The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1976 Escape

"Ping ..."

The cold ruthening of many crocodiles has become a hurricane, bombarded on Zhang Bin.

Reduce the power of the flame.

"It's so comfortable ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, he accelerated quickly to the front.

Many crocodile fear Zhang Bin's terrorist flames can only be quickly retracted, while continuing to show the cold attack Zhang Bin.

And Zhang Bin, the water of ice is also turned into warm water.

Can't hurt the frog female.

What's more, the frog woman itself has an extremely horrible water system and ice-based abilities.

The ability to resist the cold exceeds the Northern Snow Princess and the Silver Screen Princess.

Therefore, even if it occasionally endorses the cold attack of the crocodile, she continues to dance with the sword, kill how many crocodiles.

The lake has become a blood red.

In this way, Zhang Bin opened in front, the frog woman was behind.

The two quickly went to the center of the center.

The power of the flame on Zhang Bin also decreased under the attack of the horror cold and countless crocodile.

There is a trend to go out.

Zhang Bin is of course not comparative, his skin is chemical into coke.

Even, his bones have been chemically coke.

If he is not a magical practice that he cultivates does not die, it can quickly repair the body. He has already turned into ashes.

Of course, if it is not jumped into the cold to the ultimate lake, his abilities are more powerful, or you can't resist it, or it will become ashes.

Zhang Bin is very seen when the emperor is extremely embarrassed.

"Husband, are you okay?"

The frog woman asked with the crocodile while asked.

"Wonderful, let's kill the island."

Zhang Bin said.

"Can the flame threaten you?"

The frog woman asked excitedly.

"Basically threatened." Zhang Bin said, "But the crocodile is about to flutter, I don't have the ability to resist. You are so like this ..."

Sure enough, numerous crocodile feels that there is no power on Zhang Bin's flame. It is excited. Like Zhang Bin as the same arrow, the blood is also opened, and he bites Zhang Bin.

"Zhang Bin horse is going to be eaten by the crocodile."

"That beauty should be frozen, then the space container on her body must collapse under the horror, three princess and people inside will fall."

Feng Yan and the north rain smile smiled.

One of them is reported, and they also killed a competitor, and the other is killing two competitors.

This business is cost-effective.

" ..."

Just at this incomparable crisis, the frog woman's mind will move Zhang Bin into the space container.

And her tongue is also suddenly flying out, just like a shocking long, I arrived on the island in an instant, and I walked a big tree, and she pulled hardfully, and her people flew.

The more the distance of dozens of meters, I went to the island.

She is proudly standing, and the two eyes shot a cold light, projected on the face of Fengshan and the rainy day, and the mouth also said coldly: "Soon, you will pay a huge price."

Feng Yan and the face of the rainy day have become very difficult, one is angry.

They used four emperors and paid such a huge price, and they did not kill a princess, even even Zhang Bin did not kill.

It's a lot of money.

Moreover, Zhang Bin's team used this way to go to the island.

Huang Jinggui also didn't work with them.

Both Zhang Bin's squad.

They are equivalent to send Zhang Bin to the island with an emperor fire.

"How to do?"

Feng Yu and the north rain of each other, and the hands were no.

"They can't come back, it is waiting to be sleepy in the island, they can't enter the depths of the snow, and their strength has no way to improve too much, and we are also initially achieved."

Feng Yu said.

"If they escape? I didn't kill them, or the heart is suffering." Behawaido said, "Be sure to try to kill them."


They are detailed and discussed in detail, and they also negotiate with their big counsel.

"Bin brother, how are you?"

Zhang Bin entered the space container, and everyone came around.

And I saw Zhang Bin almost become coke, they both had tears.

"Don't worry, I will soon recover, this time, I am very big. I didn't pretend that Feng Yu suddenly appeared. I didn't think that they actually reached a joint agreement." Zhang Bin said, "But we The intermediate island has been successfully arrived, we are temporarily safe. All out of the alert. Arrange the ball, prepare to defend the enemy attack. "

He deeply believes the wisdom of the two bastards, there is a way to spend the lake, and launch the last strand.

Everyone nodded seriously.

I went out and arranged on the island and array.

And Zhang Bin is in the space container and tries to practice.

He continually tuned many magical medicinal herbs.

Crazy swallowing the fairy.

The frog woman quickly took all the yellow crypts and walked into the space container and let Zhang Bin take it.

Although Huang Jinggui is a time attribute fairy medicine, it is also the ability to hear, containing rich poles.

Zhang Bin took ten very well.

The restore is much.

The skin dropped by coke, the new skin is generated.

After an hour, he finally returned to most.

He took a space container, sitting on the island, and continued to cultivate.

The fairy is especially rich here, it is swarming.

Wrap Zhang Bin, then poured into Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin has the power and momentum of the body.

"Fishing crocodile, making defense armor."

Zhang Bin also anxiously commanded everyone.

Because the crisis is coming soon.

Because he saw that Feng Yu and the rainy day were also got a lot of fishing crocodile.

Even deliberately standing on the lake, attracting the crocodia to attack them, and then they will hunt crocodile.

Then peel it, refine the armor.

Their identity is different, is the Emperor of the Arctic Xianmi and the East Emperor.

So, they have more treasures.

It is also a super sharp magic weapon, you can cut crocodile skin.

"Remember, the crocodile can live in the lake, because their skin is very magical, can block the cold invading body, so the armor refining with the crocodile skin can make the lake, launch horror attacks. I am To work with North Yourne, I want to get a crocodile skin, refining the armor, then dive on the island, get Huang Jinggui. But the person is not as good as the day. This time, there is almost dead. "Zhang Bin pressure Sound said, "So, we must first refine the crocodile helmet. Can you break through, then you can revenge."

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