The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1846 Calculation

The attack of the magic support is more sharp!

The left hand is dead, and the Hong Kong fan is not put, and the right hand holds the black sword crazy attack.

Sword fiction, cross, cross.

The female fairy is only a sense of hiring, and there is no effort to fight.

But she is well-defined.

There is also no magic weapon, and there is no use of weapons. Five fingers become five swords. The nails are sharp Jianfeng, and the attack of the magic is blocked.

"Hey ... Xiaoxian, you will accept it, you absolutely can't be my opponent." The magic is attacked, while smiling and shouting, "I will let go, I get Hongmondan, I will not kill. is you."

The fairy is not awkward and keeps working hard to resist the attack.

But it is getting more powerless, and the face is also more and more profound.

One accidentally, the arm was in a sword, and there was a half-inch deep wound.


She all sent a painful voice.


Zhang Bin was anger, and there was a magic crystal sword in his hand, and he was a sword.

Sword breaks the sky!

And it is enhanced.

In other words, the zoom can be displayed, and the three-fold sharpness, power attributes.


Magic is unable to prevent it, it will be accepted by this sword.

There is a half-in-dark wound.


The magic bonded a pain, and then continued to dance the sword.

The female fairy is working hard to block, while ashamed and angry: "Go out, don't be in my arms."

"I feel very good in your pregnancy, so he can't attack me, and I can attack him from time to time. If I go out, I will not help." Zhang Bin said seriously, "Then you may have today Our holy is miserable. "

He still had something to say, just he deliberately let Hongfeng fly out.

It is the fairy and magic congregation while grabbing the fake Hong Kong.

It is not to deal with fairy, but to limit the magic support.

In this way, the magic support cannot move casually, and the left hand is also equal to being limited.

Fairy will be much safe.

Otherwise, the magic is displayed, from the four sides of the fairy, the fairy who is being punished, the fairy will soon be falling, and the magic will open a big killing, and I don't know how many fairy we want to kill.


The fairy is anxious, but there is no way to negotiate, because Zhang Bin is reasonable.

If Zhang Bin leaves her arms, go to attack the magic, the magic can kill Zhang Bin, and Zhang Bingen is not busy.

And there are so many immortals, and only Zhang Bin's attack can hurt the magic support.

"Fairy Sister, how do I work with you, can you support you for a long time? Can you spend the sky?"

Zhang Bin asked again.

"Attack him, give me a sword ..."

Fairy voice said.


Zhang Bin also grabbed a chance, and slammed his sword on the left hand of the magic.

Also cut out a deep wound.

"Ah ... I have to kill you."

The magic is in a hurry, and the sword is mad sword to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin suddenly fell back to the fairy, and sent the sword in his hand to the fairy.

When the fairy grabbed the sword, he immediately imprisoned Zhang Bin's recognition, and then she will refine it.

The right hand dances the sword, and the sword of the magic is blocked.

"Dangdang ..."

Then they have two hands to grab the Hong Kong, a dance sword, crazy attacking each other, must give up the Hong Kong fan.

I don't know what the fairy has a secret law, so that the magic crystal sword is hard, and it has been much sharp.

Therefore, it can easily resist the attack of the black light sword of the magic.

There is a lot of the situation of the female fairy.

There is no previous session.

"You can go out."

Female fairy presses anger and depressed, say.

According to her temper, I can't wait to kill Zhang Bin.

However, there is no helping, but she will not only have Hongfeng fan today, but may have a life of life.

Although it is said that he left a soul in the fairy world, it can also condense the body again.

However, to restore the repair, it is not so easy.

So she can't do this.

"Can you really defeat him?"

Zhang Bin said, "If the magic is smart, let go of Hongfeng fan, attack you from the back, then you are miserable. At that time, I have to help you, there is no chance."

When the female fairy's face suddenly changed, the fine sweat was taken on the forehead.

Because Zhang Bin is right, if the magic is doing this, then she will be killed by the magic.

But she still didn't have a good voice: "If the magic is as doing as you said, you can't help me in my arms,"

"I can turn around, use your body to do the arrow, use Hongmundan fan to block his attack, how can you delay it, then you may have a day. The crisis will be released." Zhang Bin said.

Female fairy is speechless. At this moment, she is a bit skeptical about Zhang Bin deliberately caused, and he has long, and this is indeed the best way to respond.

If her guess is right, then, the wisdom of this teenager is terrible?

It is simply a noble policy.

So, she didn't let Zhang Bin out, continue to work hard and fight.

At the same time, her soul is also working hard to fight terror.

Zhang Bin didn't shoot again, because his attack is hard to find a magic support.

And the magic supports as long as the Hongfeng fan, he and the fairy will fall into the danger.

Therefore, he certainly looks forward to the magic support to continue to occupy the wind. The magic support must not let go of the Hong Kong fan, continue to waste time and fairy fight.

He is comfortable to lying comfortably in the fairy, breathing the fragrance of intoxicating, and full of pleasant colors.

The two hands of the fairy are fighting with the magic, of course, it is moving, the body keeps shaking.

The peaks of the west are constantly undulating, and Zhang Bin is also keeping shaking, and more intimate contact with her.

This feels, it is simp.

So, his breathing has been rushing, the heart is also jumping.

The fairy is shameful, what is going on?

How is things suddenly become this?

Could it be, just he deliberately fell into me?

Otherwise, how is it so clever?

But she still bits the teeth do not talk, continue to fight with the magic.

However, Zhang Bin is talking again, the sound road: "Beautiful sister, you have to install a look, let him see hope, then he is difficult to enlighten, continue to grasp this Hongmeng fan is not put. "

"Similar to the extreme, what kind of bad guys? No wonder the emperor who can make the Soil. This bastard is likely to be deliberately tied me, so big courage!"

The fairy hated in his heart, but she was accepting Zhang Bin's suggestion, putting out a little extensive look, and the face floated on the face.

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