The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1809 Horror Time Valley

The treasure of the guards of the guards, of course, contain time, and not old.

The two treasures can be said to be the most precious treasure of the Holy Soil, because the former can make people's time abilities, the latter can make youth forever.

Not old, can be said to be a mad treasure for any woman.

Many women repaired, they may be very powerful and cultivated to the flying misery.

However, they may look like an old man, or maybe face, but white hair.

How can I reveal an old breath?

However, as long as you take it.

The old breath disappeared, so that they look like a girl who is seventeen years old.

Zhang Bin's eyes are also projected into the valley.

The valley seems to be very wide and is covered by white fog.

The surrounding mountain is also extraordinary, all of which are the weird stone of the cloud.

There is natural condensation on the stone, which constitutes a special array.

A horribleity of the extreme breath comes out.

A dead breath is also emitted.



A guard then threw a hare animal, and flew into the entrance of the valley.

The horrible thing happened.

The animal became old, then died, then decayed, and finally became dust.

Thoroughly disappear in this world.

There are only two seconds before and after.

"I rely on, the time array here is more horrible than the array of thousands of fragrances."

Zhang Bin is dark and dark, and the face has become serious.

He immediately thanked the conscious of the month.

"Master, Time Valley of the Holy Valley you entered?"

"You won't come to the Soil?"

Surprised the conscious of the month.

"Yes, I came to the Soil, I didn't care, I did the emperor of Tianxian Empire."

Zhang Bin said a little bit hard.


Month thousand incense is dumb, I can't believe my ear.

After all, this is too scary.

"I accidentally made the emperor of Tianxian Empire!"

Zhang Bin said.

"You ... is too fierce? What is going on? How do you say it for me?"

The month, thousand incense, is extremely excited, excitedly asked.

Zhang Bin said that he said.

"My God, you will kill the Prince and Emperor? How can you be so powerful? I have to know that in the past, my body came to the Soil, and I didn't dare to say that the world was invincible. I didn't dare to play the emperor to play. Hey, at the time Why didn't I think of such a fun thing? "The month is sighing again and again, and the last is whispered:" How many beautiful people are you gone? Is it a universal beauty? Is there a beautiful? "

Zhang Bin's forehead took two black lines. Where is a master that Master should ask? What's more, are you still a woman?

He is smashed and asked: "I am standing in the entrance of the valley now. Is it dangerous?"

"You can't go, I also tried it once, I almost fell in the entrance." The consistence of the month is serious, "" Where is the naturally formed horror time, it is the masterpiece of this universe. Horror to the extreme You still don't enter. "

"The masterpiece of the universe? Is there a life in the universe?"

Zhang Bin was united.

"Where do I know? However, the universe can make the robbery, deal with the monks who break through the realm, may it be a life?" Monthly said.

"Right, snow is like smoke, there is a big horror through time and space, maybe the universe is stopping, visible, the universe may be a life, and it is also a matter of mind." Zhang Bin squatting in your heart, mouth I asked: "Master, yes, I have heard that there is a big horror, right?"

"I don't know, although I have transformed the moon to the time machine, I can cross the time, but I will cross the day before, or play play two days ago, I have not crossing a distant history, so there is no What is the big horror, but, through the time, it does have a feeling of palpitations. "The conscious of the month said.

Zhang Bin stopped inquiry.

He watched the valley for a while, he said, "You are here, you have to try it. If the situation is not right, you will return it."

"Your Majesty, you must be careful."

Three invasive and many big domestic guards are a bit nervous.

Zhang Bin's heart was once, and there was a green shroud on his body.

This is the absolute defense cover of the promotion version.

Fusion attribute, time, space, not old, not dead, not destroy, gold ...

Almost all of the true gas is entered, under the assumption of the fusion attribute, and completely combined with the natural shroud of the congenital spirit tree, constitutes the most powerful cover of Zhangbin's defense ability.

He walked into the valley, carefully wing, and the speed is very slow.

You must know that thousands of fragrances have been cultivated to the flying misery.

Also there is still no capacity to enter the valley.

Almost fall.

For the comprehension of the time law, Zhang Bin is still not intended to be more than the month.

One step, two steps, three steps.

The defensive cover is still not moving.

It seems really very cattle.

However, Zhang Bin still felt a breath of horrible, and he was infiltrated from his absolute defense cover.

Let him have a feeling of thrilling.

But he is still firm, step by step.

The space is fascinating, and the white fog is trunked.

The strange aperture is also like it, just like the ripple.

The breath of death becomes more and more rich.

"Not simple, too simple, this is a place where you can kill everything. People can enter, it is definitely the top genius and giant." Zhang Bin secretly squatted in his heart, his face was full. Be alert.

Many guards and three invasive battles stood in the mouth of the valley are also extremely nervous.

Their face is full of worry.

Father is afraid of Zhang Bin.

For these guards, Zhang Bin is an ancient one.

The rise of the Holy Soil, against the molar, it will rely on Zhang Bin.

They certainly don't want Zhang Bin to have any problems.

Zhang Bin stepped into step.

Soon, I took a large distance, and it was only dozens of meters from the valley.

However, Zhang Bin's absolute defense cover began to quickly rapidly.

I have made a mortuary ray.

Even, there is a small crack.

A pair of horse is going to break the appearance.

Zhang Bin took a few steps after the bus, the face became large, and the heart was not sweet.

Only such a bit distance is, once you can enter, the income is generous.

"Is there any way to enter?"

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, and his brain was also rotated with the fastest speed.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and thought of a good way!

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