the moon palace of the right temple.

Yes, from today, his soul will not be separated.

There are two houses, that is, two months.

The extra month of the moon will even become the moon in the sky and do lighting.

Refining to the ultimate, and even flying outside the moon flop, attack the enemy.

There is a great power.

"Break the moon double sword, give me ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

The soul body is thrown in the hand of the moon.

Really like gold and silver, take out from Zhang Bin's eyes.


Two swords were killed together.

Jin Guangyin is burst, and the momentum is ity.

The world is shocked.

The space is almost collapsed.

Too much than before.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin made a satisfactory laugh, and he sharpened thirty times. Just accept the moon double sword.

Then he looked forward to the sky.

Didn't let Zhang Bin are disappointed, I will open it immediately.

Suddenly, the dark golden rays broke, the singular voice sounded.

Like Hongmeng first open, extravagant.

Zhang Bin caught in a magical realm.

After about half an hour, Zhang Bin woke up.

And the talents are also automatically closed.

Then Zhang Bin's face revealed the color, and muttered in his mouth: "How is it? How can it be? Do you have the practice of cultivating the soul? Amazing soul? "

It is to know that Magic Douu is a million-year-old year, and he still doesn't understand the secret law of the soul cultivation, thinking that in the book or the book.

Zhang Bin's understanding is very different, there is much more content.

There turned more, this kind of exercise can be cultivated to the ghosts.

However, Zhang Bin only learned the first floor of the moonlight. Is how to make the soul swallow the moonlight, so that the soul quickly turns rapidly.

In fact, it is to devour the glorious energy powerful soul.

As for the second layer, it is unknown.

"Perhaps, the faster, the speed of understanding, the more the secrets learned." Zhang Bin muttered, "So, Jing Jiu Shi got the furnace, and did not understand the first floor of the Sheng Sheng Song. Also perhaps Jing Jiu Xuan is the first time to get the soul of the Tianguo, so I can't comprehend the moonlight. After all, the first floor of the "Soul Soul" can be cultivated. And so far, Tianmian The content of the book has been all comprehended, only the first floor of the moon, can not cultivate into a ghost fairy. You must get the book and the book. "

Shake your head, Zhang Bin no longer thinks.

He is close to the knee, and thinks it for a while.

His eyes suddenly opened.


The gold and silver sword shot like lightning.

Quietly in front of Zhang Bin.

"Fusion, combination ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, and the mental force took out and quickly outlined in the air.

Gradually, a particularly complex and beautiful inquiry appeared.

This is a dark golden controversy, which is disseminated with a mysterious breath.

Explosive dark golden rays.

"Break the moon double sword, integrate ..."

Zhang Bin's fingers suddenly got out, the fusion compliment became rapid, and the moon double sword was wrapped.


Spark splash.

The moon double sword is quickly squeezed together and penetrates each other.

In the gold in the gold, there is gold in silver.

It took about twenty minutes, it was completely integrated.

It became a slap with a long-term, and a width.

The color turned into dark gold.

The surface is covered with gold and silver floral, which looks beautiful to extreme.

Murderous is also rich.

Really exudes the fierceness of the sky.

It also distributes an invincible atmosphere.

"go with……"

Zhang Bin shouted.


The moon sword is wearing empty, and it is rapidly wear in the gourd space.

The sky is a dark golden ray.

At that speed, I don't know how many times more than before ...

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