The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1962, Snow Siege

"Hahaha ..."

" ..."

"Hee hee hee……"

Everyone is happy to laugh.

"Zhang Bin, thank you for saving us."

Chu Fei has a chance to talk at this time.

Gratefully said.

"You don't have to be polite, raise your hand."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"In fact, we deliberately bring your snow to you." The face of Chu Fei became evil, "Don't you be angry?"

"I know!" Zhang Bin said faintly, "Without you attracted the snow, we will encounter sooner or later. What is worth angry? A group of wild beasts in the district, I dare to smart and don't worry?"

"I am in good luck, you really are a different person." Chu Fei Cheng said, "I am not deliberate to have you, but I look forward to having a way to deal with the snow, otherwise I use a four-sized way. Not a full army. "

He immediately said: "Don't underestimate them, the snow is very smart, the strength is also extremely horrible, the cold, the cold, can kill everything. Just I can't stop."

Zhang Bin gradly knew that the snow is powerful. Now he clearly understands that the true devil that is the fallen is, it is attacked by the chill of the snow. Even if you escape the heavy, it is also frozen, it is completely fallen.

Therefore, he also gathered into the city to block the snow.

It makes people a shocking thing that more snow is covered, covering the square round.

The quantity is too much.

"How can there be so many snow ?"

Zhang Bin is very surprised, and his face has become serious.

This problem is of course no one can answer him.

They looked at the sea of ​​snow in the sea.

Nothing is a bit sluggish.

"... ..."

Suddenly, the ferrets were separated from both sides, showing a wide passage, and a snow king is also exposed.

This snow is very huge, as big as a small calf.

The skin is white, the eyes are cold, and the body is blasted to shoot a stupid pressure and murderous.

There is a king's gas.

"Good guy, this snow king seems very powerful." Zhang Bin muttered, "If you use the snow of the snow, it is a big dress."

Everyone is holding up, and the nervousness in the heart is also swept away.

There is Zhang Bin, they have confidence to spend this difficult relationship.

"Zhang Bin, what you mean, the thief first ? Caught the snow king?" Chu Fei Cheng's eyes lit up, "The Snow March will retreat?"

"If you can catch the snow, this method is also good."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"This, I have to grab the snow king, it's too difficult, I'm almost impossible to succeed." Chu Fei became grasped his head, depressed, "it scams, hidden in the depths of the snow, and it is also very powerful The cold of the spit can be refined in an instant. "

"Do you know which magic team is chasing these snow ?"

Zhang Bin transferred the topic.

"Is there a true magic queen to be chased by the snow?"

Chu Fei became stunned.

Obviously, they don't know this.

"Maybe there is, because we see an ice-sealed virtue."

Zhang Bin said.

"... ..."

The Snow Wang looks at the people on the wall with a sly eye, and then make a clear strange.

All the snow stones suddenly took a cold breath, and their mouths were also spit out of the cold, that is the same as the same arrow.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth, the snowflakes appeared in the sky, and the sky was covered.

But it is only to land outside the city.

Therefore, the speed of snow is rapidly increased with the speed of naked eye.

And the snow is gently shaking the body, moving the footsteps, is standing on the snow.

"I rely on, good luck."

"Is it so smart? When the snow is coming to the city wall, we are miserable."


Everyone is stunned, and the face floats.

"We take the city wall."

The Northern Snow Princess suddenly thought of a way, excited.

Such a big snow, they have a way to apply cold ice energy, grab the snow, and build a high city wall, continue to block the snow.

"Gao Town Wall, they can also increase snow, and the high city wall has drawbacks, the city wall is too high, we can't control the bottom, they can dig empty walls, let the wall collapsed." Zhang Bin said faintly, "then we are very Trouble. Moreover, the city wall is too high, it is not conducive to us. "

"What should I do?"

Northern Snow Princess asked anxiously.

"Turn the snow into the city."

Zhang Bin ordered.

" ..."

Many masters that master the ice-making power will act.

The snow under the city wall has been greatly attracted, flying quickly, involved in the city.

Stacked on the ground.

The speed of the snow on the outside has become slow.

In the eyes of the snow, the cold laugh is to continue to command many kinds of snow to show the ice, and the snow is stacked in the ground. Let's take the snow into the city.

"The situation is not wonderful, what should I do if I have a full city?"

Chu Fei became the sly snow king, muttered in his mouth.

However, Zhang Bin still has no nervous, he just looks at the snow king with a singular look.

The face has also floated the color, he looks at the beautiful fur of the snow.

Finally, the city was full of snow.

There is no place to snow, if you continue to accumulate, you will become a hill.

"Can you add a high city wall?" Northern Snow Princess reminded, "Not afraid they attack it, because it is solid."

"Don't worry."

Zhang Bin said faintly, "Look at the king of the snow."

After finishing, he is always moving. Two Blacklo Star Cosmo flew out from his central Dantian, falling on the platform, and the black paint can be explored, all of which were aligned with the snow king.

"Khan, take out the universe battleship of the world, is this attack effective?"

Everyone is doubtful in his heart.

Although the image of the photon cannon is amazing, how can I hurt the horror snow beast of the fairy-bound quenching hole?

Their defense is too strong.

"All, listen to my password, show light, thunder, space imprisonment, time abilities, soul attack ..." Zhang Bin's face was filled with ice cold, shot a rich murder, "First, two , Three, attack! "

"Boom ..."

The two universe battleships all the photon cannons burst into the unzty of hot photon shells.


Zhang Bin's two eyes are also blaming the destruction of scarlets, and the speed and power are also skyrocketing under the promotion of abilities.

The rest of the people also show light, thunder, soul attack.

Chu Fei Cheng and the twenty true eyes are also blaming the horror.

Bring the murder of the sky to shoot!

(Six chapters sent, seek special tickets, ask for subscription, will continue to six chapters tomorrow.)

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