The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1825 Big Blending Start

It seems that the cold light falling from the nine days, with a breath of destroying everything.

The zoom can also be integrated into the ax, inspiring the sharpness of the ax, and it has been doubled.

His strength is also doubled under the role of scaling.

This is the magical power he just understand.

"Only the hand stop, give it to me."

The magic face is slightly changed. Her hand suddenly flew out, and the moment became a large and white rays shot.

With a breath of life.

Then play it on the ax.


A loud noise, the space collapsed again, and there was a huge black hole.


The devil made a lot of pain.

Because her hand was deeply incorporated by the ax.

Blood is like spring.

She retreats back.

"Kill kill ..."

Zhang Bin's three skull shouted.

The sword in the hand, the ax is crazy.

All the most horrible tricks.

Zoom open the sky ax.

Zoom the sword to break the sky.

Right to the extreme.

Unable to resist.

"Ah ..."

The magic is in an instant, and there is a scar of deep cockroaches.

She quickly retreat, I still want to escape, but where is it?

I saw that the cold light flashed.

The two axs are at the same time on the magic neck.


A loud noise.

The magic neck was cut off, and the head flew.

Blood rushing up.

However, the next second, the magic body and his head were gone.

Of course, I was imprisoned by Zhang Bin, and I received it into the central Dantian.

The audience shocked, Yasang was silent.

All magic repairs are completely dumbfounded, and their faces are filled with a colorful color.

Just now, it is a magical that I always occupy the wind. How do you suddenly be defeated by Zhang Bin, or even imprisoned, caught up?

"His Majesty is invincible."

"Your Majesty is crushed everything."

"Your Majesty, Long live, long live, long live."

All fairy repairs is completely excited, excited, their faces are also ivory.

Zhang Bin actually was so strong that the powerful magic was also defeated.

Today, this war is like it to resist the attack of the magic of the 10 billion army.

"The Devil is like night, come, let's sing alone. If you don't dare, then don't do the emperor. Because you don't match." Zhang Bin said with mountains, and burst into the sky.

He looked at the magic with a contempt.

The devil's face has become iron green, and his teeth are bitten, he is angry: "You put the devil first, then I will fight with you."

Magic that is a woman in his life, beautiful, and is a magical internal repair.

It turned out to be in Zhang Bin now?

How can he be sweet?

"The devil is a woman. Relying on you to affection to her?"

Zhang Bin looked at the magic as night, and said.

He is telling the big truth.

However, in addition to three teasing and Yang Xiong, which dare to believe?

Therefore, all the fairy repairs are excited, and the face is full of .

One by one, the eyebrows are proud of the ocean.

They believe that the magic is now Zhang Bin's captive, of course, Zhang Bin's woman.

Too much lifetime.

Billions of magic repairs are a very angry and anger.

Because they feel that this is an unprecedented humiliation.

Magic is the goddess in their hearts, they all secretly love her, now I have to be occupied by Zhang Binba?

Want to be insulted?

"you wanna die."

The devil is also mad, crazy, "the whole army attacked ..."

"Kill kill ..."

Ten billion magic army wrapped a grief and indignant, crazy shouting, and the lightning was rushing through the border, killing to the holy, Zhang Bin, is of course the first bounce.

"The whole army attacked. Kill ..."

Zhang Bin also did not fear, loudly ordered.

At the same time, he shakes the body, turned into a top giant, and his mouth is also open, and it is crazy.


A huge horrible vortex appears.

Crazy rotation, issued a power of swallowing the world.

The role is on the Magic Division of Most of them.

Numerous magic repairs do not fly, and the pen flew into Zhang Bin's mouth and was swallowed by him.

But there is still a big super powerful magic, resisting such swallowing.

They wrapped around the black hole and kill the fairy army.

The fairy troops are also fiercely killed.

Just like the two-shaped sea tide crashed together.

Suddenly the sky is dim, the sun and the moon are shaken.

The magic weapon is also covered with everything.

"Kill kill ..."

"Dangdang ..."

"Ah ..."

The voice of shouting and killing, the sound of the magic weibu bombarded each other, the scream of the scream, that was continuously sound.

Ma Rufei, Chen Chao Yue, Zhang Navy, Yang Xiong, many strong masters, led the army to attack the army, they are very strong, I don't know how much magic is killed.

However, the magic is too much too much, and the killing is not enough.

They could not help but retreat.


More terror is that the devil is too strong, like Zhang Bin, showing a law-phase world, with billions of hands, madly slaughtering fairy, simply in the same tiger into the colony, fierce to the ultimate, unable to resist.

"Swallowing the sky, come out."

Zhang Bin shouted, the central Dantian swallowing flew out.

In the air, it turned into a tens of millions of kilometers of swallowing.

The mouth is open, and the most powerful magic of the magic of the devil is crazy.


A black hole with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers appeared, madly rotated.

The stewing force of terror is also appearing, and the role is on countless magic army.

"Ah ..."

Many magic soldiers couldn't resist, and they sent a scream that was incomparable.

I don't have to fly, I am swallowed and swallowed.

Just a moment, there was hundreds of billion powerful magic revisions.

But they don't dare to move, showing powerful secrets, connecting themselves and land together. Resist the horror phagocytic power.

The face of the magic of the night, and the peas of the beans were taken out on the forehead.

The mouth is also muttered: "It is impossible, absolutely impossible, how can the swallowing?

His feeling is true, last, the inquiry in the stomach is still not evolved to four, digestion, and swallowing the ability. It is not very strong. The body's toughness is not top, but now swallowing the stomach. Email the four levels, and it is evolving to the five levels, and the body is also powerful.

Suddenly attacking the magic army, but the extreme, sharpness of the horror.

"God, what is going on, what should I do?"

Whether it is a fairy and a magic, it has sent a big shouting that is incomparable.

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