The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1684 is organized, and the harvest is too big.

"Whether it is moving the gods, or swallowing the magical magic, the principle is the same, it relies on the magical inquiry." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "I can continue to cultivate these two skills, but let the central Dantian The congenital spirit tree cultivation moved to the world, my body cultivation swallowed the magical power. The swallowing of Dantian is not necessarily true to anger, and it is still studying. "

Zhang Bin continued to organize the memory of the heaven.

Memory is very zero, not coherent, there are many missing places.

There is indeed the content of the magical power to swallow the land, but only the first and second layers of exercises, and this magic power is 108 floors.

In fact, it is 108 different rumors.

Zhang Bin has been obtained from the inheritance of Mu Di.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is just a browsing of the horse.

Finally, he found the content of the Dawuki.

Need to be intact.

Zhang Bin yelled in his heart.

Thunder is willing to violate.

The content is incomplete.

Moreover, there are many grades of the Sky Soul, and the rebirth of the rebirth is only condensed out of the first-class domain soul.

Zhang Bin horses let the smartphone of the smartphone with you, try to restore and repair.

Want to study the principles and mystery.

At the same time, he continues to organize more memories.

There are some magical Danfang, and there is a refiner's secret law.

Most of them are incomplete, but they have enlightenment to Zhang Bin.

"The devil is the devil. After the reincarnation, it retains a part of the magic world, helping me very much. And the Ze is still can't do, there is no memory of the fairyland." Zhang Bin squatting in his heart.

"Is there a victory?"

Three teasings, Susan, Jin Xiaohai, all looked at Hi Wei, and asked the sound.

"Not necessarily." He is full of concern, "You don't know, I have been swallowed into the stomach. However, Zhang Bin is still turned over, and finally hitting it. . God knows that the soul of the Anti-Heaven can not be turned over. To know that the swallowing the devil in the devil is reborn. "

The five people are completely stupid. God, the previous Zhang Bin and Hiwei have experienced such a horrible crisis?

And Zhang Bin actually walked so much? Can you turn over this case?

"Hey ... The magic of our master, that is, you dare not think. Although the heaven is the devil, but with our master brothers, he is too far away, I can assert, he will definitely It was killed by the master, and it was very irradiation. "Ma Rufei took the lead in waking up and smiled excitedly.

"You are light, don't be alarm him, he is still dealing with the Heaven."

Xi Wei glanced at Ma Ru Fei and then brought very concerned to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin's physical bone ended, and now it is in restoration.

However, it is still very miserable, all body is blood.

"This is hurting for the master, the big brother, the past master is cultivated to the liquefaction, and the thorn throat is safe. It can also gain it to hear. This woman is estimated to fall in love with the master. Master brother is a girl Super master, we are too far away. "The three teasings of Ma Ri Fei are in the heart, and their face is full of .

"Dynasty soul, condense."

Zhang Bin suddenly shouted with excitement.

Because the brain puts the scattered memory thoroughly and restores the condensation of the Dawu Soul.

In an instant, his soul made a magnificent momentum.

The body surface is also rapidly derived, and finally it turns into a set of souls, set on the soul body.

Zhang Bin felt that his soul was safe.

"Ha ha ha ... I finally condensed the soul of the soul, because my soul refined the soul of the ritual, I also condensed a god, my soul is more powerful than him. Zhang Bin laughed in his heart.

He opened his eyes and stood up.

Now his injury is completely cured.

"Zhang Bin, is there any win?"

Hirai rushed over with a fragrant wind, grabbing Zhang Bin's two arms, asked nervously.

"Well, we won, I have killed the soul of the sky, he has fallen."

Zhang Binyun said lightly.

As if he kills an ordinary .

There is no place worth proud.

"Ha ha ha ... we won."

"I know, the master will win."

"Master, you are too big."


Three teasings, Jin Xiaohai, Susan shouted excitedly.

"It's a juvenile of a mystery. He just cultivated to the medium term, but it was able to kill such a strong swallowing. That is the devil."

Hi Wei is also a five-body investment in Zhang Binpei.

"I just got a lot of merits Jinguang entered my senses, see how my merits Jin print?"

Zhang Bin's heart is a moving, and the merits will fly out, and they burst into the extreme golden light.

Now there is a few meters in diameter, the volume is expanded too much, and the side is condensed out of 300 gold dragons, lifelike, emit holy breath.

"I rely on, three hundred gold dragons? It's too cool!"

Zhang Bin's face is full of shock, and I can't believe my eyes.

In the past, Leixia said, let him cultivate successful Shengxian, in fact, it is to condense hundreds of Jinlong, and then fly.

Now he is doing, it is far more than far.

A very important condition is reached.

However, Zhang Bin did not have to forget, because he read the secrets of the Dairy's devil. And I just said that I have said that the merits of Xianwang have 10,000 Jinlong.

In the fairy, power positions and merits Jinlong.

Ten thousand gold dragons are qualified to make Xiangwang.

Three hundred gold dragons can only be a sesame official.

However, the starting point of monks flying to the fairy world is high.

Of course, the more Jinlong, which merits Jinjin, the easier it is to deal with the magic.

If Zhang Bin is not condensed 57 Golden Dragon's merits Jinjin, this time I have to tragedy, dealing with terrorist magic attacks that can't be arrested.

"Master, this time, you earn big cheap, kill the sky, get so much merit, step by step."

"Rhimen is given to the master brother."

"In the future, the master is going to the fairy, it is a big official."


Three teasings, Susan, Jin Xiahai and others shouted.

"How many evil things in Rhenem, fortunately, was killed by Zhang Bin."

Hi Wei is a face.

"Unfortunately, the fairy body was fried as a fragment, and it became flying gray, and he had a powerful bottom sign."

When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin looked at the thick dust in the Sky Palace, and his face was filled with depression.

If this time, there is no immortal body, even if he introduces the heavens to his moon palace, he wants to kill the heaven, it is almost impossible.

There is no such a good base card, nature is very unhappy.

"Master, although the fairy body is gone, isn't there a body of swallowing? That is more horrible and powerful, even can be used to deal with the black prison." Zhang Navy said.

His mind has a bit different, and it has an amazing language.

Now I am amazing again.

Everyone was stunned, especially Hira, her face filled with a weird expression.

Because she clearly knows how powerful, and the volume is also huge to terrible.

So huge swallowing, can you control it?

Can you really use a powerful basement?

Zhang Bin's eyes also lit up the light.

The face has been excited and excited, and the depression of the heart is empty.

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