The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1667 is a tired egg

Zhang Bin's face changed, and there was a keel in his hand, and the hole was stuffed.


Black sea water, no, it should be that the poisonous water is instantly exposed to the keel.

I sent a sound of human skin.

The keel is actually corrupted quickly.

"Too cow is forced, is this poison? Is it a poison that swallowed?"

Zhang Bin was secretly shocked, and his face was full of not a letter.

Because he knows how hard is keel, it can be said that it is the best refiner material, which can refine the super powerful magic weapon.

But actually can't resist the corrosion of the black venom?

"Not good, we are dangerous."

The face of Hi Wei became bigger, but she didn't panic. Her hose appeared a stick shape of the above-mentioned magic weapon, stuffed the hole.

But there is still no ovulation.

The venom will soon thoroughly corrode the remaining keel, then quickly corrode this top magic.

Just like the ice in the ice, it is rapidly melted.

"We have to fall here, sorry, even tired you. In addition, I will thank you for the 300 billion people of our Galaxy Empire ..." Xi Wei looked at Zhang Bin with apologetic.

"Don't talk nonsense, this toxic liquid is not necessarily we." Zhang Bin said, "You enter my Longchi, I will resist."

"No, I want to die with you." Xi Wei said with a unquestionable tone. "I am a commander, I want to fight in the end."

She hugs Zhang Bin's waist and death is not released.


Zhang Bin a little headache, but also a little joy.

Because the beauty is still very cool in the presence.

His mind, there is a colorful lotus flower in the feet, and the roots are deeply in the muscles of the swallow, and the flower petals of the lotus are superimposed, and their two are wrapped.

"What is the ability and the magical power? I hope to resist the corrosion of the venom."

The face of Hirai has been surprised and looking forward to the color.

Almost at the same time, the horrible venom went down to the top magic weapon and swarmed.

The lotus is completely overwhelmed in an instant.


The horrible voice sounded.

Lotus has also been corroded, but the time to persist in the lotus is better than the ability to resist corrosion. It seems to be a lot.

"Purifying abilities, start ..."

Zhang Bin's face is slightly changed.

Lotus blooms with colorful light, purifies the venom.

However, the venom is too much, and the source is endless.

The purification ability of lotus is still unable to get caught.

However, the lotus petals continue to be superimposed, which seems to be endless.

So, you can still stick to it for a while.

"We pass the interstellar transfer array,"

Hi Wei thought of a good way, and there was a crystal clear bead.

This is a space magic, there is a small space, which is arranged in the transfer array.

"It is estimated that it cannot be transmitted."

Zhang Bin shook his head.


Hi Wei said.

"Because the distance is too far, it may be no longer the Milky Way." Zhang Bin said.

He has a magical sense of heaven and man, and it is very effective.

However, Hi Wei is not to say, and immediately pull Zhang Bin into the transfer.

Unfortunately, the transfer array only lit up a touch of white light, and then it is extinguished, and there is no transfer to success.

"You this crow mouth."

Hui Wei was white and Zhang Bin.

"How can this weird me?"

Zhang Bin has a little pain, and they immediately got a space magic.

Zhang Bin continued to work hard to purify the corrosion of terrorist fluid.

The hi is standing on the side, and it is ideal.

"This venison may be swallowed, so it is so horrible." Zhang Bin muttered, "Alberta, here is an universe, it is a sputum that can corrode everything, and swallow the heavenly It is pregnant here. "

"You don't think about some matter, think about it, how can we take insiders?"

Hihu said.

"You should say, how can we kill the swallowing? Rather than insurgents." Zhang Bin said, "We have to have a long way."


Several people in Zhang Bin Longchi smiled.

They felt that Zhang Bin was in charge.

And they knew Zhang Bin's terrorist strength, and Zhang Bin worshiped to the extreme, Zhang Bin's brain disable powder, of course, believe Zhang Bin has the ability to kill the swallow, even if it is not done, escape.

"Kill the swallowing? You first keep the life will say, otherwise, your far-sighment is a big joke." Hi Wei said nothing.

"Let me think about it."

Zhang Bin is sitting in the knee, and it is clear to strengthen the corrosion and think about it in detail.

His love is also through lotus feeling of terror corrosion capabilities.

"Swallowing the heavens have no more powerful swallowing, so you can swallow everything, you can also swallow the planet that is still bigger than it body." Zhang Bin analyzed in the heart, "I got the inheritance of Mi Di, which is also very powerful The anoblocking ability. However, it seems to only swallow a variety of energy ... "

In the faint approval, Zhang Bin felt that the Mi Di heard was inherited, that is, the movement of moving, it seems that it is more than swallowing the swallowing.

Swallowing the sky can swallow the planet or swallow the universe battleship.

This is what the Mummy is not caught.

The swallowing is not too powerful, and will continue to evolve, and it should be swallowed in the sun.

This is evidence, many planets have flames, but only the flame without the sun is so hot.

But the swallowing is swallowed.

Mu Di is the most powerful fairy emperor, how he created the swallowing skills than not in the world, a starry beast - swallowing ?

If I have a way to see the situation in the swallowing belly, then I can figure out the mystery of swallowing all the way.

"Do you want to have a way? The situation is critical."

Xi Wei pushed the shoulders of the pusher, and said anxiously.

Now, the situation is indeed, because the lotus is rapidly corroded. Although the petals is still open, it is far from being caught up, so the petals are getting less and less, and now only five petals remain.

Maybe for a while, the venom should take all petals of the lotus to exhaust, and then remove Zhang Bin and Hiki to the liquid.

"Sorry, I just got."

Zhang Bin woke up and apologized.

The hi is almost fainted, dare to treat this guy, just wasting time to go, did not find a way.

She said that she said: "Then you don't want to do it? Do you really want to fall here?"

"I want to do a way, what way?"

Zhang Bin seems to have not come out from the state of the god, and asked.

"Your lotus is fine, the venom has to corrupt it. Of course, I want to deal with the drug."

Hi Wei is angry, and the sweat is out of his face.

(Everyone wants three uncles to break out, Monday is more chapter. If the three uncle can code a lot of chapters, how can you not explode? Many outbreaks, make more money. The actual situation is that the five chapters is already the limit, and three Uncle is now paying special attention to quality. The code is five chapters, how can I have six hours, if Carten, that is longer. It is necessary for five chapters, and I have to be two hours. So, before After the deposit is used, you can't save the manuscript, and I have never take a break. I work from 6:30 every night. So, please forked the brothers. Vote support.)

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