The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1887 War Haoyu

"I am very curious, what kind of magic is your soul butterfly is to enter the body of the resident, inspire the horrible force." Zhang Bin asked, "But I am not yet." This is found in such anity. "

"This Dulong Emperor has mastered countless magical secrets, and has nothing to do with exercises. It is only related to the realm." Mr. Yu said proudly, "now, let you see my magical ability. . Give me a fixed! "

His voice just fell, the magical thing happened.

The sky is brightly bright.

The space has also happened, it becomes a transparent substance that can be more than the proposed fairy.

More terrible is that time stops lapse.

Zhang Bin seems to have become a person in a scenery, that is, it can't move.

"I will pick your head first. Your moon is not supported by the body. I have to break too easy. And, you can't self-exploitation." Hairpeed the nine dazzling body, step by step to Zhang Bin's face, his face was full of smile and proud, and there was a sharp knife in his hands. He was asked to break the neck of Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin shouted crazy, struggling hard, but even struggled.

There is no use.

"Useless, you don't struggle." The nine dazzling face is full of play color, "I am Dragon Emperor, how can I can't deal with you?"

"Hey, it seems that I still escape this robbery."

Zhang Bin made a sigh, his eyes closed.

Virtual, close, eye is empty!

Under the increase of zooming abilities, thirty times power is enlarged.

The imprisonment instantly collapsed.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Bin's chest suddenly broke a gray Thunder.

I bombard the inquiry in the heart of the nine dazzling.

"Bang ..."

A loud noise.

The nine dazzling head became black, and the body kept treteking.

But it is a lightning. After the lightning is retreat, I don't dare to confused in my mouth: "You don't have a virtuality? How is it possible?"

"Give me death."

How can Zhang Bin have such a good opportunity?

Chasing with a murder of the sky, launched an attack like a venter.

" ..."

Just a moment, Jing Jiu Xuan is from Zhang Bin to the three punches.

Fly in the air.

The mouth is also a scream.


Zhang Bin chased the lightning, and in his hand, there was a sword that arms the rust-plagued.

Suddenly stab.


A sword turned into a three hundred swords.

Cover all the earth.

" ?"

Happiness is controlled with a nine dazzling body, and the mouth has made an angry shout, and the knife in the hand is crazy.

Instant illusion tens of millions.

"Dangdang ..."

The sword bombards each other, sparking, so that the world has become extra bright.

The two quickly retired, but they will fight together.

It has become a black shadow that is not clear.

It is difficult to solve, no peers.

The murderous rush, the sun and the moon are light.

The devil looks at the two people.

The Magic Douu is not careless. He also asked: "Daughter, it seems that you are much stronger? Is there any super adventure?"

"I don't want to ask me. You have taken me. Raise me. But today I save you a life. It is a return, who is not owed," the devil said, "You are best forgot me. "

"what happened?"

The Magic Dynasty, and his face was full of not a letter.

The former magic is not like this.

Where would be so indifferent?

"Dangdang ..."

Zhang Bin and the Jiu Xuan, who were controlled by Haoyu, continue to fight crazy.

Happiness is really very powerful, stimulating the war and the power of horror.

You can call the power of the heavens and the earth.

Various magics is also a skilled pole.

The multiple of zoom can be exploded far exceeds Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin Shi Shi is a virtual, internal repair Thunder, combined with many universe gods.

It is not less than the other party.

"Soul butterfly, kill ..."

The two eyes of Haoyu suddenly stunned.

Two narrowed version of the soul butterfly broke out from his two eyes.

A murder shot to Zhang Bin's two temples.

Zhang Bin smiled cold, mind, two scarlet soul magic lights were taken from the eyes.

Instantly bombards on the soul of the soul.

" ..."

The soul butterfly is like a shooting butterfly, which falls like a broken kite.

"Good guy, can you practice the soul of the soul?"

Haoyue controlled the nine dazzling body quickly retreat, the mouth also sent a surprised voice, "Where did you get so many soul energy?"

To cultivate into the soul magic light, you must practice two God.

Need massive soul energy.

"You don't know the sorrow of the soul? Can you see the Sky Magical?"

Zhang Bin also asked in a surprise.

"Ha ha ha ..." I molar, "I over-controlled the cemetery to the earth, my soul soul is found in the first time, I have all my ability to understand, I understand all my understanding." What is this unlike? "

"It turns out."

Zhang Bin said faintly, "You write the content of the book, maybe, I will spare you."

"You must be falling soon, it is not necessary to know the content of the Tiandou." Rane said, "But if you say that you have no sense of life, Jian Di, Mi Emperor, I may leave your soul "


Zhang Bin was furious, rushed over.

Crazy attack each other.

"Dangdang ..."

" ..."

So they two madly fight together.

Put many houses into flour, put many mountains to collapse.

I almost didn't wear the earth.

At nearly an hour, Zhang Bin still can't occupy the wind.

Even a lot of losses.

Then Zhang Bin understood that the experience of the fight is too rich. It is too deep to the abilities, and the multiple of the zoom is too high. He has to rely on such a fight to kill him almost impossible.

"Zoom alone, smash the moon double arrow, destroy the magic light, attack ..."

Zhang Bin finally used the most powerful basement.

The moon double arrow broke out, madly rotated, destroyed the magic light, followed, kill the hazy.

This kind of attack is to encounter a big horror, mirror Zhang Bin Shi Shi. The power is of course very powerful.

Otherwise, even today, Zhang Bin still can't think of such an attack method.

"Break the moon double sword, ..."

The face of Haoyu is slightly changed, and the two eyes are angry. His moon double sword will take out, and he is in Zhang Bin's crushing double arrow.

"Hey ..."

However, his moon double sword instantly crushed.

And Zhang Bin's crushing double arrow is shot on his two temples!

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