The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1828, the second defense line

Zhang Bin screamed, suddenly he felt that this East Sea is very interesting.

However, he still said that he said: "We don't want to destroy, if you can destroy, you can't quit the troops."

Now Zhang Bin is not before, he knows too many secrets.

Since the moon is equivalent to the foundation of the devil, the giant of the devil is absolutely not allowed by the magic of the moon by the fairy, and there is a special defensive base card.

"It turned out to be such an order, then we went as much as possible, and kill the magic."

The old man said excitedly.

"Kill kill ..."

They wrapped in the sky, with more than 100 billion immortal and more than 1,000 universe warships, all the way forward.

Wherever they passed, the village was destroyed, the city was also destroyed, and any magic repaired was killed.

It is simply unstoppable.

They have advanced tens of thousands of kilometers and finally came to the second defense line of the moon.

It is a place as if it seems to be in the same way.

Titting over the sky, blocking the way forward in Xianxiu.

However, this day is not the same as the previous day, as if the Great Wall of the curved song is tens of thousands.

Among the walls, dense linear is the magic.

There are also multiple gates.

Magic can kill.

There are also countless black cave guns on the wall of the sky, which seems to be a very powerful photonic gun.

Perhaps there is another attack.


Zhang Bin shouted.

All the fairy repairs, in this special talent, in front of it.

Many universe battleships are also a word.

Black cave guns are aligned with the wall.

The war is touched.

"Your Majesty, don't close to Bailen." A Xiu's low voice said in Zhang Bin ear, "that is not only a horrible attack weapon, but also attacks the attack."

Zhang Bin nodded, drink: "The opposite magic must be good, you will come out to surrender, otherwise, immediately siege, let you die."

"Kill kill ... Let you die without burial."

Ten billions of Xian Xiu crazy shouted, murdered, and the momentum was too strong.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible, how can the father and the Prince are falling? So strong A Xiu is also caught?" In the city wall, the second emperor of the town is responsible for the defense of the defense shouting in anger, he The face is also written, I don't dare to confuse.

And the generals who escaping will stand in front of him.

"His Royal Highness, their emperor is too powerful, he can top 100 billion troops. We have no masters of the same level here. Even the majesty and the prince have been killed and live ..." Shouting in the horror, "We can't attack, use the walls and horrible array of array, consume their strength, and then find ways to fight."

"No, we have to attack, kill them all." The emperor's magic is burst into the murderous murder, "the big day magic team, together with me, attack."

Undoubtedly, the magic of the magic is super powerful, will not be subjected to the prince and the devil.

And his big magic team is of course super horror.

So, he dared to attack.

Most importantly, he is still standing with an old man, emitting the old man with a heel of weather and the pressure.

He is the magic world of the Magic Hai and the reborn.

It is also a horror master who guards the moon.

He has cultivated to the peak of the flying, and it can break through the flying contest.

As far as his strength, it is basically invincible in all years.

The city gate hiped it.

The magic collapsed with a big day magic team.

This big virtue war team is of course extraordinary, all of which is the same realm of the magic, basically all the late stage, even higher.

They are all blended together and become three-headed.

The powerful, horrible.

This big magic war team can be said to be the most powerful team of the Troll Empire, but also a medium-sized pillar of the fairy.

The quantity is not a lot, and there is only one million big army.

In fact, the 300 million major army is combined, it is equal to 100 million.

However, the magic of the magic is also super crazy, and there is no brought all the big troops.

Just brought half.

In other words, he has only a 50 million army.

The rest is to defense in the city wall.

Just one moment, the 50 million army has already come out.

Of course, it is rushing from many city gates.

At the emptiness outside the city, special battle is arranged.

That is really a magic, like a mountain.

The murderous and shocking.

"Come come, come and pick it up."

The magic of the magic shouted, his gaze is also like a cold shark, crossing the space.

Protected to Zhang Bin's face.

"Camp, cloth]"

Zhang Bin did not pay attention to him, but faintly ordered.


Thirty billions of the big army fought quickly to defense, more than a thousand universe warships were also landing, and they became a large-scale wall.

There is also a number of blades of black holes, also to the opponent's army and city wall.

The space is also fascinated, the white fog is born, and everything is blocked.

People can't see their virtuality.

"Come, come and pick it up."

The magic of the magic is quizs, and it is crazy.

However, Zhang Bin is ignive him.

Command some soldiers to alert, some soldiers rest.

Quickly restore the true gas and prepare a big war.

The magic collapse is almost vomiting blood, told the soldiers to be crazy, and it is very difficult to listen.

"Shabi, we have closed space, can't hear it all."

"It is what we attacked you. When did we attack, we have said."

"If you have this, you will rush, you will definitely stroke you."


Many Milky Way monks shouted in the universe battleship and passed through the megaphone.

The magic collapse and many big days are almost unfortunately.

But it is not a way.

Because I don't dare to attack, more than a thousand universe battleships are terrible.

They rushed over and equal to finding themselves.

Therefore, in the end, they only retired back and returned to the wall.

"Ha ha ha ... a group of Shaby ..."

"Waiting for you to clean up with you ..."


Many Milky Way monks have a laughter.

Their face floats and excited.

These monks came from the earth, a mysterious star, the Galaxy Empire, and Daze Star.

Kunlun people, Su Dongshi, Hi Tao General ... all are here.

They are coming to earn good, such a big scene, they haven't seen it.

I am still very worried about them, because the strength is too disappeared.

Two billion to 10 billion.

However, under the leadership of Zhang Bin's super horrible master, it is hard to defeat the enemy.

All the way into the moon, I don't know how much magic is killed.

However, they have already got a lot of merits.

Any person has been condensed.

Even some people have already condensed several gold dragons.

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