The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1702 is abandoned

Since Zhang Bin is not from the black prison, it is from a small size planet - day magic star. There is no too many secrets.

Therefore, there is no interest in Zhang Bin and many elders.

Just let the devil Yun entertain Zhang Bin.

And the devil is also the same interest, because he has regarded Zhang Bin as a dead.

Talk to the dead, isn't it a white fee?

He took Zhang Bin to enter a very simple natural cave, let Zhang Bin practice here, three days later with Zhang Bin to go and the blood magician Tianjiao life and death, you have to turn around.

However, Zhang Bin was pulled him and asked: "Qing Yun brother, you talk to me, what is the Tianjiao?

The devil is covered with white eyes, and said coldly: "We have a Tianjiao list, you kill Tobin and Toy Tian, ​​the seventieth and the 20th of the Tianjiao list. And the blood magic family, There are two days of arrogance. One is in the 11th place, one is in the fifth place. The name is bloody, the blood. It is estimated that they will send Toyu and you will fight and kill. Well, what is the power of Toyu? That is, you can kill the sky three. "

After that, he left.

"I rely on, three recruits to kill the sky?" Zhang Bin muttered, "Sure enough is a universal rare magic genius. I want to kill him, there is nothing to grasp."

There have been more than a dozen jade pupils in his hand.

This is of course a trophy to kill the tile and Tobin.

He immediately sat down and read it in detail.

Gradually, his face revealed a touch of surprise.

These jade simply recorded their two experience in cultivating many practices.

Although most of the attribute skills are coincident with Zhang Bin's skill, there is a special master method, which is that Zhang Bin has never been touched.

The attribute of the practice is blood attribute, the name of the skill is the blood god book of the four major magic of the moon, but not cultivating the air, but cultivating the blood.

Take the blood as a true gas.

The heart is equal to Dantian, and the blood vessel is equal to meridians.

This method is very strong, terrible.

Theory let Zhang Bin secretly shocked.

The blood god book believes that the cloud is the blood of the universe. Grasping the most precious and magical medicine.

So you can flow at will. It also contains the power of extremely horrible, and the robbery is the embodiment of the cloud power.

The genius of cultivating the blood gods is likely to understand the power of calling the cloud.

The true genius of the blood of the Magic, has the ability to call the cloud power, in fact, is equal to the power of calling the heavens and the earth.

Therefore, Toy Tian can send so horrible blood gods.

In fact, Lian Job can also call the blood cloud power, but by Zhang Bin's soul, it does not come out.

Of course, to learn the terrorist law on the blood gods, it is difficult than the day.

Because, you must read the blood god book to understand the mystery.

Otherwise, you can't cultivate it.

In fact, it is to build a group with blood gods.

"It's really waste, the Sky of the Tianguo, Dafa is learned by the blood and heart, but the secrets of the cultivation of blood and the heart are not learned." Zhang Bin broke into the heart, otherwise, he also wants to learn from the Tianmian family .

"Since it comes to the moon, how can you see a few magic of the moon."

Zhang Bin muttered, his face also floated the color of thinking.

Soon, he began to work hard.

All attributes of genuine exercises are fast loops.

Of course, there is a trivial properties and corrosion properties.

These two attributes have just been achieved before they have just cultivated the true gas.

It can be quickly improved.

After three days, Zhang Bin came out of this simple cave.

His momentum is powerful.

He swallowed a starry beast and got a lot of special nutrient liquids.

There is a great help to study these two doors.

Therefore, today he has cultivated the toxic properties and corrosion properties to the later periods of the admit.

I have a very horrible day robbery, and I swallow a lot of robbery, let his soul recovery.

After all, the last move, and the energy is divided into many soul energy.

Even, there is also an improvement, the second God is also in conjunction.

These three days, Xiaoqing and Xiaocheng were tested from the heaven and earth spirit of Zhang Bin from the border city. Zhang Bin also thought out several magical medicinal herbs, but it was not easy to refine.

The Tianmun family really didn't hear Zhang Bin.

They all thought Zhang Bin as a dead.

Just only the devil's clouds took Zhang Bin to the military farm in the suburbs of the emperor.

Emperor is magnificent, towering, the wall is like a dragon, hovering.

The bucket of the building is exquisite.

The military farm is too wide and there is no way.

The ground is created with special materials, hard to be destroyed.

Even a special array is also allowed to make the broken ground quickly recovery.

At this moment, on the actual martial arts, it was full of magic to watch the battle.

One is high, strong and abnormal, murderous, fierce, shoot.

It has a rich bloody atmosphere.

It seems that a group of horrible devils.

"How many magic repairs this are the foundation of the devil. If you can repair the magic of the moon, the devil may have gradually become weak." Zhang Bin is dark, and the heart is full of deep Deep weakness, because of his ability, there is no way to kill so much powerful magic, even if it cultivates the flying misery, it is not possible.

He is bright in his heart, and many of the giants of the devil must be arranged in preventive means.

Otherwise, the magic of the moon has already been removed by the Sand's fairy.

"Zhang Bin, this time, you must be careful."

The devil came to Zhang Bin with a beautiful fragrant wind, and said seriously.

Zhang Bin nodded and gave her a splendid smile.

He knows deeply, and the devil is a heterogeneous in the magic.

She didn't pursue sin, but strive to develop the inner universe, becoming the legendary suffering.

Perhaps, she is not a magic, nor is it a fairy, but another classification.

However, because she has been repaired from a child, it is a lot of magic, so her is also emitting with the same breath.

I have this woman, what is the relationship, Zhang Bin himself is a bit unclear.

It seems to be a couple, it seems to be a friend, it seems that it is a pleasant.

No matter what is the relationship, but she will not sell Zhang Bin.

Therefore, Zhang Bin has never seen the devil as a magic.

He is determined to kill the magic, but it does not include magic.

"That is Zhang Bin? Super genius of the Tianmo family? I have no difference between and a dead person?"

"The Tianguo family has given up on him, so even if there is no longer, it is not to mention the Great Magic Dynasty. So, he is not a dead."

"The Declarators of the Blood, is said to be bloody, the horror genius ranked 11th in the Tianjiao list, where Zhang Bin can deal with it, the bloody is as long as a trick can take his head."

"Zhang Bin did not even have an opponent, killing Toy Tian, ​​all relying on a fairy thunder, it is said to use the black clouds to rob out, it is estimated to be his elder to send him a treasure."


Many watching the moray also looked at Zhang Bin like the dead.

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