The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1837 Terror Crash

The magic collapse looks at the holy soil, and it is shouting and shouting: "Bow Wenwu, are you not to tell me? Now I am here, you can't come out?"

His voice was shocked, spread throughout the horns of the Soil.

"Shabi, you will come to death so soon?"

"He is to give gifts, give the body to the master."

"Shaby, you leave the body, the soul can go."

Three teasing came from the wall, and smiled and shouted.

"Hahaha ..."

All the fairy repairs can not help but laugh at the same time.

"You find it."

The magic collapse is almost vomiting blood, he is the second emperor, and the super genius, if not because the Prince is bigger than him, plus the emperor is his father, he is an emperor, it is not a prince.

When is anyone dare to humiliate him?

A sharp ax appeared in his hand, crazy, a ax.


The space collapsed and a huge crack appeared.

The horror is that the ax is like a distant space.

Wink in the city wall.

"Hey ..."

There is cracks in the indestructible wall, which spread like a spider web.

If you attack a few ax, this wall will definitely collapse.

"I rely, this is too powerful?"

Three invasive and many fairy repairs are completely earthquake, and the face is filled with the color.

After all, they clearly know that this area is arranged in a rack of horrible array.

The city is also the same.

And it is a real cactus.

Not only makes the walls that have become super hard, and the magical zoom array can make the enemy's attack power, and even the space array of super cow.

However, the magic of the magic is still able to attack the wall, and the wall is almost cut down?

What horror and power is this?

"Photon cannon, bombardment ..."

Three temporary vibrant angered, while drinking.

" ..."

In an instant, many photons on the wall began to shoot.

The photon shells that burst into the densely numbness were burst with a strong death of the ultimate death.

"Give me a collapse ..."

The magic face showed a laugh, and the right hand finger.

The crash is started.

This space has a singular change.

I made a soiled light.

Many photon cannonballs enter this area, they are inexplicably crash.

That is the smoke and elimination, and the attack is not attacked.

"I rely on, what is the ability? Is it so horrible?"

Three teasings, Yang Xiong, and many Xian Xiu is completely dumbfounded.

To be honest, they still see such an abilities for the first time.

I can let so many photon artillery collapse.

This abilities are simply invincible.

"His Royal Highlights ..."

"Your Majesty is invincible ..."

"Your crushing everything ..."

Many days of virtue are excited, and they shouted crazy.

The title is also messy.

Someone shouted, someone shouted.

Finally, I all shouted.

The muro is a very special place, even if it is trivial, it is also possible to fly rise.

You can do the guardian, guard the moon.

That is to say, many of the people are expecting magic to stay, do the emperor, and guarding the monster.

"Ha ha ha ... bow civil and military, don't you dare to get dying? Then I will let you see you, how do I break your level, wait for me to kill in, you have to die."

The magic collapsed and shouted, his right hand looked up, and his mouth was also shouting: "The wall collapsed, the ground, the fight, the warship ..."

His words are just just.

The horrible thing happened, and the wall that had cracks cracks, and spread quickly.

Suddenly countless city walls fell to fall, stirred up the dust.

Then the land is also starting to collapse, there have been countless cracks, exposing many figures. Then then the ball is under mysterious power, it is also rapidly crashed.

"Hey ..."

More than a thousand warships have made a unbearable voice, and it seems to have to crash.

However, these battleships are from the black prison, which is made of super powerful magic crystals.

Still opposite this weird attack, no broken open.

However, all the fairy repairs three teasings, or they are glanced, and they are shocked.

Nima, how can this vast?

"All fairy repairs, giving it to me ..."

Magic is still smiling.

"Ah ..."

Some weak fairy repairs have made a scream.

Then their body crashed, and chemically became a blood mist.

The soul is also crash, completely annihilated.


Many fairy screamer, they shouted madly.

It took advantage of the gods, issued the most horrible attack, and resists the horrible crash.

Suddenly, countless magical launches.

Thunder, flame, space, ice, sharding, five lines of abilities ...

But there is still not too much to use, there is still some weak fairy crash.

It has been made into a broken meat and a blood mist.

Even the east of the East China Sea is full of face, not daring to attack the magic.

Because the magic is too powerful, not he can deal with.

He went up, it was sent to death.

" ..."

Zhang Bin, which is cultivating in the secret room, finally woke up.

I am in an instant to spread out, and I will clear the situation clearly.

He flashed, suspended.

Fright, "Time is hysteresis ..."

In an instant, the flow rate of time becomes very slow.

The power of the magic collapse is of course a lot of a lot.

You can't threaten many fairy repairs.

Many of the many can't resist, the fairy revolution immediately to crash is completely recovered.

Their face floats and fear of the color.

If Zhang Bin appears slowly, most people in them have to become a powder.

It's completely fallen.

"Hey ... Bow Wenwu, you finally came out to die. Let's come, let's sing. It will die." The magic collapsed is a laugh, it is to look at Zhang Bin like the dead.

He is a rare genius, which has mastered the unparatorable crash.

He wants to kill too simple, mind, and the crash is started, you can kill countless masters.

Now he cultivates the flying misery, and cultivates the magic soul of the magic.

Powerful to incredible situations.

Of course, it is full of confidence, and I have to check Zhang Bin.

" ..."

Zhang Bin flew past and landed in front of the magic.

His face is full of excitement and joy, asking: "Magic, you are very talented, you can be so strong. Don't know, how many Dantian are you born?"

" ..."

" ..."

"Hee hee hee……"

Three invasive and Yang Xiong smiled, because they knew that Zhang Bin also looked at the body of the magic.

I don't know, can Zhang Bin can't be willing?

After all, the magic is too powerful!

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