The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1816 and death


Zhang Bin is angry, all the magical efforts broke out.

Flame, rays, Thunder, Ice, Lee Arrow, Thunder, Hurricane, Death, Kill, Corrosion, Poison ...

Such an attack falls on the leaves like the windshield.

But it is still under the attack of the leaves, and the instantification is virtual.

Continue to hit Zhang Bin, you have to turn Zhang Bin into a virtual.

"Time hysteresis ..."

Zhang Bin's creepy, because the leaves look fly over to slow, but actually quickly, he has no time to retreat, so he uses the most horrible time abilities.

The speed of hysteresis leaves.

At the same time, quickly retreat, continue to issue countless terror attacks, bombardment leaves.

However, the leaves are relaxed to dispense all attacks, and they will catch up with Zhang Bin in an instant.

The helmet is silent to become a powder.

Obviously death, rot.

Then, Zhang Bin's absolute defense cover is also rapidly collapsed.

Under the attack of death and rot, it is also broken.

If the leaves are bombarded in Zhang Bin, it is undoubted that Zhang Bin will die and rot.

The Talence of the Immortal, it is completely fallen.

Even, Zhang Bin has a premiere, even the swords will not resist, will also die thoroughly and rot.

It is estimated that there is no way to cancel the danger.

Since so far, Ume may only have a magical ability, that is, in a hard treasure, but will not hurt the treasure, and get into the enemy's head, and will not hurt enemies.

When it comes out, the hole will disappear.

Attack leaves, naturally there is no use.

However, Zhang Bin also has a basement.

That is the Hongfeng fan with an informal property!

Now he is not afraid of leaking Hongfeng fan to be known by the plum.

Still keep it.

"Hongfeng fan, give me a blocked."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, Hongfeng fan flew out and blocked in the chest.


The leaves are bombarded on the Hong Kong fan.

Single sounds.

Hongfeng fan suddenly lit rays, just like a sun.

The leaves are burst into a rich black light, and the terror is dead.

Crazy attacking Hongndan fan hair.

However, it is also a lot of radiance of Hongfeng, and the darkness of the leaves quickly defeats, and the death of death is dissipated, and the leaves are under the shining of the rays, and they have become virtual.


Zhang Bin sat on the ground, and the face was filled with the color.

There is also no distance between death.

And if you don't have Hongfeng, this time, it will definitely become a virtual.

The body and the soul will also fall completely.

"Although Hongfeng is dangerous, it also resolves the crisis of the horror. Nor isn't there anything." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, "And, in the future, you can't put it on the body, you must be open, even the body Falling, the soul can also use the secret to condense the body, the day of the rise. "

He immediately took the fastest speed of Hongfeng, which was afraid to cause a peek of the plum deer.

The Meihua Deer is only curious to look at the Hongmeng fan, and it is lazy to bed. Say faintly: "Although you are not strong, there is a lot of treasures on your body. I have blocked me more than one billion power. You can pick a fruit."

"Plum Fairy, I have a question to ask. How can I let the property of the dead leaves countless times, and the power of such terror is?" Zhang Bin asked.

Now he finally appreciates the horror and power of the plum, and finally understands the pride and contemirty of the plum.

Also, if you are strong to the point of Mei Luo deer, encounter any monks in all years, it is estimated that there is no interest in talking.

"If you practice into a fairy king, you may understand a little bit. But now you are just a mortal who don't understand the cultivation, even the fairy is not, you must know that the immortal, there is Xianjun, Xianjun On the above, it is a fairy king. "The pluma deer said coldly." You don't have a good high, first practice to the fairy king, no, you can't practice the fairy king, or first to settle thousands of years, Put the foundation. "

"It seems that the plum deer is not an immortal, it may be a top fairy king." Zhang Bin judged in his heart, "Nima, is it so powerful? Then I want to cultivate to the fairy king, isn't it necessary to strong? Talent? Is this possible? "

He didn't ask Meihua to ask.

Start picking fruit.

His mind is always moving, and the Ume will take out, extension, and easily pass through unlimited space. In the garden, bundled countless time the fake fruit.

Time is very special, it looks like a clock.

The breath of a time attribute is exuded, and of course it also exudes a strange fragrance.

Breathing, let Zhang Bin's saliva flow out.

He can't wait to take it.

Time is good, so that he almost swallows his tongue.

"The original taste of the time is so good, the giant, who don't know the name, let the pluma deer and the organs guard it? I want to come, the giant is not needed to take such fruits to improve the sentiment, just It is greedy. "Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face was also floating," But that giant may encounter a super strong enemy, being killed; maybe it is like the Sword of Jie, go What happens to be trapped, it is not coming. Alever, maybe, this valley is a coordinate, guiding the return of the way ... "

He pressed the cranky in his heart and continued to use the magical black American, picking time.

It was not until the central Dantian has accumulated a mountain.

"It's too greedy, you can live today, it is also a miracle."

The plum is cold and cold.

"This is not greedy, but not to waste." Zhang Bin said seriously, "So many fruits, I want to come soon, then fall, then fall into mud, and even become virtual."

"Hu Yan ..."

The plum is a saying, then her corner burst out the strange light.

Instantly bombards in the garden and puts an unlimited time and space.

"Time is mature, you can eat it, great."

"This time, I have to have a good meal."


There are numerous sounds, countless small animals come, all kinds, birds, beasts, insects, fish.

They rushed into the stubborn channel and entered the garden.

Start picking fruits, I will eat it.

"What is going on? How much is the fruit?"

"Is it stolen?"

"So little fruit, this time I can't eat it."


Many small animals are suffering from the enemy and anger.

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