The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1606 self-reliance, miracle

It's hard, Zhang Bin took it back.

He walked to Susan and Jin Xiaohai, and the sound of low voice said: "If they can't catch, I will turn to us. This time, let me catch it? My luck is not bad."

He just want to confirm that the sea of ​​Dawei Star is really a water elf baby.

If you really have, then he wants to discuss the water impulse of high level.


Susan and Jin Xiaoyan, then they will bend and laugh, "You are too teasing, you are a man, how can you fish the baby?"

"Men can't catch? Why?"

Zhang Bin was united.

"The man does not have a woman's pure, the fishing elf baby is impossible. You are playing, don't disturb us. Don't speak."

Susan stopped laughing and swaying hands.

Jin Xiahai is directly, and Zhang Bin is far away. "You don't understand anything, don't mess."

Those beautiful disciples have also laughed, of course, I am not self-tempered.

"I still be self-reliant."

Zhang Bin muttered, he immediately started to act.

It quickly excavated the ordinary heaven and earth spirits and plants of dozens of water attributes.

Think fine and analyze it in detail.

He took out the Dan furnace and threw these herbs into it.

Then he released a variety of flames and started to refine.

" ... He actually alchemines? It seems still very familiar?"

Everyone is surprised.

Susan's also ran over, curiously asked: "What are you refining? What is the medicinal medicine? Can some ordinary plants and ordinary medicinal materials, can I refine?"

"I just made it."

Zhang Bin said.

"Bright refining, do you have anything to do?"

He didn't say good luck.

"Almost. I have nothing to do, it is a bit boring, so the alchemy medicine is also fishing the baby."

Zhang Bin said on one side of the alchemy.

Neurological. "

If you want to turn your head, you will go back to Susan, and you will have a low voice.

"Alchemy with ordinary plants and ordinary medicinal medicines baby?"

Susan, Jin Xiahai is also awkward, and all the beautiful faces are also coming.

Then they laughed again.

There is such a fool in the world?

Soon, an hour has passed.

Dodge didn't catch the elf baby.

So, it's a round to the Golden Gate.

The beauty disciples of the Golden Gate started dancing.

Susan began fishing, and Jin Xiahai is also a stealth ready to capture.

Zhang Bin's first furnace medicine refined.

After all, it is a new drug, and it is his homemade.

However, the second furnace is successful, but only two good people.

"Oh ... Yes, yes, it is called Xiao Shui Ling Dan."

Zhang Bin pinched the two Dan medicine, and the evil laughed.

"Kid, no, Bin brother, your medicinal medicine is made up, you can start fishing, baby, do you have a fishing rod?"

Dodge came over, whispered.

"No, have you? Borrow I use it?"

Zhang Bin said.

"My fishing rod, you are not applying like this. You still have to get follow the wooden stick."

Taoist said.

I dare to get a laughter.

"Wood stick? This suggestion is good."

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up, and the branches of a small tree made a fishing rod.

Then he fill the metallic abilities, directly condensed a wire and fishing hook.

Tied the wire on the fishing rod.

It is made of a terrible fishing rod.

Hanging the medicinal herbs on the fishing hook, he sat at the seaside and started fishing wizard baby.

I saw him serious and serious, a pair of capture.

"Sweat ... When is the Golden Gate out one such a tence?"

Dodge is stunned.

Asked the disciple of the door, I can't help but laugh, and I finished the point.

Susan's pretty face became blush, I feel very shameful, I have found a different thing. Is this innocent, or still stupid?

"I don't know him, I don't know him."

The stealth of golden sea is also shouting in your heart.

The beauty of the sword door that is dancing and singing is also a long distance from Zhang Bin. It is too shameful.


Zhang Bin's face suddenly floated, he pulled his fish.

A wizard baby that only the small goldfish on the earth is flying out of the sea.

It turned out to be translucent, the shape is a small fish.

But very aircraft, it quickly spit out the bait, and sinks to the sea.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin's speed is faster.

His left hand explored, and grabbed this elf baby in an instant.

"God, he actually caught a wizard baby? And also seized?"

Everyone is completely dumbfounded, and the face is full of not a letter.

Even, they all doubt what they are dreaming.

Zhang Bin used some ordinary medicinal herbs and plants to make a medicinal medicine, and they have caught a wizard baby?

This is simply subverting their awareness.

" ..."

Susan did not fish the baby, throw the fishing rod, and flew to Zhang Bin.

The rest of the people are slapping.

I almost didn't squeeze Zhang Bin.

"Bin brother, give me a look, give me a look."

Susan shouted excitedly, and the jade hand had taken out, grabbed Zhang Bin's hand, and the beautiful face floated on his face.

"A wizard baby, there is no use, is it worth such excited?"

Zhang Bin slammed, in fact, after he intends to determine that it is the baby's baby, put it back to the sea.

Only in the sea, the Elf Baby can grow better.

This is a real elf, should be returned to nature.

He hesitated, or turned to open.

Susan grabbed this elf baby, excitedly shouted, "giggling ... I caught the elf baby, I finally caught the baby, this time, I won't be punished."

"What are you catching the elf baby, is it good?"

Zhang Bin has a little egg pain, and it is a bit helpless to this crowd girl.

Susan took out the transparent container as glass, and put some water.

Then she put the wizard baby in it, then put it in a few Chinese Lingshi.

The elf baby was attracted by Lingshi, and it began to smash it.

It looks cute.

Susan raised the container and shouted: "You see, is my elf baby?"

"Beautiful, too beautiful, so good."

The beauty of the sword door, and Jin Xiaohai is crazy.

And the disciple of the Taoist is a red eye.

The Dodge Eye turned, and immediately climbed Zhang Bin's shoulder. I look forward to: "Bin brother, do you just not refining two Dan medicine? There will be one, give me?"

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