The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1884 breaks through, the flying promotion is full

"You are a martial arts? What is the female Huangwu?"

Zhang Lele can't take care of Zhang Bin, glaring, glaring, watching Wu Mei Niang, curiously asked.

"You are Zhang Le Le? Master's sister?"

Wu Mei Niang did not answer, waiting for Zhang Le to nod, she said that she said that she was rescued by Zhang Bin, "I was 68 years old, just as an emperor for one year, your brother is controlling time machine appears in my palace ... 14 After the year, I am going to die, your brother has appeared again, let me return to the old children, take me, let me join too clear ... "

"God, you are like Wu Mei Niang, no wonder so beautiful, this is amazing. You are my teacher in the future."

Zhang Lele listened to a stunned and shouted.

"It should be your sister."

Wu Mei Niang smiled.

"I am getting more than you."

Zhang Lele said.

"I got a thousand years ago. How long have you gone? Is there three years?"

Wu Mei Niang smiled.


Zhang Lele tongue, I don't know what to say, because she is confused.

Is it a teacher, or a teacher?

"Teacher, let's go, take me to see the new look of the earth."

Wu Zetian did not delay, pulling Zhang Lele flying.

Look at this prosperous world, look at the bustling people.

Wu Mei Niang is a little happening. Where is this half a shadow of the past?

History, erase everything.

Glory, send people into the loess.

If you are not saved by the master, I have become a bunch of loess.

"Sister, isn't my brother falls in love? So I saved you? I am not calling your nephew?"

Zhang Lele is curious.

"Not yet. Master He is a world-wonderful person, the most powerful hero. How can he fall in love with me? He is because my tachip is not bad, it saves me." Wu Mei Niang said a bit awkwardly.

"If I am a man, I will fall in love with you, I love to die. The sister is too great, too beautiful, let countless men sweat." Zhang Lele took Wusai Mei Niang with a burning gaze.

Obviously, she is Wu Mei Niang's faithful fan.

"Zhang Bin, when did you start to deal with?"

The devil pulled Zhang Bin to the side and asked.

Obviously she is eager to fly rose the devil.

And in all things, there is only this thing, don't worry.

She didn't belong to this world.

The devil is her stage.

"You said, is we have a soul that is going to defeat the emblem?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.

"He is just the soul of escaping, and it is strong, and it will not leave it." The magic said, "We can join hands, it should be possible."

"Still waiting for me to break through the big rules, then deal with the reason insurance. I broke through very fast."

Zhang Bin did not dare to look small, and this time I might have to enter the star tomb, in order to kill the soul of Haoyu.

What's more, Haoyu has also cultivated two super powerful existence, that is, Magic and Jing Jiu Xuan.

Therefore, you must do a good preparation.

He didn't have any delays, and he immediately took a few pieces of medicinal herbs that were refined in history.

This medicinal medicine is the flying Dan that is too old.

There is a magical ability, which can make people break through the flying promotion.

Of course, if the battle is not strong, it is just the robbery.

However, Zhang Bin is unprecedented.

After experiencing a big horror, it is so long to fight your mirror, let his war have improved a lot.

Of course not fear.

There is no accident.

The bottleneck of imprisoning Zhang Bin began to break.

The sky robbery is purple black, and it is the most powerful two-color robbery.

It is indeed very horrible, but it is still far less than the internal robbery that Zhang Bin spent.

It took only three days, all of his cultivation of the practice broke through the flying promotion, and even the Tianwu Gonglu method also broke through the Sky Witch's full, and the long life of the green wood was also broken through the gods.

The horrible label is all swallowed by Zhang Bin.

There is no harm to Zhang Bin, but it is transformed into a special medicine and nutrients, so that Zhang Bin's soul and body have been greatly benefited.

The fifth God is also starting to condense, that is, the lips, there is a faint red point.

However, it is necessary to condense this god, need a massive soul energy, and all the boundaries have no way to condense success.

When Zhang Bin passed the sky, cultivated to the flying misery.

The void became bright, and there are countless radiance that has fallen out of the sky, and it is also a fascinating fragrance. The singularity, the sound of drums also sounded.

Then, the three huge fairymen appeared from the void.

A small attractive is also issued, attracting Zhang Bin to enter it.

"God, Xiaobin spent the robbery, to fly to the fairy ..."

"This is too big, is it big?"


All the villagers, all the disciples are shocked, and their faces are filled with enthusiasm.

"My son became a fairy?"

Zhang mother is also completely stupid, and she begins to bragging. "I have long known, my son is not ordinary people, I will dream when I am pregnant."

"Mom, how do you do so many dreams when you are pregnant?"

Zhang Le said.

"Pregnancy October, 300 day and night, one day a dream or a few dreams, very normal."

Cheng Mother said.

"To pair, the family is right."

The grand eyebrows are laughing, and they are proud of the ocean.

Zhang Bin did not push the door, but converged the momentum and the pressure on his body.

Just one moment, he became a general person.

And that three fairymen were also hidden in an instant.

If there is never seen it.

Zhang Bin continued to cultivate crazy, took another medicinal medicine that was still refining.

His body and soul change quickly.

Among the body, more than the fairy, that is the body of Xianlong, the defense ability than the fairy is much stronger.

His soul is indulged, eliminating a lot of impurities.

In the soul, it is also derived from some special array, with super defense capabilities.

Even if it is hit by terror, it is difficult to suffer.

Such a fairy and the soul have special activity, it is difficult to aging.

Of course, it is also required to nourish the nourishment, in order to jump out of the triple, not in the five elements.

Can really live with the world.

Zhang Bin opened his eyes, he stood up. His right hand opened, instantly became a large-scale, and the sun rays were gathered from the sky to his hand, and he quickly concatenated into a long tens of thousands of meters. The spear, he raised his air and threw it out.


The spear is broken, and it is flying in the sky with a fast speed. Finally, it will be in the sun.

The sun keeps shaking.

Almost did not break.

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