The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1806 killing prince, emperor

The face of the prince changed, and she had to dance the magic weapon in her hands.

Hey ...

One breath on the 100th attack of Zhang Bin's merits.

He can't resist it.

The mouth has made a scream, and the magic weapon in his hand is also getting off.

The five senses are bleeding.


However, this guy still has not given up, shouting crazy, two yellow flying knives flew out from his eyes, like lightning, bypass Zhang Bin's merits Jinjin, Two temples of Zhang Bin.

"God, this is really life and death, the Prince actually used the devil flying knife."

"The devil flying knife, the soul is killed, the world is invincible, the invincible."

"The bow is miserable, and it will become a corpse immediately."


Many monks have made a horror shouting.

Their face is also full of sorry colors.

Such a talented monk, it is a pity like this.

How can today become this?

This has violated the original intention of the selection.

Seeing that the devil flying knife will be in Zhang Bin's temple.

The moon double sword took out from Zhang Bin's eyes, and he was on the other side of the magic flying knife.

Dangdang ...

Two loud noises.

The devil flying knife fly away.

However, Zhang Bin's moon double sword did not have any pauses, and the murder of the sky was pulled out.

Instantly, you will be on the two of the prince.

When I blinked, I went in, and I was on the two months of the prince.

" ... ..."

The prince's moon is broken.

The soul made a shouting of horror, I want to escape, but how come?

Instantly crushed the moon double sword, and went into a fragment and wiped the memory.


The priest screamed.

The body is also falling like a lightning, and it is awkward, it is not moving.

The Prince of Tianxian Empire, Zhu Ying Ding, falling!

" ..."

Zhang Bin's five hands explored, and the air was grabbed. When I blinked, I grabbed the five heaven and earth spirit, and I will refine it quickly.

He fell in front of the bodies of the Prince.

He didn't hesitate, his mind was once, and he took the body of the prince made his own Dantian.

The body of the Prince is still not dead, if the talent is good, you can let Zhang Navy's soul into the resident.

You can also let the soul of the other disciples of too clear.

This is called waste use.

However, all talents, all the examines, all monks are completely dumbfounded.

God, this is where the genius teenager is so fierce, and it really can't take the prince. It is a great too much. If he uses the soul attack, he will kill the prince. .

This is a big thing.

How can Zhu Tiantian will let him?

This is a horrible civil war to break out.

Zhu Ying Ding saw me into A Xiu's husband, I want to let the examiner killed me in the assessment. Such people don't match the Prince. I am fighting with him, I have been in hand. But he uses the soul attack Be sure to kill me, so I can only fight, where know him is too thin, the moon is fragile, the soul is weak. The fall is the meaning of God. Now, I am a prince, who is not satisfied? "

Zhang Bin shouted, and Zhang Bin shouted.

"God, he is the husband of A Xiu. This is a great identity."

"A Xiu selection, his husband, of course, is reasonable."

"Hey, the Prince said that he said with us, let us kill him with the name of the assessment."


Everyone was surprised to the present.

"His Majesty is driving ..."

Suddenly, a big shout.

A giant, who is wearing a robe, and the giant of the golden crown will come in the arches of many guards.

The momentum is landing.

"Long live long lives."

Everyone shouted respectfully.


Zhu Tong yelled.

Then he looked at Zhang Bin in the dead, roaring: "Hello, dare to kill the prince?"

"Could I only kill me, can I kill him? Is there such a truth in the world?"

Zhang Bin's face is a despise color.

It seems that he did not fear.

"Prince deceived too much, the kill!"

A Xiuyan is out, and Zhang Bin is standing side by side.

She looked coldly at Zhu Tiantian.

As if, just look at a dead.

"Two kill them."

Zhu Tiantian's body burst into the murderous murder, smiled and drinked.

" ..."

Many powerful guards pulled out the sword.

The hundreds of thousands of army are also flying and constitute a special big array.

Enclose here a group.

"Zhu Tongtian did not qualify for the emperor, I killed him, replaced it!"

Zhang Bin's body burst into violent pressure and momentum.

His two eyes suddenly broke the two horrible to the extreme red rays.

It is the soul of the soul!

The reason why dare to show the soul of the soul, of course, because Zhang Bin is strong, the soul is the same.

Most importantly, he killed the soul of Prince Zhu Xing Ding, just received the central Dantian, but used secret law to cultivate his soul energy.

It can supplement the consumption of the magic light of the soul.

Now Zhang Bin is no longer the previous small monk, now he is also the emperor, how can I endure people's insults? How can I be bullied by the other party?

He got so much merits, and he didn't worry.

Maximum disappearance of gold dragons.

What's more, fair is self-employed. The other party wants to kill him, can he still kill people?

What is this wrong?

" ..."

Suspension of the extreme voice.

The soul of the soul is bombarded, with a murder of the sky to Zhu Tiantian.

Zhu Tong Tian felt the crisis of death and wanted to avoid it.

Many guards want to intercept.

But it's too late.

The speed of the soul of the soul is too fast.

On the blink of an eye, I have already slammed on the temple of Zhu Tongtian.

Easily broke through the armor and muscles, killing on the moon palace hiding the soul.


The broken sound sounded, and the moon is broken instantly.

Then, the two horrible red rays bombarded on his soul.

The armor of the soul is broken, and the head is collapsed.


The scream of screaming.

Zhu Tongtian's body fell to the ground.

Then you can't move it.

Because his soul was killed.

It is simply not too much resistance.

The emperor of the Tianxian Empire, Zhu Tongtian, fallen.

It's easy to kill Zhang Bin.

It is actually very difficult, if Zhang Bin is a different card, it is absolutely impossible to kill.

After all, Zhu Tong Tian can be an emperor, of course, is also super powerful and genius.

All monks, all guards, all the troops are completely stupid.

Stunned, stayed with wooden chicken.

Their emperor Zhu Tongtian, is it so killing?

Is it like killing a chicken?

How can this be?

And how can this teenager fierce? I killed the prince and kill the emperor?

How to do?

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