The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1687 misses the Magic Nest

"The road is in your mouth, knowing about it. This continent may have other wisdom creatures, we ask."

Ma Rufei said.

"You think this is the earth, ask if you ask the road?"

Everyone rushes to horses the sky.

However, there is nothing else, so Zhang Bin took them with their flying and started to explore this incomparable continent.

Looking at it, it is a black earth, which exudes an evil atmosphere.

Even, you can also see some horrible highly toxic creatures.

The volume is super huge, most of which exceeded a mountain.

"This continent may be the hometown of the starry behemoth, giving birth to countless starry beasts, cultivation becomes super powerful, then it will break into the star air ..."

The hi-shakite that Zhang Bin flying in the side of the sky was surprised.

Everyone's face is revealed.

And Zhang Bin is in the heart of excitement and excitement. If this is true, then I can ask the road and go back to the Milky Way.

" ..."

They quickly fly quickly, such as light.

The pen is straight to the mainland.

This continent is too big, there is no boundless, perhaps can be more than a galaxy.

Therefore, finally Zhang Bin simply took out the flying saucer, and he was able to fly the flying saucer.

Soon flying a very distant distance, how can I have millions of kilometers, or even more.

However, the mainland in front of you is still there.

However, it has changed.

Among the boundless blacks, there are many greens.

That is a green plant.

Even, the air is also filled with heaven and earth aura.

Zhang Bin's face has been surprised.

Because there is a aura, there is a heaven and earth.

He is going to break through, except for a lot of alchemy, it is necessary to get a lot of medicinal drugs, but such conditions are difficult.

However, here is a wide and unlimited continent, which can be more than countless green planets.

Perhaps there are countless and the Milky Way is a different heavenly demonstration.

Gradually, there was a continuous mountain range on the earth, which towering into the cloud.

Trees are also ginseng and dense.

The aura is also more abundant.

Even, they also saw that there are several mountains like a big mountain, flies on the sky from a valley like lightning.

Its claws grab a diameter of several kilometers and a large length of the giant pyth.

The giants are still twisted, and the tongue explores tens of kilometers long.

Suddenly, there is a huge city in front of the front.

It is huge, and it is huge than a planet.

There is a shroud, there is a thick city wall, and it is also arranged in the martial arts and attack weapons.

Even through the shroud, you can also see the bucket than the bucket than the bucket than the city.

Some human beings are invalid, a bustling scene.

"God, there is also human beings here?"

"A lot of beautiful women, it is really beautiful."

"Master, we are hard to come. This continent is. How can I go back a few beautiful women."


Three invasive shouts have been excited to shout.

Susan and Hi Wei were almost vomiting blood, and he glared at Zhang Bin.

"It's not what I said, is them, what do you do this?"

Zhang Bin was inexplicably, but he said: "Let's go to this city, maybe you can get a lot of heaven and earth, maybe you can ask back to the Yinhe system."

Moreover, he also supplemented a sentence in his heart, perhaps can also get the moonlight energy.

"Bin brother, you really want to pick up?" Susan is angry, "You are a man in Susan."

"When did I become your man?"

Zhang Bin was united.

"you you you……"

Susan can't say it, tears are switched in the eyelids.

She has left Dagu Star, followed by Zhang Bin's waves.

He actually said that this is hurt.

"Okay, ok, don't cry ..."

Zhang Bin had to comfort and soon let Susan break into a smile.

She hugged Zhang Bin's arm, looked at Xi Wei, and was afraid that Hihu took Zhang Bin to take away.

"I am not rare your man."

Hirae is white and Susan.

Soon, Zhang Bin seven people walked in the streets of this giant city.

However, they all have a little leather.

Because the monks in this city are magic.

Evil's breath is spread, and the eyes are flashing in the eyes.

They all saw Zhang Bin seven with bloodthirsty eyes.

Just like a group of wolves is like a small sheep.

If you don't feel the hierarchy to practice the peak, it is very powerful.

They have long been over, killing seven people, get sin, and enhances the realm.

Three teasing, I don't know if I want to look at it, my mouth is also excited.

"The beauty is beautiful, is it, is it a man's paradise?"

"I want to be happy, so many beautiful women, so beautiful, too beautiful and tempting ..."

"That beautiful woman is discharged, is it to be a gift?"

Also don't say, the beauty here is a magic, with an evil and a breath, dress bold, breast-breast, legs, white, good body.

For three teasing temptation, it is of course very large.

Zhang Bin covered a large piece of region with the knowledge and paid attention to the discourse of countless monks.

At the same time, he let the smart phone translate and make reading software.

He learned quickly.

Of course, he is also secretly guarding, even, a deep weakness is rising in his heart.

Because, so broad mainland, so many magic repairs, it is really killing.

What's more, he also induces a lot of powerful horror.

That is the super powerful magic scouring.

He did not grasp all the magic struggles.

Why talk about the magic score here?

If you use a swallow, it may be possible to swallow a lot of magic.

However, don't do this.

Because there are many ordinary people in the city, they don't have a good cultivation, not a monk, that is, it is not a magic, killing them, and there is no difference with the devil.

However, such ordinary people are the foundation of the magic.

Because their descendants may have cultivation, they will become magic.

So, to kill the magic, it is impossible to complete the task.

He thought it was too simple to think, thinking that as long as you kill the black prison, you can kill the magic.

"The deviopures of the devil and the fairy are dead, but it is possible to save, it is estimated that from the Hongmeng era, it can be seen, and the magic must be really killing."

Zhang Bin sighed in his heart.

"Ha ha ha ... I came to seven Xianxi, they belong to me, you don't want to grab me with me."

A evil boy came from the arguing of many guards. He came from the street. He projected the greed of evil eyes to Zhang Bin, just like the hungry wolf saw a delicious food.

(I beg you for the recommendation, thank you.)

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