The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1676 kills the depths of your head

"Do not die, not destroy, not old three kinds, plus shield, can resist such a powerful digestive liquid? What is the property of the shroud? The shield is the green rays that the heaven and earth is scattered. That green light is actually a super rich life, representing life? Life, plus unsatisfied, unsteading, not old attributes, is it eternal? "Zhang Bin was excited in his heart.

He felt that he had a problem with it, but it was not far from the facts.

"Swallowing the heavens, see how I pack you?"

Zhang Bin laughed, and his hand had the sharp sword, and he took the monasterigan.

Suddenly, he was overwhelmed by the horrible digestive liquid.

However, this time, he is safe and no matter.

"Kill kill ..."

Hi Wei also shouted in Zhang Bin Longchi, and his face was full of excitement and excitement.

Zhang Bin did not hesitate, slamming the sword on the stomach wall.

"Hey ..."

The hard-destroyed stomach wall is broken, the sword has never been a handle.


The swallowing of the heavenly screams.

Its body is also crazy twisted.

The liquid in the stomach is rapidly rotating, and the horrible dark stream is in Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin was flying by a huge wave.

However, he is acknowledged right away, "gravity is active."

In an instant, the bombarded liquid changed the direction of the bombardment under the action of gravity.

Can you bombardize Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin shouted, the sword in his hand became a long to three meters, then stabbed on the stomach wall.

No real gas, because it will be digested by liquid, there is no attack power.

Just rely on his horrible power and sharp sword, attack swallowing the heavens in a pure physics.

He is like a madman, crazy, cut, crazy cut.

Snap the stomach and a big hole.

"Hey ..."

The swallowing of the swallowing sounds.

Crazy twisted body and control the digestive liquid attack Zhang Bin.

But it is difficult to threaten Zhang Bin.

Then it changed the way, fully healing.

Therefore, the wounds of Zhang Bin out are rapidly healing, and the speed is faster than Zhang Bin.

Plus the stomach wall of the swallowing is too thick, the area is too wide.

Such an attack method, even if Zhang Bin is exhausted, you can't create a swallowing.

"It turned out that the stomach is huge, the stomach wall is exceptionally thick, and it has also improved the ability to defense."

Zhang Bin's face floated the color.

"Stupid soldier Zhang Bin listened, rapid rising, go to the throat of swallowing, then enter the muscles, attack the head of the swallowing, killing the swallowing ."

He Weiwei stood in the dragon pool of Zhang Bin, and issued the military order.

"Wo Ji, I turned into a stupid soldier?" Zhang Bin is crying, "But this should be a nickname? Express her love for me? Hey ... brother is so handsome, too attractive."

His left hand appeared a boar head. Of course, in swallowing the stomach, he joined the gun head into the stomach wall, and he rushed to the same point as the same arrow. The sword is inserted into the stomach wall ...

He alternately rises.

The speed is getting faster and faster.

That horror liquid can't corrode him, the horrible gravity does not affect him.

Gradually, he came to a place where the throat was not far.

However, the swallowing in the stomach wall suddenly lit up the rays.

All of the light is collected together, and it has become a huge vortex.

I sent a power of swallowing the world, and the role was on Zhang Bin.

To swallow Zhang Bin into it.

As long as you swallow up, you can spit Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin smiled coldly. He suddenly became a true dragon, only embroidered needle.

One, I took into the holes that he used the resilience.

"This stupid soldier, there is such a magical ability? Can you become a small dragon?"

Xi Wei is stunned, and his face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

If you only shrink, you can't afford the stewing power of such terror.

However, Zhenlong is incomparably magical, the speed is like lightning. The power is also extremely horrible, grabbing the muscles in the blood cave, just like welding. But it can be resistant.

It is that the real dragons are also shrinking the sword that is like only embroidered needles. The secret is mounted on the corner. The four dragon claws are also caught in the muscles. I sent a giant force.

Therefore, Zhenlong uses this way to quickly advance in muscles.


This truly exposes the murder of the sky.


The swallowing of the heavens and the anger to the extreme roar, the body is also crazy.

It didn't think of it. This food in this eye has turned so many difficulties, and it really started to threaten its life?

If you can come back, it will never give Zhang Bin into the stomach, but will spray him through the blood vessel.

Then slammed directly into a powder.

If you can come back, he will never let so sharp swords to grow in his stomach, but will clean up in time.

That, even if Zhang Bin entered its stomach, Zhang Bin did not get sharp magic weapon, which is difficult to advance in its muscles.

He must slowly make a hole, may not play a hole in its head for a few hundred years.

"Soldier Zhang Bin, you have a good job."

The hi shouted excitedly, and his face was full of ecstasy.

How can she not think that this is not a hormone, she starts to see the monks, and they have a lot of arrivals, and they have to have a treasure to resist corrosion in the swallowing belly, and he is inexplicably thinks about resistance. The method of liquid is really a hard anti ...

Zhang Bin continued to be madly advanced.

He is an estimated direction to swallow his head.

No matter how it is swallowing, how to scream, he has not stopped.

Today, he wants to kill the starry beast - swallow the heaven!

"It should now be nearly 100,000 kilometers, it is estimated that the head of the swallowing."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he stopped and changed to the depths of the muscles.


Of course, I must know Zhang Bin's intention, I will raise my legs immediately, and shoot it on my head. Of course, this position is Zhang Bin.

Suddenly, a giant force passed, and the role was on Zhang Bin.

Almost didn't take Zhang Bin into a powder.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin has turned into a true dragon, and his body is very strong, and his body is very strong. In addition, there is another absolute defense cover, and there is also a snail armor. So, it is still safe.

Yes, Zhang Bin named the shroud that can defend the digestible liquid into an absolute defense cover.

However, the bombardment of such terrificity, Zhang Bin is still like a nail, nailed to the depths of muscles, and continues to rapidly.

Of course, the direction has changed!

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