The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1088 Wars Lowtan

"Transform ..."

Yunyu and Yunkun were almost shout at the same time.

They suddenly became a tangible dragon.

The body is twisted, only listening to the sound.

It is collapsed in their space.

They immediately pulled Zhang Bin immediately, and they wanted to escape.

Unfortunately, they are only a small piece of space.

It's still hard as iron.

Now, even they have returned to Bai Swan City.

Because Lop Tour has constituted a huge closed space, wrap himself and Zhang Bin three.

So, to escape, you must break this huge housing.

"Give me ..."

Yunyu and Yunkun shouted, and the huge dragon tail was almost simultaneously smashed.

" ..."

There was a crack in the void, but it didn't break, but it quickly recovered.

"Ha ha ha ... You want to escape, how can this? Two old things, I will kill you first."

Lop Tour smiled and shouted, step by step, came to the top three.

"Killing ..."

Yunyu and Yunkun have a sharp magic weapon.

Rush up, and kill it.

Zhang Bin looked at the eyes while standing.

Gradually, his face exposed a shock color.

Because Lop Tour is too powerful.

A face is relaxed, a boxing, a foot kick out, Yunkun and Yunyu are unable to stay.

The bones are broken, and a crisp.

The mouth is also spraying blood mist, the huge dragon body is also flying out.

Send a scream.

"The big monk of the best is so powerful? Is it because of the special difference between Lowtan?" Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but it was yelling in his mouth: "The moon sword!"

His eyes are angry, the golden light is bursting, the moon sword takes a destroying the earth to blame it from his eyes.

Easily bypass the spatial cracks made by Lop Tour.

It is also easy to pass through his armor skin and muscles, and it is on his moon palace.


Looking like iron, Lop Tour is beginning to shake dramatically.

But it is not broken, and there is no crack.

It can be seen that the soul of Lopo Titan and the Moon Palace is much stronger than his son Lowns.

Despite this, Lop Tour is still a head, and the soul felt a threat of death.

Stop chestnown in the moon palace.

"God Red Day, give me ..."

Zhang Bin's eyes, burst into a red sun, crazy on the body of Lop Tour.


The explosion sounded.

The Lop Tour is not going out, and his black armor's defense is too horrible, and it is easy to resist such an explosion.

Instead, Lop Tour is awake from dizzy.

"Kid, I want to kill you ..."

Lop Tour smiled and shouted, his eyes were also stunned, and a blazing to the extreme green rays broke out.

With a cold murder, just on Zhang Bin.

The green sunlight is of course very horrible and the temperature is 100 million degrees.

The best armor can't afford it.

Although Zhang Bin's body is strong, the realm is too low, and it can't stand it.

However, Zhang Bin stood up a green shield.

Blocking the horrible green flames.

At the same time, Zhang Binnina's hiking sword took out.

" ..."

The speed is too fast.

Wink in the moon palace of Lopo Town.

Lop Tour is a painful sprint.

Faces become paleble.

Such a soul attack, if there are too many, his moon is also unable to resist.

After all, the moon and soul are his weaknesses.

Although he is strong to terrible, he is because the moon and soul are not very powerful, and they can't break through the flying.

"Killing ..."

Yunyu and Yunkun grabbed this kind of opportunity.

Crazy put the magic weapon in their paws on the body of Lopo Town.

"Boom ..."


Lopo Titan sent a scream, and the armor on his body appeared fine cracks.

The body is also flying out, hitting the space that was imprisoned.

I made a big sound.

The space is shaking, and the imprisonment is almost broken.

Yunyu and Yunkun also wanted to attack.

Zhang Bin is a voice saying: "Come back, let's go."

He can clearly feel clear through the moon.

The landscape of Lopo Titan still does not have cracks, Yunkun and Yunyu attacks have not hurt him, and there is no blood.

Obviously, they do three people to join hands and cannot defeat each other.

There is a characteristic of the moon sword, when attacking, if you encounter a super hard moon palace, it will be blind.

It is no so sharp.

Attack, can't break the other party's moon.

So, take the opportunity to escape is the best choice.

There are too many enemies in the realm, and they can't lose their faces.

It will become powerful in the future and can be revenge.


Yunyu and Yunkun fly back.

It became a humanoid.

"You all give me death."

Lowto is angry to the extreme, which is so powerful, but it is actually attacked by three weak antices? I still have a big loss yourself? Is the armor broken?

No matter what the consequences, no matter how it kill Zhang Bin will get a big pass.

He also broke the hot to the extreme green light at the same time.

Come on the sky, but it is not a bit green light.

Such a terrorist attack, even if Zhang Bin's green shield can be resistant, but the other person killed, with a near-body attack, it can be broken.

What's more, Yunyu and Yunkun can't resist, or an unknown.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin has long designed an escape plan.

In this moment, they did not see them, and they replaced them were a cyan gourd.

"Bang ..."

The horrible green light is shot on the small blue.

I sent an explosion.

Xiao Qing fly out and bathed with a hot pole.

But it is safe.

" ... good baby."

Lop Tour also sent a surprised voice, and the face was also revealed.

His right hand suddenly explored, covering the heavens and the earth, grabbing Xiaoqing.

" ..."

Xiaoqing quickly dodged.

Xiaoyu has long mastered the space law, and the speed is naturally very fast.

"Give me ..."

Lopo is shouting with a smile.

The space around the small green is imprisoned.

Xiaoqing can't escape.

"The master, it is not good, this bastard is better than me ..."

Xiaoqing's voice sounded in the abdomen.

"Don't panic. I have me."

Zhang Bin did not panic, and the merits gold printed in the Hutang broke out.

Then emit it from the mouth of the gourd.

Subjectively bombard in the space being imprisoned.

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