The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5, the fifth God's magical ability

"Princess, if you believe in the old minister, just say everything happened in all years. The old minister can make the best suggestions." Figure remote.

"You two back."

Northern Snow Princess said.

"Yes, princess."

Two close care women retired.

The Northern Snow Princess is also a little shy to tell the things happening in all years.

The picture of the remote range is wide, and the face is full of stunning.

That time it is so thrilling? If no Zhang Bin saves the princess, the princess may really fall.

And the Arctic Xian Di, may not take her back.

"Mr. Figure, you said, is he deliberately played me?"

Northern Snow Princess asked ashamed.

"This, at that time, his realm was so low, and the strength is not as good as you and that of the real devil." The picture is long. However, he likes you like it. After all, the princess, you are a state, no men don't feel moving ... However, he is such a wisdom, and any woman will be deeply attracted to him. So, even Yaochi once Zhao him. Phoenix Princess, the Silver Screen Princess is very special to him. "

"I suspect that he hides a lot of things."

Northern Snow Princess said hesitated.

"Everyone has their own secrets, don't go deep, as long as he is loyal to the princess."

The picture is long.

"His strength is so fast, he will not be the imperial emperor?"

Northern Snow Princess said hesitated.

In the high-level world, of course, there is also the talents of the Immortal.

However, most of them are deeply hidden.

Not known.

Waiting for an opportunity to explode.

Don't look at the four senior worlds are very stable, and the rule of many Xian Di's demon ghosts is like Taishan.

However, once numerous emperors of the Magic Emperor will explore the ban, they may jump out.

At this point, the Arctic Xian Di has said that he has said to the Northern Snow Princess.

Therefore, all emperors have to pick up the strongest future generation, inheriting the emperor, preventing such things.

"Princess, cautious." The picture said seriously. Tale. However, with time, the realm is improved, because there are not many attributes, it will be far more than you. So, you don't have to worry about it. The only thing to consider, how can you come to him. "

"Please teach me to the way ..."

Northern Snow Princess is looking forward to ask.

"Princess, you may wish to hint him, give him a hope that he will definitely fight for you." The picture is remote. "I believe that the silver screen princess and Phoenix are also the same."

"What will be in the future?" Northern Snow Princess said, "In the future, the quenching hole will come, the father will give me the chief, I am interested in the generals of the army, it is best to be a fairy king, that can help me Mount the emperor. Instead of iron one. "

"Waiting for a hundred years in the quenching hole, the princess, you will have a lot of powerful, it should be stronger than iron." The picture is long. "He is not so important. Of course, he is tempted, the wisdom, the wisdom, still to continue He. It gives him a beautiful woman, promised to be high officials. I wanted to come to him. "

The face of the Princess North Snow has floated the color of thinking.

I have been negotiated for a long time, I made a adjustment to future plans.

She went out.

Start cultivation.

One month is very fast.

The blood jade roller in the lake is also taken in most.

The power of everyone is raised to the extreme.

There is no use of serum jade rolling.

The rest is collected by them.

Zhang Bin is also taking bloody jade roller under the Tantian of Zhang Bin.

It is powerful.

Even the people in Kunlun broke through the cactus, as a cactus.

However, he can't come out.

Because he is a sneak.

And swallowing the heavens and finally erased the memory of many soul energy.

It became super-pure soul energy.

Darkly delivered to Zhang Bin.

"Swallowing ..."

These soul energy enters Zhang Bin's moon palace, he is looking forward to yelling.


The fifth God, madly rotating, turned into a deep black hole.

Put the numerous soul energy in the same way as the long whale.

Red light is bursting.

Then I suddenly shocked, it became bleak.

The fifth God, finally the practice was successful.

There are even some energy left.

The sixth God is also starting to condense.

That is the chest of Tanzhong.

Soon, the remaining soul energy is swallowed in.

"Now, what is the magical ability?"

Zhang Bin is looking forward to the heart, he entered the four fairy tower.

Taken out of the Tiangou Mid-Book, start reading.

The singular scriptures also sounded.

Gradually, Zhang Bin's face revealed a surprise smile.

Because there is a horrible ability, it is the voice of shocking.

It is a special sound wave emitted by the soul.

Bombards on the enemy's head, the enemy will be scared, and the mind becomes a blank.

Short losing attack capabilities.

If you cooperate with something else, you can definitely kill super powerful enemies.

However, this attack is not sustainable and can only attack once.

Then you have to take a while to attack the second time.

However, Zhang Bin has already hoped out.

This ability is simply against the sky.

If he has this ability, that day and the magic fight, he is really mortal.

Zhang Bin came out.

Everyone has already stopped cultivation because they all cultivate the limit.

Ma Rufei and others have broken through the middle of the camary.

The rest of them broke through the early stage of the fairy.

However, three princess, Zhang Bin did not break through the bottleneck.

They are very difficult because they have a bottleneck because of the practice of cultivation.

Especially Zhang Bin, but also inside and outside the double repair, it is more difficult to break through.

However, they are very powerful.

Especially Zhang Bin, it is a sharp step.

He has a big circle, and the power and internal thunder magic are also improved.

"Maybe, then practice for a year, you can break through the medium term of Jin Dan."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He is a bit look forward to it, and it is a bit worried.

It takes a step away from the cultivation to the Yuan Yingjing. It is also a step by step.

"Now let's go out." Zhang Bin said, "But before this, do you know what the monster is? What is horrible? Can you eat? Can you eat? Can you make us more powerful? ? "

"The same monster, do you want to eat?"

Everyone's face is full of weird expressions, and it feels a bit ridiculous.

After a while, the silver screen princess said hesitated: "The head of the captain, I read a special beast book, which recorded a monster, seems to be almost the monster outside. That seems to be a sound, like to eat The bone marrow of the creature, the sharp paw can break the defense of the fairy, and can also break the hard fairy bones. The origin of strong people, let the bone marrow improve the quality, the hematopoietic capacity, that is, the abilities of the cultivation of blood properties Have a huge benefits, can also improve the power ... "

(It is also six chapters to send, ask a ticket, continue to explode six chapters tomorrow.)

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