"This practice is a generous treasure."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, and Zhang Bin started to distinguish a heart and god cultivation. At the same time, he began to read another secret, let him surprised it that the skills of the practice here are super magical.

It is basically close to the inheritance of the Emperor.

However, because of the reasons for the income, no one can comprehend all the mystery.

Even even Zhang Bin, you can't accept the highest inheritance of all attributes.

Just only most of the skills.

After all, there are dozens of properties, Zhang Bin's Tianzheng is not too good.

"Space, time, five lines, fire, light ..., etc. I have a good natural skill, I have to find a follow-up method here." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

But he quickly made a deep eyebrow.

Because even if there is a magical practice, he still takes time to practice slowly, only cultivating the realm of Xianmi, it may comprehend all the content.

However, he can't do the guards of the Northern Snow Princess for a lifetime.

Don't you steal the skills here?

Zhang Bin shook his head, if the princess is not good to him, or a bad person, he will do this.

However, the princess is very good to him, he can't do this.

Otherwise, the idea is not connected, the mood is not comfortable, and the cultivation has not progressed.

What's more, stealing skills, princess and Arctic fairy will inevitably hunt him, he may escape, but the earth may have trouble, even, it may be tired of the ancient, Moon and other people.

After all, the princess knows that Zhang Bin once made the emperor of the Soil is a way to investigate Zhang Bin's true identity.

And if you don't take a work, there is no way to understand the follow-up content.

This opportunity may never have it.

It may, even the ancient, the month, the month, the fairy king, there is no so many magical skills.

"This is a good consideration." Zhang Bin planted in the heart, "I can't get rushed, be sure to cherish this opportunity."

"The owner, if you help the princess, let her stand out from the competition of many of the emperors, becoming the heirs of the immortal, then the crisis of the fake Hong Kong fan is nothing, the princess will definitely keep you." The rabbit said, "Let you, you can still say that you don't know what the fake Hong Kong is going."

"This is a way, but danger is more estimated." Zhang Bin Shen said, "Hongfeng fan records the secret of surpassing the fairy emperor, as long as there is a clue of Hongfeng, no fairy will not let go. I There are so many treasures, they suspect me, may search for it. However, it is not a way to respond ... "

At this moment, Zhang Bin has a choice for the road to him after you come to the fairy.

"Reporting the princess, Iron all entered the study book, let the slaves come to ask, please approve the princess."

Red bean came to the palace of the King of the Northern Snow, and the princess of the snowy skirt, the fragrance of the fragrance was said.

"I don't enjoy the servant of mung beans, but I want to see the law and secrets. Not bad. I have my heart, I don't expect my expectation." Northern Snow Princess is not angry, but the face shows a laugh, "red beans, go Let's take a book, just like serving me. "

"Yes, princess."

Red beans are surprised to bite the tongue, and the face is full of not a letter.

The princess is so good to the iron, it is simply incredible.

She returned to the study.

Ignite two Ning Shenxiang, and the strange fragrance filled the study.

Ning Shenxiang is refining with a super good fairy medicine, can make people think about active, inspiration, inspiration, and understand the secret law of secrets, and read more.

Then she walked over, squatting on the Red Yanyan carpet, gently slamming the legs of Zhang Bin.

This makes people more relaxed, the mind is comfortable, you can read longer.

Zhang Bin fell into a strange realm.

After reading a book, I look at another one.

There is no pause.

Even, he did not pay attention to red beans in giving him legs.

He looks like this, it is really unpacking.

Three days have passed, one month passed, three months passed.

He is still reading.

After all, there are too many books here.

Most of them are super magical skills.

The benefits of Zhang Bin are too big.

Red beans have been serving Zhang Bin, and Ning Shenxiang is extinguished, she ignited new.

If you are tired, she will stand up, massage Zhang Bin's shoulder, neck, gentle pole.

Let Zhang Bin feel comfortable and feels tired.

Suddenly, the door of the study was opened.

Northern Snow Princess came in with a strong fragrance, followed by two guards in the gold.

"Welcome the princess."

Red beans hurriedly, she is still going to shout from Zhang Bin.

However, the Northern Snow Princess is swaying, "Don't wake up him."

"Yes, princess."

Red beans respectfully promise.

Northern Snow Princess glanced at Zhang Bin with a singular look, she took a book from her shelves.

Sit down on another chair and start reading.

Red beans have been massaged in Northern Snow Princess.

"No, you continue to serve him. I will walk for a while."

The Northern Snow Princess smiled.


Red beans are a bit of hands.

This is too uncomfortable?

This iron one, the princess is also very good to him?

However, she still went back and continued to serve Zhang Bin.

Slim jade hand, gently massage Zhang Bin's temple.

With a special beauty.

Gold Yixin is also start reading.

However, today they both are not here.

The eyes are shot in the eyes.

They are too much more than Zhang Bin, and their talents are also super good.

They are the princess's absolute heart.

However, two of them have never got this favor.

There is such a person, where are they still have the day?

Also, look at this scene, red bean will be given to Iron by the Princess.

You know, they have two coveted red beans for many years.

Red beans is the most beautiful and warm maid.

"I have a way to think that it must make him lose."

The two people look at each other and reached a tacit understanding.

The Northern Snow Princess didn't look for a long time. After about half an hour, she left.

Jin Yixin has to leave, and Zhang Bin is more resentful.

I have passed for ten days.

Zhang Bin finally read all the books in the study.

I didn't let go of many genius, refining, refining, and cloth.

It is a pity that most of the books only read some content, because his realm is too low, you must understand more and more deeper content, not only break through the bottleneck, but must have successfully cultivated the content of the reading.

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