The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1966 Temporary Cooperation

"You really have a thick face." Zhang Bin said that he was very strong. "You are very powerful, what is the purpose of us?"

"The purpose is to walk through the cold ice in the cold."

Chu Fei said sincerely.

"Kid, don't want to lie to me." Zhang Bin said, "Do you want me to help you deal with your brothers and sisters? It is estimated that they are waiting in front?"

"This ..." Chu Fei became the wisdom of Zhang Bin, a bit of a little supported, "they are in front, because we are soul, resistance to gravity is easy, walking is fast. Bo brother is in front Tian Luo Land, I have to kill me. I really didn't grasp the past, so I hope to break his interception with you. I believe that you must be able to easily kill, defeat him, and no damage ... "

"Why do I help you? What is the benefit?" Zhang Bin said, "So, now you will give me back, don't follow us. I believe that they will not attack me. Because we don't have any competitive relationships, They don't have to deal with us. "

"Bin brother, of course, it is good. In the future, we will cooperate sincerely, deal with any strong enemy, absolutely more secure than a single team, we can also achieve a bigger battle." Chu Fei Cheng said with temptation, he said The face is full of expectation and hot color.

He said, it is also good, Zhang Bin's person has only twenty-seven people. If you encounter a super powerful team, there is no ability to confront, you can only escape.

Or avoid it.

However, if you have a team of Chu Fei into this 21 ghost, the strength is strong, the main thing is that there will be a mission, that is, it is more than a base card that can kill everything.

It is really desirable, it is also very powerful.

"Isn't it as good as we temporarily cooperate once?"

Zhang Bin looked at Chu Tiancheng.

"Temporary cooperation? How to cooperate?"

Chu Tiancheng has a joy and excitement of the face.

"This time I took you in the past, you will promise me to help me. It is definitely what you can do. How?"

Zhang Bin said.


Chu Feicheng did not hesitate to promise.

Then Zhang Bin asked in detail, the original Chu Tiancheng's second brother is called Chu Yonggu, which is the second powerful forces. With 250 genius, I have entered the quenching hole, and I have been in front. The place.

He is very strong, and the ambition is also big, and he has always wanted to kill his big brother.

Because Chu Changming's forces are the most powerful, this time has brought three hundred subordinates.

Some time, Chu Yonggu was waiting for Chu Tiancheng in front. It is necessary to cooperate with Chu Tiancheng to do Chu Changming.

However, Chutian has not promised.

He is twenty people, and it is impossible to join hands.

It is likely that it is likely to be swallowed by Chu Yong.

So, Chu Yonggu immediately turned his face and handed him.

However, fortunately, Chu Feicheng has quickly escaped, and it is just a horrible snow group.

Just get rid of the chasing.

Anyway this time, he almost is covered with each other.

"Not bad, you are very alert, if you promise, now you have become a corpse, no, become the energy of the soul, being embraced by your second brother." Zhang Bin said, "He is obviously It is necessary to use big fish to eat small fish, let his forces improve, then go to your big brother. "

" ... I am not a fool."

Chu Fei became evil and said.

"Now, you enter the space container, I will take you in the past."

Zhang Bin said.

Because he felt that there was a situation in front, a dangerous breath faint approximately approximately.

Of course, the snow in front is also bigger, the cold is forced, and the gravity is also extremely horrible. The invisible flame is also harmonious and harmoniously quenched their bones. Undoubted, whether it is cold or intangible flame, it is to quench the soul. Therefore, the ghost fairy is entered, and it can be quenched, the soul can become more powerful.

For Zhang Bin, with the space container to bring them in the past, it is to raise the hand.

However, he can get huge benefits, that is, the help of Chu Fei, can play a huge role in critical moments.

"Bin brother, you can be good, hey ..."

Chu Fei became excited, and his face was filled with admiration. He immediately took a space container, greeted him 20 belongings.

Then he continued to move with Zhang Bin, and his mouth also said: "For the past, there is about one hundred kilometers from the distance, I will talk to you again."

"This bastard may be trick, do you want to be over?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he slowed down, put it out of a good baby, asked: "Chu Fei Cheng, please ask how to improve the soul's defense?"

Chu Fei became: "You are a cactus, I want to improve the defense ability of the moon. Why need to improve the defense of the soul?"

"I have tried to release the soul, with the body, withstand the horror gravity, quenching the invisible flame. But I can only stick to a moment, almost no way to improve the strength of the soul. Why?" Zhang Bin changed a way, Ask for an indiscriminately.

This is always the doubts in his heart.

Press him to cultivate the magical molas.

I have cultivated five gods and now condense the sixth God.

The soul should be very powerful, but it is an intangible flame and gravity that can not withstand the quenching hole.

However, Chu Fei is able to do it with him.

If you solve this problem, the hundred years of cultivation, not only the body, even his soul, can be quickly powerful, this is a huge gain.

"This, involving our big secrets, so I can't answer your question."

Chu Feicheng said.

"I rely, this bastard is too embarrassed, it is not generous, not a person who has become a big event." Zhang Bin horses judged in his heart, his face became cold, saying faintly: "Now you can go in the space container. It is still near, they can be induced, I don't want to fight with them. "

For ghosts, Zhang Bin is very taboo because they can make a horrible soul attack.

The speed is fast, and that his team may lose weight.

"If we make a transaction, I will teach you the secret law of the soul defense ability, you can open the moon, let your soul also have the quenching of gravity and horrible intangible flame, and then quickly powerful."

Chu Fei's face is full of evil, and the eyes are also looking at Zhang Bin.

"It turns out that this bastard is a thing, and it is a person who can become a big thing. I just watched him." Zhang Bin stopped, saying faintly: "Let me teach you two brothers? It is best to kill. Is it a fart-rising urine? "

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