The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1924 Difficult Mission

"However, don't have to worry too much. The princess has a certain advantage." The picture is remotely confident. "That is the Tianhui, the princess is born in Dantian, in the thirty emperor, the princess, the top three "

"Nantasheng 79 Dantian? It's so powerful."

Zhang Bin was secretly shocked.

At this time, he finally came into contact with the core secret and knows the Tianshui of the North Snow Princess.

And he also understood that Arctic Xian Di is in a natural 79 Dantian or more.

However, the Antarctic Emperor, but only one Dantian, but he mastered the secret law of magical buildings, letting his Dantian partition, becomes 81, and it has become a super genius, then cultivated into a fairy emperor.

Therefore, the genius of the fairy is divided into two.

A Tantian is born partition, and there is one of the genius suitable for roofing.

"What about others? How many Dantian do they have?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"There are three people 79 Dantian, ten people 78 Dantian, 5 people 77 Dantian, 2 people 76 Dantian."

Northern Snow Princess said seriously.

"It's a big difference, this advantage is nothing." Zhang Bin said, "What is a genius? Dantian is not necessarily a genius, but also the Tanian attributes. If it is very general, the Dantian area can not say more It is best in terms of talents. "

"You are not right." The picture is long, "even if the Tanian attribute is not good, it is also a talented, more attributes, but also more than one power, more than one mind. With a long annihoon It is also possible to make the abilities. This is the innate advantage. At this point, you will be very important. However, the iron one is also right, the number of people in the Dantian area is not big, the advantage is not obvious. To trigger your Majesty Value, perhaps use of war. "

"In the war, I don't take advantage." Northern Snow Princess said, "Because everyone is not the same. Although the father is three thousand, you can get them in the same time, but the fetus is in vivo Time is distinguished, some is one hundred years, some of the 99 years, some, two hundred years. So, I am one of the least two people, the silver screen princess is the smallest, than I am still one year old. So, fighting power It is the strongest older, of course, the gap is limited. "

The picture is long and said: "The public is to win, and you must start from the four aspects. First, it is fast to improve the strength. If you can easily defeat the rest, then it is great to add points. Second, it is necessary to manage North Snow to manage I have only have a strike, make a decree. Third, the public must work hard to get merits, although it is said that the management of Bei Snow is a lot of merits, but it is far less than the distance from other competitors. And if it is more powerful, one ride is dusty, it is also great to add. And menddo, condense more merit Jinlong, the strength will also improve. Fourth, it is necessary to recruit more genius, choose more Talents, strive to cultivate them, if the princess is very good, more than others, the same points. Iron one, have you added? "

"You are very detailed." Zhang Bin said, "I added a few words. That is to vigorously attract the genius with the economy, form a company, earn huge wealth, only wealth, can cultivate it with many days Only, in order to make a lot of powerful Xianwang Xianjun ... to stand out, in the case of a small gap, it can only rely on economic strength. "

"Your suggestion is very good, we must pay more attention to economic construction."

The picture is long.

They are detailed for a long time.

Zhang Bin also asked a lot of specific details.

"Now, there is a plan to be implemented immediately." The picture is very serious. "This plan is to quickly enhance the strength of the princess. Bone holes can quickly let the immortal strength, it is a very dangerous place, only the immortal The monk can enter. Iron a self-sufficiency can defeat the early master of Xianshi, and can fly, have your protection, then there are many security. You have all the iron guards that can enter, responsible for protecting the princess, starting after three days. "


Zhang Bin did not hesitate to promise.

Such a good thing is that he dreamed of.

He is accompanying, he can also quickly improve strength.

Otherwise, the beam is very inconvenient.

"Iron one, this action, it is related to our life and death, you must be careful." The picture is very serious, "because of other emperors, princess, even, other fairyland, magic countries, the genius of the monster country is also It will be entered. Because the broken bone hole is opened for a hundred years. If you miss the opportunity, you can only wait for a hundred years. Now it is a critical moment, if you don't enter, you will basically lose the qualification of the competition. "

After a meal, he added: "Don't think that your strength exceeds them, it is negligent. Because many people have been cultivated to the peak of the immortal, as long as they enter the hardening hole, they will break through the fairyland. The strength will skyrocket, and the quenching hole, only super powerful genius can enter. The combined power of the people is very horrible. Anyone will not be subjected to it. This time, it is inevitable that blood flows into the river, can live People who come out will not be a lot. So, the life is the most important. Your machine is used. "

"I will try my best."

Zhang Bin said, then he gave the rabbit to query the quenching of the quenchings in, and he also asked the Northern Snow Princess and the remote range.

Soon, he understood what the quenching hole was a magical place.

The quenching hole is one of the most mysterious treasures in the fairyland.

Only immortal monks can enter.

Broad through the fairyland, even the fairy jewelry is nothing.

After a hundred years, it is certainly no longer entering.

The quenching hole has a magical fairy medicine, and even gestate the fairy.

However, the biggest feature of the hardening hole is the grant of terror.

Rolling you dead.

And there is an invisible female, invading your body, burning your body.

If you can't resist, it will become ashes.

By resisting, the bones will become strong.

In fact, it is the source of strong people.

Of course, there are many magical and mystery in the quenching hole.

Not a three words can be clear.

Moreover, there are still many regions that have not been explored in many regions.

Is there any treasure and horror, no one can know all.

However, as long as you can take a hundred years in the quenching hole, it will be a lot.

It is less efficient than a hundred years in the outside.

Now Zhang Bin has finally understood why the princess built an iron guard, which is usually used to protect her into the hardening hole.

"Princess, I have a request."

Zhang Bin said.

"Iron one, you don't have to email, Mr. Figure is my absolute heart."

Northern Snow Princess said.

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