The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1700 kills a Tianjiao


Hurricane, the space collapsed.

The murder is swallowed, and it is rolling.

This momentum is really scary.

Tract the sky, it is worthy of the top genius of the moon.

"The good blood god is an ax, Zhang Bin will die undoubtedly."

"Heaven, Toy Tian can already mobilize the power of the heavens and the earth, what is this more income?"

"Now Toy Toy, it is already more than the magic fairy."


Many Tianjiao sent a shocking shout.

Magic and devil's green clouds are also sharp, and their face is full of tension and worry.

I am afraid that Zhang Bin can't resist.

Zhang Bin just showed the sword of the sky and did not completely recover.

Therefore, it cannot be displayed again.

And to fight the horrible ax, you must rely on the sky.

It seems that he does not have another way to fight.

However, he is not nervous, his hand has a black sphere, only the fist is so big, he will throw it out, the speed is super fast, actually the ax is before Zhang Bin bombards the chest of Toy Tian on.

Immine fairy!

This is a horror that has been condensed by the long-term grade of the past.

At that time, he and Zhang Bin became killing, he couldn't be used, and he was afraid to let Zhang Bin fly, he couldn't get Zhang Bin's inheritance.

As a result, he was killed by Zhang Bin with the sky.

The murder of the fairy thunder fell in Zhang Bin.

It became a big basement of Zhang Bin.

Now Zhang Bin did not hesitate to use it.

If you can use it to kill a future, you can even grow to the pride of the devil, or is also cost-effective.

"Bang ..."

The talented rock is split, and the black light is bursting.

The red cloud collapse is full of red clouds, and the ax is rapidly broken, annihilated, and is replaced by the black cloud.


Toy Tian sent a bad scream.

He rapidly retreat.

But there is no way.

He is the center of the explosion.

The blood clouds on him burned black lightning, rapidly crashed and annihilated.

And his body is also showing.

There is a crack of countless dense numbness in the surface.

Then crash it.

It is chemically formed.


Look carefully, you can find that every piece of debris becomes coke.

The head is also quadruple and five, which also becomes coke.

Even his moon palace, his soul is also completely annihilated.

No longer existence.

Strong Toy Tian, ​​show the most horrible blood gods, mobilizing the power of the world, to kill Zhang Bin.

It was fryed by Zhang Bin with a fairy thunder as a coke.


One generation of genius, ending today.

All Tianjiao is completely dumbfounded, and his face is full of shocking and dare not confidence.

What is the treasure? Is it so horrible?

Directly killed the sky?

God, this is a big thing.

The blood magic family, two super geniuses.

The blood magic family is really crazy.

It is inevitable that there will be horrible war outbreaks.

"How can this be good? The company may not keep him."

The devil is completely dumbfounded.

"Amount ... It turned out that he came in and I came in to participate in the genius banquet. It is to kill people. The purpose is to kill some magic." The magic is also touching forehead, thoroughly speaking, "this fairy and magic doctive are naturally born. For the head, I will kill you to live. However, what is it again? "

" ..."

Zhang Bin's right hand suddenly explored, and he grabbed the cerebral bone of Toy, and quickly received his dragon pool.

Because there is a Toy's dragon pool in the brain, it will place the most important treasure.

Then he didn't stay in a second, flying across the sky.

Of course, it is necessary to escape here. Otherwise, the countless masters of the Blood Magic will certainly revenge.

Unfortunately, the void is suddenly hit.

It became a solid.

Zhang Bin's speed is also slow.

Then, a horror magic of a black robe, the head and the crown is like a ghost, and he looks at Zhang Bin in front of him. He looked at Zhang Bin with a cold, and said: "Killing people want to go? Is it so easy? I will take out your soul, swallow your blood, and crush your body to feed the dog. "

Of course, it is the city owner of Moonlight City.

One of the most powerful giants of the Troll Empire.

Zhang Bin felt oppression from the soul, I felt a horrible to the ultimate murderous, so that he was very uncomfortable, even, he also felt an unprecedented crisis, no doubt, the crisis came from the horror devil from the eyes repair.

"The type of practice he cultivated is more than me. The realm is the peak of the flying. His strength will not be weak in the medicine Lingtian, and there is even transcendence. This is a real magic genius."

Zhang Bin analyzed in his heart, it is going to swallow his heaven and swallow this horror master.

Then escape.

However, the devil clouds are all flash, and Zhang Bin is standing side by side. He is cold and cold: "The city owner, Zhang Bin him is a genius of my Tianmo, just taking the day with your son is a pair of fights, and It is the battle of life and death. It is his own, and it is mole after death. As for the killing of Tobin, it is because of humiliation. Do you have any reason? "

"The city owner, Qingyun said the truth, we can do it. You can't do anything, you will shoot for your sexy."


There are a few Tianjiao floodly.

Among them, there are two witch Tianjiao, of course, also have magic.

Even, there are also a few and very good Tianjiao relations with the devil.

"I have gave me away, otherwise, even you kill together."

Where can I listen to the Bloodship? There was a blood ax in his hand, and he raised the air in the high place.

The pressure and momentum of destroying the earth is bursting out.

But it is much stronger than the sky.


A fierce shouting sounded, a old devil wearing a red dress.

Everyone only felt a flower, he has already standing in front of the blood application.

He is tall, and the pressure is like a sea, and the murder is rushing. It looks strong to incredible.

It seems that it is strong than the blood application.

He is ancient magic tyranny.

Short, quite unreasonable.

It is also one of the super giant hormones of the troll.

"Wang Shu, how come you?"

Bloodship's face is slightly changed, and the sound becomes alleviated, but murderous still does not converge.

The eyes are all killed.

Obviously, the determination of killing Zhang Bin to the son will always constantly.

"Shiba, this time, I must give you a meeting. Now let me take Zhang Bin, I have a lot of questions to ask him." Magic said.

"No, today I have to kill him, pay homage to my son."

Bloodster murderously drove.

"You are best to play, with the same."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, looking forward to it.

Because he felt that these two guys were really strong and geniuses, and the flying proclamation was properly, and it would like to become the power of the devil in the future.

Such a magic is super genius, of course, one less, and death can save a lot of immortals.

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