The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1921 is stupid


Fang Cheng really was forced to have the potential, shouting crazy, and the speed was once again improved.

Quickly is incredible.

Get rid of Zhang Bin's pursuit.

"Ha ha ha ... I broke through. My space has once again broken the bottleneck." Gu Cheng flew down, shouted excitedly, "Iron One, I have the ability to catch me?"

"Ha ha ha ... Fangcheng is very strong, iron one, you are stupid, let you put it, let you put it, this is retribracted?" Square is also excited to laugh in the heart.

The rest is basically such an idea.

"Since you break through, then it will be."

Zhang Bin finished, and his speed suddenly increased several tens of times.

The ,,, ... . . . ........

Like the eagle to catch the chicken.

"It is impossible, absolutely impossible."

Fang Cheng was very annoying, shouting crazy, struggling hard.

But of course, it is struggling.

"What did I say before?"

Zhang Bin said.

"You said that the arrogance will be defeated." Fang Cheng angry, "You this liar."

"Yes, it is to defeat." Zhang Bin said, "Now I want to talk to you, absolute strength can ignore everything. I don't think about it."

He let him go.

When Fang Cheng was ashaped, he still kept chanting: "Exhibition is defeated, absolute strength ignores all conspiracy tricks?"

The face has a regular face, but the teeth are bitten, because Zhang Bin is hitting his face naked, saying that he is playing with the conspiracy, but it is taken by Zhang Bin with absolute strength. .

Many civil and military faces are also very rich.

I don't want to laugh.

Surgent, countless, the face of the face is like the city wall, the main part of the city wall is regulatory, and there is no power for the power by a iron guard.

This is simply a big joke.

" ... ..."

Northern Snow Princess is finally rigorous, and it is like a smuggling like a silver bell.

Even, her heart has picked a strong joy.

Because she suddenly found that Zhang Bin's wisdom was very high.

Super good talent is equipped with super high wisdom, this is true talent.

I went to all the world, although I didn't get Hongfeng fan, but I got such a talent, it was also very cost-effective.

"The first test is qualified, in terms of flying ability, I have achieved the strength of the early days of the fairy."

The square is a deputy, the city government is deep. He quickly calmed down, and his face was light, faintly, "now starts the second test."

"There is also the second test, and the deputy city owner must pull back a game."

"It seems that the priest has not ended yet."


Wenwu Baiguan screamed in his heart.

They are lively, of course, not too much.

"The second test is testing the ability. This is the strength of Shouqiang, Xian Shijing. Very ordinary." Fang has a private guards come out, "Iron one, as long as you can defeat Fang Qiang, then This second test is over. "

"Square, Square, Square, the most talented righteous, can defeat strong enemies, it is said that he can defeat the immortal of the fairyland. This iron is so irrested."

"Fang Qiang is fierce, and once killed several masters in the test. The square may move the machine."


Numerous Wenwu Baiguan sighed in his heart.

" ..."

Shouqiang shakes the body, and rapidly grows high to three meters, step by step to practice the empty space of the battlefront, and when you step down, the ground must be shaken, his momentum should also be high, and the pressure is also like The big sea rose, crazy, shot, swept the world.

Look carefully, you can see that his muscles are released.

Excorps to an indestructible breath.

Undoubtedly, Fang Qiang has a defense against terrorism.

"Iron one, come, I want to explode you."

Fang Qiang is like a mountain to stand there and hook his hand.

"The arrogance will be defeated. See you proudly like an iron cock, waiting to become a falling chicken."

Zhang Bin walked in a step and said faintly in his mouth.

The people of the public, the officials, they can't help but laugh.

Zhang Bin said that this is too funny.

"This bastard, what is the bottom of the air? Virtual and no different can not be able to defeat strong square strength."

Northern Snow Princess is in his heart, and his face is full of curious colors.

"Square, explode him, see how he put it."

Fang has a rumor, and the sound said.


Square is also angry, and the murderous rushing the past, crazy a punch to Zhang Bin's head, to put Zhang Bin's head into a powder.

However, Zhang Bin is disappeared.

Just disappeared as ghosts.

Shouqiang's fist played an empty, looking for Zhang Bin with a face.


But he suddenly felt that his ass was hit.

He fell in the same place as a hungry dog, and the forehead also hit the ground.

There is a pit with a collapse of the floor.

Suddenly it is dust, and the gravel is flying.


Shouqiang sent a scream, jumped up, touch the brain door of almost broken, shouting angrily: "I want to kill you, I will give me it."

Yes, Zhang Bin made a stealth. Completely hidden in the air.

Square did not find where Zhang Bin.

The stealth ability is Zhang Bin's ability to cultivate out, his talent is very good.

With the improvement of the improvement, his stealth ability is also more harmful.

Especially after reading the jade of Haoyu, his stealth ability enhanced super fast.

Because is also very good at stealth.

It is a super powerful stealth master.

In fact, the true dragons have a stealth of abilities.

Zhang Bin has been cultivated into a true dragon, and the stealth ability is of course terrible.

What's more, now he also has a zooming energy, enhances his stealth power.

Although Shouqiang is powerful, it is only cultivated to the early days of the fairy, it is difficult to find Zhang Bin.

"Hey ..."

However, no matter how strong, Zhang Bin is no removal ability.

And Zhang Bin's attack is also like the rain in Fang Qiang as the rain.

"Ah ..."

The play is strong, and it will become a rolling gourd from time to time.

"Enchanting, it is a enchanting."

Many Wenwu Baiguan squatted in his heart, and the color of their faces was also rich.

It seems that they are also happy to see a rules.

Square is that it is an angry, and the body is not stabbed.

He didn't think that he didn't think of it.

It was completely teased by an iron guard, let him lose his face.

"Break, call the heavens and earth ..."

Square is finally can't see it, and the voice is drunk.

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