The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1663 Stars Blood Wars

"Let you not be big strange, didn't you hear?"

The pen is standing in front of the screen.

When Zhang Bin closed his mouth, she said to the general of standing behind him: "Our Galaxy Empire, I have found three starry beasts, we successfully hunting a head, I expelled, but the two starry beasts They are far can't be swallowed in front of you, swallowing the size of the sky, more powerful, can devour everything, refining everything. This battle, it is related to our Galaxy Empire to die ... this battle, maybe we They will sacrifice, but for our country, we have no regrets for our loved ones. "

"Kill kill ..."

Many soldiers are shouting crazy, all is a look of death.

Zhang Bin listened to six people, and his face was full of shock.

Inexplicably, their blood is boiling.

In order to protect the Guo Guo, and such a horrible starry beast war is helpless, it is a sacrifice, it is also a feat!

Hi Wei is arbitrarily arranging the operation plan.

Let Zhang Bin are secretly praised, and the plan is perfect, it can be said that there is no loss.

Hiwei is a super powerful military talent, of course, is also super powerful monks and giant.

The Galaxy stopped and released eight thousand soldiers. They all worked with a small universe battleship.

Go to the two sides of the swallow.

The Galaxy is slowly close to the head of the swallowing. That is the black hole.

But there is still a deviation, go to the eye part of the swallow.

The head of the swallowing, is extremely huge, possibly a tens of thousands of kilometers.

Two eye beads are light blue, once opened, they will make light blue light.

Just like two blue sun.

"All particlers, electronic guns, prepare, target, swallowing two eyes ..."

The majestic voice of Hihuheng sounded, "shooting ..."

In an instant, countless photon shells burst out from the guns of the Galaxy Cosmo.

" ..."

Blu-ray and white light shot, with a murder.

The speed is super fast, which can be completely compared to the proposed light speed.

So, I am swallowing the two eyes that swallowed the sky.


Horror to the extreme sound.

The shell is exploded and releases the light and heat that is extremely horrible.

To destroy the two eyes swallowed.

However, the two eyes of the swallowing have been closed, and this horrible light and heat cannot melt its eyelids.


The swallowing of the swallowing of the screaming of anger.

The head suddenly raised, and the open mouth is aligned with the shells of the shells and takes force.

" ..."

Many shellings have been accepted by the power of horrible, all in the mouth of swallowing the sky like the rain.

Even, even the sound of the explosion did not pass it, it seems that it did not hurt the heavens.

The defense capabilities in the abdomen may be more powerful.

More terror is that phagocytosis is also acting on the Galaxy Cosmobile.

The cosmic warship will not be fly in the black hole.

"The engine reversal accelerates, the maximum power."

Hi Wei has no nervous, cold oriented.

The Galaxy suddenly shook and started to fly.

But still can't be separated from the horrible swallowing, or slowly swallowing in the mouth.

"Right side attack ..."

Xi Wei's face is like a winter frost, there is no emotional fluctuation.

Many small universe warships sneaked to the side of the swallowing, while exploding the photon shellings like the rain, madly bombarded on the swallowing.


Countless mushroom clouds appear.

But still can't hurt the swallowing.

Its shell is hard to ultimate, just slightly red.

It is far from melting.

Even the shells that swallow the heaven seem to be phagocytic ability, and even absorb the high temperature and flames of the gods.

Perhaps, such an attack is like a slightly scared swallowing.

"Dangdang ..."

The soldiers also released a number of horrible magic weapons, giant swords, big mountains, gold bricks, madly bombarded on the swallowing, and sent a sound like iron.

However, a trace has not appeared.

The body of the somatoes is hard to terrible.


Zhang Bin sang a cold, the world, there is such a horrible starry beast?

It's going to kill the swallow, maybe?

Although it is not injured, it is completely irritated. Its body begins to twist.

Many paws are crazy.

As if countless giant swords, let the void collapsed.


A small cosmic warship avoided, and it was half a half in the paw.

Many soldiers flew out and quickly escaped.

"Hey ..."

Of course, you will not let them, the body is twisted, the paw is crazy to kill.

"Ah ..."

The scream of screaming.

More than a dozen soldiers were smashed into pieces.

No, not being smashed, but being smashed into a meat sauce by hard student.

Even the soul is killed.

Swallowing the heaven, horrible!

"Right" team, Thunder cannon, attack ... "

Hirang changed the way of attack, ordered it coldly.


On the right, many universe warships burst into the purple thunder.

Bombards on the paws of swallowing, on the body.

Suddenly the violet is bursting, the sound is shocked.

Thunder's attack may be a bit effect.

The body of the swallowing, the speed of the claw attack is slow.

It is very furious, and the head is suddenly reversed, and it is crazy about the many universe warships on the right.

"Hey ..."

A huge terrible vortex appeared, crazy spin.

The power of terror is also appearing, and it acts in many small universe battleships.

These cosmic warships will be swallowed in the mouth of the squad, and they can't get rid of it.

It seems to be shocking.

However, because swallowing the head of the head turned over.

The swallowing of the Galaxy is stopped.

The Galaxy rapidly retreats, under the command of Hira, shot the Thunder cannon.

Shells on the neck swallowed.

Moreover, the soldiers on the left side have also got instructions, crazy attacks the body and paws of swallowing the heaven.

It is also a thunderous shell.

Even, there is a powerful soldier to fly out of the universe battleship, raise the magic weapon desperately to slash swallow, because they feel that the impact of the Thunder attack, the swallowing claws become stiff, not so flexible, it is difficult to attack To them.

"Dangdang ..."

The sound of the iron is like the rainpoint.

Amazing, horror.

After all, the soldiers of these nearly attacks are super powerful and cultivate into the peak of the flying.

Any blow contains horrible to the extreme power.

Although I can't break the defense of swallowing, I also felt pain.

It is very angry, screaming angry.

The head is again twisted, and the soldier of the left side is devocated.

The universe battles on the right side of course escape, retreat quickly, then continue to attack.

They combined with action.

The purpose is not to kill the swallowing, but it is necessary to expel the swallowing.

Don't go to the star field of the Galaxy Empire.

However, there is no fetch at all, it is more fierce.

The huge body is rapidly twisted, and the tail flour over.

The head is raised, and the eyes are scratched into the extreme fierce light.

The mouth is also madly swallowed.

The paw is crazy dance.

Just a few breathing time.

There are dozens of small universe battleships being smashed.

There are also more than a dozen universe warships being swallowed.

This is expelled, it is simply sent to death!

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