The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1896 Rabbit Evolution


The sound is shock, the column is still non-destructive, and there is no trace.

"The situation is not good."

Zhang Bin's face is depressed, this is very uncomfortable, but it is very uncomfortable.

He thought he blindly, and he sat down, and sent a destruction of the magic light, attack the soul of the soul, and wipe the residual memory.

It took a three-month for three months until it was completely erased, did not leave a trace.

Then he made his soul to swallow it.


The fifth God of the soul began to rotate crazy.

The energy of Haoyu is swallowed in.

God becomes more and more.

Unfortunately, there is still no thorough formation.

Obviously, the energy of the soul is still not enough, it is too difficult to form the fifth God.

"You can't form the fifth God, just there will be a special ability, you can't break this column, get the treasure inside." Zhang Bin was a bit depressed, but his eyes turned, and thought of another One way.

The jade jade making in his hand has occurred.

He began working hard to read and understood.

The content in this is too complicated, and it is a sentiment and cultivation experience.

For Zhang Bin, it is extremely precious.

Because he also cultivated the gods, even, he had already repaired into a fairy dragon body.

The foundation has been made.

Gradually, Zhang Bin fell into a magical cultivation.

He forgot everything.

When he woke up again, the time has passed another month.

In fact, he would continue to comprehend because he smelled a strange aroma. Stimulate him.

He looked at this pillar with his eyes, and his face was full of surprised colors.

Because the aroma is exuded from the column.

It is getting more and more rich.

Moreover, two large print among the columns are bursting.

An exploded gold light, a burst black light.

From the pillars, it looks particularly vast.

"Master, let me come out, this is a good thing for me." The sound of rabbits rang, "I flew over 800,000 years in the void, then evolved, the cause of evolution should be that I have been A golden light shines, and the golden light emitted from this column is exactly the same. "

Since the destroying of the black prison, Zhang Bin took the rabbit.

Is there any adventure in the rabbit?

"No? There is such a thing?"

Zhang Bin felt very ridiculous, and his face was full of colors.

However, he still took the phone out of him without hesitation.

Let them bathe in golden light and black light.

"It's so comfortable, so comfortable, it is so comfortable."

The rabbit is bathed in the bath and black light, and even excitedly shouting.

Jin Guang and black light seem to be attracted to form two light columns, projected on the rabbit.


The more weird things happened, and the translucent column suddenly burst into half transparent light, projected on the rabbit.

"It's so comfortable, the owner, this should be the most comfortable sunbathing."

The rabbit shouted excitedly.

Zhang Bin could not laugh, and his face was also full of doubts.

He doesn't understand what is going on here?

Also, he is also very curious. After the rabbit is shine, it is, is it, in the Milky Way, it also gave birth to another Xianminti? If it is true, then it is too ubous?

Is it not only the earth and black prison, the Milky Way is also a special secret?

"Hey ..."

Suddenly, the broken sound sounded.

The pillar actually appeared dense linen as a crack like a spider web.

The strange aroma is also exuded faster.

Heartful heart.

"God, the column is even broken? What is going on?"

Zhang Bin is completely dumbfounded, his face is also ivory.

In the heart, I will flash inspiration. It turned out that I can't take it into the column in the past, not the column is more hard, not broken, but because the Imperial Emperor Industry inside did not completely gestate, Wusai people Refuse to enter and worry about destroying gestation.

In order to verify this guess, Zhang Bin's heart is moving, and the Meisies have skyrocketed. When they instantly, they will take them on the cracked pillars, and they are in a place where there is no crack.

There is no accident, it is easy to get it.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin made an excitement to the extreme laugh.

At this time, he finally understood that what magical treasure you won.

With such a treasure, he will have a lot of security, and the treasure hunt is more convenient.

It's really good for your luck.

" ... ..."

The column continues to collapse, and the golden light black light is taken.

Then, the Imperial Emperor's seal will be taken as a lightning.

That speed is really fast.

Obviously, you have to leave this place.


Zhang Bin's speed is faster, two hands are suddenly explored, and the instant is very large.

The left hand grabbed the Xianminti, and the right hand grabbed the magic emperor.

However, Zhang Bin's face suddenly changed.

Because both seals began to swell crazy, and with a horrible current.

Let him can't catch up.

"Zoom can be enormous, the power of power, the three gods, the composite real gas ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, all of the Unit was launched.

The 81 Dantian is also open, and the first Tianling tree will pass a huge power of the mountain.

However, it is only tightly grasped the fairy seal, and the magic seal is continuing to skyrocket, the current is taken, and I will break away from Zhang Bin's lock. I will fly away from the distance.

How can this treasure Zhang Bin be willing to give up?

Of course, it is chasing the lightning.

In the blink of an eye, the Devil's seal was shot on the wall, and even easily sneaked in.

Like ghosts.


Zhang Bin said dark.

His left hand burst into the universe of the universe, and quickly seal the fairy seal and received the central Dantian.

At the same time, he used the black American, and took into the cave. He turned his body and chased it quickly.

Ume people seem to have a magical ability, which has been tightly chased behind the Devil's Seal.

"Don't escape, otherwise, it may be calculated by many great energy."

Zhang Bin is dark and dark.

Unfortunately, things are willing to violate.

The speed of the Devil's seal is super fast, how he can't pull it away.

So, very fast, the Devil's seal will have a black prison with Zhang Bin.

Exposed to the heavens and the earth.

" ..."

The Devil's sector has become a black lightning and winks away.

"Speed ​​abilities, scaling energy, time acceleration ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, his speed suddenly soared.

Soon, I chased it up, and the right hand explored again, and I grabbed this magic seal.

However, although he used all the magical power and ability, he also banned the Devil's seal, even his internal repair is no use.

Therefore, the Devil's seal will break away, and quickly escape.

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