The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1862 Secret of Sun Handa

Wu Zetian lived down in the four fairy tower and started cultivating.

And Wu Zetian also stepped into a world of magical world.

After ten days, Wu Zetian finally cultd.

Most of Dantian cultivated theory.

"Four brothers, can you tell me? I still don't understand now."

Wu Zetian found a chance to ask three tence and Yang Xiong.

"Hey ... There is no mother, saying the length."

Three invasive and Yang Xiong also did not refuse, started to say that the calendar of the seven tongue.

Take all the brilliant history of Zhang Bin.

"How can this be?"

Even smart, or shocking is like a fool, it can't come back in half a day.

They actually come from the future.

It is so exciting in the future.

Master Zhang Bin actually watched so much? Can pass the time, can unify the demon group, and have you been in cross stars? His legendary experience is simply incredible.

"Do you know why the master is saved?"

Ma Rufei smiled and said.


The pretty face of Wu Zetian.

"Because the master likes you."

Three invasive and Yang Xiong said almost simultaneously.

"Hu said eight."

Wu Zetian is even more shy. "At that time, he saw me, I am an old woman. Can the master still like an old woman? Wake a long time later."

In the end, the Queen of the past is very smart and the momentum is also very good.

Three invasive and Yang Xione are inexplicably awesome.

I dare not joking again.

"Master, you study this handkerchief every day, is it, what beauty is given to you?"

Wu Zetian took a beautiful fragrance to Zhang Bin, and asked with charming.

Now she has already touched Zhang Bin's character, and it is not angry.

Cardgy is wide as sea.

Zhang Bin has been in the provenance, and he is used in anxiety, so it is also a heart to study the sun.

This hand is on the secret, only studying this secret, and dealing with strong hanging.

After all, the consistence of Lei Xia said with him.

"It is obtained from a big man."

Zhang Bin looked at Wu Zetian, as a flower like a flower, "Sun God is recorded here, but there is more secrets, but I still have not studied."

Recently, he studied that this sun handkerchief superweap, there is a magical ability.

The knife gun does not enter, the water is not hurt.

Have an optional attribute.

Can be compared to the leaves of the imperial emperor.

And even A Xiu also can't make a secret and origin of the sun.

Such treasures are certainly top treasures.

"Can you let me see?"

Wu Zetian asked curiously.

Zhang Bin smiled away, gave the Sun Hand to Wu Zetian.

Wu Zetian gradually studied.

This hand is very simple, there is only one sun pattern, and the rest is blue.

There is no otherthing else.

"Master, I heard that you cultivate a sun?"

Wu Zetian studied for a long time, and then her face revealed a strange smile.


Zhang Bin nodded.

"You put out the sun and the sun on the handkerchief, maybe there will be a miracle."

Wu Zetian said.

"Why do you think?"

Zhang Bin asked in different sites.

"It is a kind of intuition."

Wu Zetian said, "Master is so strong and genius, I want to achieve the conditions of the inheritance. The secret of handkerchief will be open to you. But actually not, then, it is not right."

"Then I try."

Zhang Bin's face also floated the color of the expectation.

He didn't dare to do this in the past, just worried that his sun put it into ashes.

However, more than ten years of research, he found that his handkerchief has an informant property, no influence of the wood emperor.

But it can try this way.

He didn't have any delays, and the heart is moving, the sun in the left eye flew out.

There is only one basketball so big, but it is a light that burst into extreme horrible.


Zhang Bin allows the sun to slowly close the sun.

This handkerchief is magically, and it is easy to resist the burning of Zhang Bin's sun.

However, what miracles did not appear.

The handkerchief has no movement.


Zhang Bin shook his head.

Wu Zetian defeated such a horrible light, and he had already hid behind Zhang Bin's body, he he said: "The cinema is eager to grow, the anode is inconsistent. Master, this handkerchief may be related to the moon, you release a moon, put it out The other side of the handkerchief. This day and moon, the sun and the moon are shine, maybe there will be a miracle. "

Zhang Bin felt that Wu Zi Tian was in a mess.

But he did not be angry, his mind, flew out a silver moon in his right eye.

He cultivated the magical sun and moon gods for more than ten years, the right right of the left day, I have already cultivated the true moon. Located in the right eye.

Then he said like Wu Zetian, the front of his hand is facing his own sun, and his handkerchief is against the moon.

Zhang Bin is unhappy.

I don't expect a miracle at all.

However, the magical thing really appeared.

The handkerchief suddenly lit up white light.

The sun on the handkerchief is also a black hole, starting to devour the energy of the sun and the moon.

Gradually, the sun central area of ​​the handkerchief appeared a pattern of palace.

It seems that the magnificent, exudes horrible pressure.

"God, really changed? This is a incredible?"

Zhang Bin really glanced.

Don't say him, even Wu We himself is stunned.

She is also just a suggestion.

But, I really found the secret of handpass?

"Little teacher, you are really my Fuxing."

Zhang Bin woke up, excited, turned to Huazi Tianzhong in his face, put it on her face.

"Master ..."

Wu Zetian is shy, and it is charging.

It looks glamorous, tempting soul.

The mouth is also a shy voice, charming.

" ..."

A weird voice sounded, the door of the palace suddenly opened.

A huge incredible phagocytosis is issued.

I will swallow Zhang Bin and Wu Zetian.

Almost at the same time, the door of the palace is closed.

It is also a gap, and there is no.

"what happened?"

Zhang Bin screamed and shot out in the same manner.

However, what mysterious array may be arranged in the palace.

His knowledge is not in what is not in place.

I can't see anything, because it is a deep dark.

It seems to be in midnight.

"Master, I am afraid."

Wu Zetian stood Zhang Bin's neck and put his body on Zhang Bin.

Let Zhang Bin have a different feeling, this woman has done an emperor, killing countless people, gallbladder, how can it be afraid? Will not tempting him?

But how can he dismantled her?

Soaked: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, the master will protect you."

"Master, go, there is a ghost."

Wu Zetian is more fearful, "What is anything grabbed my feet."

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