The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1875 Magic Sapphire Secret

Zhang Bin caught in meditation, and finally his eyes were fixed on the expansion Dan.

Why is the expansion Dan expanded in Dan at Dan Tian?

Obviously the Dan attribute Dantian has a special ability, in fact, it is to improve the ability of Dan medicine, and the expansion Dan is very special, and the drug improvement will expand.

In this case, the Dan attribute meridians should also have the same capabilities.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin's face showed excitement and exciting colors.

Now his cultivation has reached the bottleneck, and the abilities have also reached the bottleneck.

And the foundation has already been good.

To continue strong, you must break through a bottleneck.

However, because of the practice of cultivating too many exercises, especially there is a lot of people who are very energetic.

Therefore, breaking through the bottleneck is a lot more than a general monk.

Refining the magical medicinal medicine, breakthrough, is the only way.

This is also too old to look forward to him to create the goal of Dan.

In addition, Zhang Bin stayed in this time and spare, he felt the demand of time and space.

It also feels dangerous in accumulation.

If you still stay in this time, it will happen to terror.

So, he also hopes to break through, cultivate into super powerful, then go back.

He tried it immediately and turned into a variety of fragments, and the midpersion of those connected to Dan Funding and Dantian.

Let's pay attention to the details.

Sure enough, as he guess, in some meridians, the debris of the expanded Dan will expand quickly.

This can indeed detect the Dan attribute meridians.

Only for half a day, Zhang Bin detected all Dan attribute meridians.

Then he discovered a magical phenomenon.

That is, Dan atmosphere is slightly smoldering around the body, constitutes a special pattern, which is a pattern of a Dan furnace.

Two feet and hands are the foot of the Dan furnace. The body is a Dan furnace.

But this Dan furnace is very weird, it is horizon, that is, the height has no length.

As for his mouth, it is the entrance of the Dan furnace.

Chrysanthemum is where to exclude waste.

"My God, what is going on?"

Zhang Bin is completely earthquake, and his face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

At this moment, he felt that he appeared to find the largest secret of the human body.

This secret may only be able to discover only a monk with Dan Funda.

No, even the monks who have Dan attribute Dantian may not find that they learn that Dan attribute, the route of the real gas circulation is only partial meridians, it is difficult to find this secret.

He immediately found the magic of the knee, and said his own findings. Asked: "Is it a generous, is the Cosmo in the development of the universe?" Can I start developing the universe? "

I looked at Zhang Bin like a monster. After a long time, I said: "The human body is a universe. The human meridian is the path of developing the universe. You said that the Dan attribute pulse should be the pharmacle of the universe, only excited The magical ability of the pharmacle can quickly stimulate a lot of abilities, develop the potential of the body, let the body translate into the universe. However, the medicine is not anyone. Most people do not have. And, each person's medicine The pulse is different. The more the pulse is, the more intensive, the better the income. "

"Then I should have the sky capital of the universe in the development."

Zhang Bin's face is full of excitement and exciting color.

"Not only have a talented, but it has formed a pattern of Dan furnaces, but let you find this secret, this is very magical." Demon stood up and explored the jade hand. "You guiding my true Gas, in all the pharmacies circulating? "

When Zhang Bin, her jade hand is in Zhang Bin's lower abdomen.

The true gas is slowly emerging, and under the guidance of Zhang Bin, it slowly detects all the pharmacies.

Then the magic sighed and said, "Your internal capital is really good, this is a bit strange, generally, the number of the monks cannot be two full, the foreign tricks are good, the internal capital of the internal repair Will be bad. How are you doing two? Unfortunately, you are walking the road. It is equal to the way to go. It is better than a big mountain, clearly can be upstairs, but you are just a circle, a circle Another circle is around, slowly up. "

"I didn't say it before. There are still many problems that have not been solved. It is not so easy to be strong?" Zhang Bin did not have any regrets and regret, his heart is bright, if he listens to the magic, change Internal repair, it is impossible to spend so many crises.

Even if you know that you have a classified internal education, you will not change it to internal development.

Because the tacit in our own foreign truth is the talents of the Imperial Emperor.

It is definitely good to repair.

"I haven't awakened memories before, so I don't know much about internal development. At that time, I still don't have internal repair, or a bitterness." Magic said, "Now it is different. I know that I have almost all secrets. Of course, we must practice to the super powerful point, it is also very difficult, to spend countless levels. However, the external repair is the same, the same must spend many levels. So I feel sorry. "

"I have really outstanding the talents of my internal repair? Can it be more than you?"

Zhang Bin touched the chin and asked.

In fact, he wants to ask what is the identity of her.

However, if the magic wants to say, I have already told him.

Unfortunately, she did not say, obviously didn't want to tell him, he asked.

"It's just a peer-class, it is not a peerless genius." The magic said, "Of course, it is not possible to repair the heroous than I repair, I don't repair the first. Beyond anyone. This is a huge. The price. This price is not thinking about you dream. "

"Then I don't regret it at all, I don't regret it at all." Zhang Bin said, "If I can stand in the universe peak, rush all the exquisite masters. At that time, I believe that I will understand the universe in the development. Secrets.

"I also think about you like you." Magic said, "When I stand in the universe peak, I am invincible, when I am crushing everything, I found that it is difficult to improve one step. So, I will turn myself into it. A little girl who is only three-year-old, and then cut off all his memories, abandoning all the magics and arrogance. Take another road, that is the road of internal repair. "

Zhang Bin's eyes are wide, watching the monsters like the monster.

I can't say it for a long time.

It turned out that the devil is so powerful?

Cosmic peak? What is invincible? Raw everything?

However, she actually abandoned everything, turned into a small girl who did not have any defensive ability? How much courage is this?

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