The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1704, three-arms transformed into the blood god

"Heaven, the Skyman actually appeared such a super powerful genius, the Skyman is going to rise."

"It's too powerful, it's too powerful, it actually ability to press blood, incredible."


There is also a magic exclaimed, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

"The family, Zhang Bin exceeded our estimation, his strength is more horrible than bloody ..."

Devil's clouds also have been glanced, and immediately transferred this news.

" ..."

Just one moment, the magic tyrants came with a few super powerful growth.

Falling down on the stage.

If Zhang Bin can kill the bloody, it is a super genius, it is worth the Tianguo to cultivate.

"Ah ... I must kill you, Xiao Zi three, today, you will die undoubtedly."

Bloody is jumping from the ground, making a bad angry shouting.

His body made a more rich blood, the sky became a blood red.

The cold murderous explosion is out, and it is covered with the sky, and all the space space is full.

Then he turned his body, it chemied into a bloody shadow, launched Zhang Bin as an attack like a water silver.

He no longer gave Zhang Bin and the body of the body and the gods of Zhang Bin.

He is like a lightning, like a blood ghost, seems to be everywhere.

This covered red rays seem to be part of his body.

The ax also seems to have an extraordinary, from the four sides, cover Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin is still a face, and there is a sharp sword in both hands, and the bow is left.

Murder, swallow, Taiji sword, dialery sword, death sword ...

Each of the midfield, chemically became a secret of Jian Mountain.

"Dangdang ..."

The magic weapon is rumored, the sound is shocked.


Various abilities are also bursting out, flame, thunder, light, ice, giant wood, poison, smoke, wind ...

It is dazzling and dazzling.

Killing crazy, killing the world, killing the sky, all collapse.

The defense ability is powerful to the ultimate shield, which has a fine crack, almost broken.

In two hours, it is still not divided.

However, the two of them appeared on the body, cross-crossing, screaming.

"Blood Magic, change ..."

Bloody appeared suddenly, he shakes the body, turned a horrible monster.

The body of the human body, two heads, four arms to take a blood knife.

The head is headed by an elephant nose, and a sharp dagger is inserted on the nose.

The fierce breath is coming, as if the ancient blood is the same.

"Hahaha, bloody and Yu finally took out a card, Zhang Bin will undoubtedly."

"The body of the blood, five times the war, the extreme of horror, Zhang Bin can die in this trick, and it is also proud."


The giant huge of many blood magic people laughed.

"Kid, now, I want to take you into pieces. You give me death."

Bloody is smile, and a flash is rushed over, four arms, two noses while waving.

Four blood knives, two blood daggers, vertical and horizontal attacks.

Right of horror to the extreme.

Zhang Bin's gods were slightly sprinkled, and the body became three-legged.

Six hands, holding a true spirit, flying sword, and another three swords that Zhang Bin's own refining, the last hand holds sharp giant lizard knife.

Then just kill it with bloody.

"Dangdang ..."

The magic weapon bombards each other and the sound is shocked.

Bloody is actually unable to resist, just a moment, the body is tatched out of two transparent cavity.

His nose was also blocked by Zhang Bin's giant lizard.


Bloodya sent a shackles of screams, defeated, desperately resisting Zhang Bin's attack.

But it is still continuously the sword.

Wolf is like a dog.

Zhang Bin is a rainy, which has completely occupied the wind.

"My God, Zhang Bin actually genius to soland, actually master the three-arms of the big gods? This is even more powerful than the blood of the gods, and the bloody is actually can't resist, and it is pressed?"

"Don't Zhang Bin, will Zhang Bin to kill the Tianjiao list, replace the eleventh bloody?"


Many watching the magic of the battle fell to the ground, and the face was full of love. ****** You, perhaps, in the future, you can really walk with me, but, do you still remember me? "

The magic heard and the magic clouds have each other, suddenly, they feel that Zhang Bin is from the teenager from the sky, it is not simple. I have mastered the big god of such a horrible. If I can learn from Zhang Bin, I can learn the three-arm six arms. It will certainly be a lot.

Even, they all have the throne of the Troll Emperor.

"This bastard, concealing a lot of secrets, but the result is a cheap blood."

The magic farewell is airtight, and the heart is all anger.

Yes, even if it is now, he still believes that Zhang Bin is not a bloody opponent.

Finally, I will kill the bloody, all the treasures of Zhang Bin will also fall into the hands of the bloody.

"Bloody, don't worry, hurry to send him to the road."

Bloodship shouted and shouted.

Look carefully, you can see that his face is full of greedy colors.

Obviously, he also moved to the big god of Zhang Bin's three-arms.

" ..."

Bloodyness suddenly became a bloody, and the moment had disappeared.

Just like never existed.

However, the world has become more red.

Because there is a laminated fire, it is covered, and everything is blocked.

Blood clouds continue to come from all over the side, even from the ground.

Then aggregate in the void.

It quickly condensed a horrible to the ultimate monster.

It seems that he is a model of blood, but his body has become a big double. How can there be hundreds of hills so huge, the skin is red, you can clearly see the strange blood flow inside, make a clear the sound of.

A destruction of the horizon is emitted from his body.

It has become a hurricane and has become a horrible murder.

It's scared to scare people.

More terror is that there is also the blood cloud to continue from the void, continue to condense in him.

Let him become more and more high and more horrible.

"Hey ... Zhang Bin, now, as long as you can put you into a meat sauce. You are a small three, how to be more than?" The bloody is a smile, he is huge than the mountain. Sevet times the palm of the palm is also raised, and it is necessary to take it.

Now he borrows the power of the heavens and the earth, has no countless times, and it is basically invincible in all years.

"God, this is the ultimate trick of the blood magicity - the blood of the blood, can easily kill the fairy. Zhang Bin is dead."

"What is a genius, this is, the ultimate is complete, destroy the earth."

"The bloody is as long as a trick, you can kill Zhang Bin."


The giant huge of many blood magic people made a fanatical shout.

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