The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1898 swallowing the heavenly flying

"I am coming to take you today. I didn't ask me before, I could let you go to practice the road, can you let your youth, I can't do it at the time, I can't do it. But now it is possible. Zhang Bin said.

"Don't you become a fairy? Want to go to the fairy world?"

I wish Dan smoke.

Obviously, she doesn't believe it.

"You have a very correct, I am now a cacto, I am going to the fairy world. Don't worry, you are alone in the earth, so I want to take you. You are willing?" Zhang Bin said.

"How is it? Are you joking?"

Zhu Dan smashed.

"Of course, I am not joking." Zhang Bin said, "If you refuse me, then lose a chance to live. You can't see me again."

"Then I will walk with you ... Can you bring my parents?"

I am excited and excited on the face of Dan smoke.

Soon, Zhang Bin took her parents with Zhu Dan to find her parents and took it into the four fairy tower.

"My cousin, I will know, he will take you away ..."

Seeing Zhu Dan smoked, Saman usually welcomed.

" ..."

Zhang Bin took a high altitude, and he looked at the earth with his perseverance.

His knowledge is also gradually gotten to the island, there is a woman with his one night - Takada, but she is married and born.

Of course, it will not bother her.

Then his gods went to the magic, concentrated on another woman.

This woman is named Lin Humi.

At this moment, she is watching the pen.

The painting is Zhang Bin.

However, after she draws it, I will thrown on the ground and stepping on it.

The face is full of hate.

Obviously, she can't forget that Zhang Bin once a so-called betrayal of her.


Zhang Bin issued a sigh.

He fell behind Lin Higashi.

The secret law made her sleep, and then he reached out on her head.

Soon, he took her all the memories of his memory, including the memory of the Nam.

After a while, Lin Houli woke up.

Her hat on her disappeared, and the grievances were dissipated.

It looks very beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

"I hope you can live in a lifetime, goodbye."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he flew up, and he went to the sky, he thought again, recalling.

Gradually, his face was full of regrets.

Because there is still a pet, it is not looking, it is Xiaojin.

No, Xiaojin has cultivated into a beautiful woman, can't be said to be a pet.

Xiao Jin was sent to the starry sky, and Zhang Bin went to the Milky Way a lot of planets, but they did not find Xiaojin.

Even if he is now practicing into a cactus, you can cross the empty, but he still has no ability to cover all the planets of the Milky Way, which is not a way to find small gold.

"I hope that Xiao Jin can fly to the fairy body. That will meet in the fairy world."

Zhang Bin muttered, the last time and Xiaojin met, Zhang Bin also saw that Xiaojin was very powerful, plus the full cultivation of the dragon, should be able to fly.

Then he went to France and sneaked into the Dragon Palace.

And Dragon Say.

Long Xin has not been completely mixed, and it takes nearly a hundred years.

However, Zhang Bin immediately told Yang Xiong and Yunfei Yang, and collected more the best spirit.

Yes, Zhang Bin left the Tianding Pagoda to Yang Xiong.

"Bin brother, after hundreds of years, I will go to the fairy world to find you."

Longxin's face is full.

"time to go."

Zhang Bin got out of the Dragon Palace, flew to the Antarctic, but he suddenly stopped.

He remembered a thing, he used to refine a fairyan, and the medicinal herbs spent the thunder.

I don't know if it is still in the earth?

If you are, bring that little things to our fairy, nor well.

It is called my mother.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin's face revealed a splendid smile.

His knowledge is taken out, and all the earth is covered in an instant.

Even, even many cave can't stop his knowledge entry.

However, he did not find that fairyan.

"Strange, I can't see it? Is it going to the alien? Or is it flying in the fairy?"

Zhang Bin muttered.

And since Zhang Bin will no longer be delayed.

I went to the South Pole.

Directly landed in the past, in the mountains of Yaochi princess in the water chamber.

Since the magic of the Antarctic Emperor has established a secret of the passage of the Earth in the world, Zhang Bin has clearly known that the channel is in the mountain valley.

Therefore, Yaochi Princess can play with the channel through the channel.

However, through such channels, it is also a huge price.

That is to seal the true gas and magic, let yourself become ordinary people, do not have any strength.

Otherwise, it will be induced by heaven and earth, it will land horror.

At that time, Yaochi and the is because of the seal strength, but the face is not seal.

After all, it is Tianxian, glamorous to the extreme.

Only Zhang Bin lost.

Yaochi also gave Zhang Bin.

"After Yaochi and the , it may be closed, so the water chamber is not seen, the valley is also a big change." Zhang Bin muttered, "But, it is easy to find that the water pool."

His eyes closed and suddenly opened.

Virtual, blinking is true, breaking all the virtual.

In an instant, he saw the water chamber, located in the depths of about one hundred meters under the ground.

"Hey ... found."

Zhang Bin laughed, but he didn't souse it immediately.

Instead, I am going to swallow the heaven and fly out of his central Dantian.

A swallowing body suddenly broke out a stupid and demon.

In an instant, the void appeared three doors, of course, the door of the demon world.

If an evil magic is distributed, there will be the door of the devil.

However, Zhang Bin did not want to swallow the heavens to the devil.

Because it is likely to be noticed by the magic, it is very troublesome.

However, there is nothing concerns about the demon world.

What's more, there will be a monster of the monarch king, Jin-winged Peng Wang, etc.

And if this time he is smuggler, the soul will become the main soul, and you can never condense the body and recall.

Eggs cannot be placed in a basket.

It is time to let the soul leave.


A feet of swallowing the heavens suddenly raised, and slammed on the third demon door.

"Hey ..."

The demon door is broken, swallowing the sky.

Then the door is hidden in the air.

Zhang Bin quietly induced some, his face revealed satisfactory smile.

There is a place where you have just flying a monster - attraction.

As long as you swallow your salad, you should not be too dangerous.

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