The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1978 Emperor Anger


The north rain is screaming, but also wants to struggle.

However, Zhang Bin took a water system and set off a wave of waves.

Volume him into the depths of the lake.

The blood emerged quickly.

Many crocodiles were crazy, and they bite his body.

"My God, Zhang Bin is also too strong, it is terrible, and I will kill two emperors."

Three teasings, three princesses, Li Taqing, Tian Guangjin, frog female, iron two iron three iron four-class people, all stunned like a fool.

"Fast, hide."

A swallowing is suddenly shouting.

The crowd wakes up and entered the space container.

The space container is of course hidden in a very hidden place.

As for Zhang Bin, I have long traveled to the shore, and I have entered the ice in the ice.

And it is rapidly sneak.

"Ah ..."

Beyu and Feng Yan are really super powerful, still without death, still making a scream.

Still also fight with many crocodiles.

Unfortunately, they suffered a huge soul, and a body is all blood caves.

And their armor has broken.

Cold gas.

Let their strength drop too much too much.

Still can't escape.

The body is torn into pieces by a crocodile, and the head is also bitten.

The soul is also attacked by the horrible coldness, in the collapse.

Almost at the same time, the vain of the Arctic Xianmi and the East Emperor Emperor flew out from their soul, soaring the air, seeing such a scene, their faces have floated the color of anger.

Then they took the palm of your hand.


The sound of the ceiling spurs.

The lake collapsed, all the crocodiles became a meat sauce.

The lake is also splashing to the distant place, and even a lot of demon and cactors.

Most of them become a powder.

Did not death is also the shock to the ground, vomiting blood.

However, they have no way to save the Fengshan and the rainy day.

Of course, if they cross time and space, it can be saved.

But they will save, but they are an unknown.

After all, falling in the quenching hole, it is equal to being eliminated.

After all, there is another candidate to live.

"It's really ignorant, actually entered the cold lake, killed by crocodile ..." The East Emperor and Arctic Emperor almost at the same time, all in the respective emperor, unfortunate, depressed, "such people, not suitable The reserve is not suitable for inheriting the emperor. "

After the palm, the vain of the two emperors crashed quickly and then completely dissipated.

It has never been there.

Only a person with a full man and the body of the crocodile can prove that their soul vain has appeared.

There created a large massacre in a horrible.

Zhang Bin drilled out of the snow, and his body has done a cold.

Body is shuri, because it is too cold.

Only him, there is this strength to drill into the cold ice of no billion years, can also live.

If it is someone else, it has long been a ice sculpture in the cold ice, it is completely fallen.

He hurriedly walked away, completely killing all the souls of the cactus and demon, one leaving, only left their body.

He killed two emperors were a big secret, which is related to his life and death.

It is absolutely unable to reveal.

These people and demon are the roots. If they can live, they will certainly disclose this secret.

What's more, they have attacked him before, almost let him have to follow.

How can he have any compassion?

Therefore, he must kill the extinguies.

Moreover, he also swallowed their soul energy.

However, their evil energy is much impurities. In the future, he must work hard to cultivate the West Brigade, and let the invisible flames are quenched, and he also wants to find more magical medicine, refining the tannin medicine Let his soul become pure.

Just only 50 demon and 50 cactors are still alive.

The rest have become a powder or ice sculpture, and their soul is also completely annihilated in this world.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's soul energy is only one hundred people.

But it is also a huge quantity.


His sixth God is rotating madly, and the energy of many souls is swallowed.

Let Zhang Bin shocked, so many soul energy, but did not let the sixth God thoroughly formed.

It can be seen that how difficult it is to repair the top ten gods.

That is not a short period of time.

Must use a long annual month.

Moreover, Zhang Bin discovered a secret, and the energy of the soul could not determine the realm, and determined the realm of the spirituality of the soul energy.

Therefore, he still did not cultivate into the middle of the ghost.

However, if he can find a way to make his soul quickly become pure, it will inevitably break through several realms.

Soon, the swallowing of the people came out of the space container.

Seeing such a wolf scene, they shocked by the extreme, and the face was filled with fear and fear.

If they don't hide in the space container, there is no place to hide the space container in the secret security, then someone will fall.

The soul of the two emperors is too horrible.

The attack of the two emperors is too scary, it is simply destroyed everything.

Zhang Bin did not delay, and they collected the crocodile body and all the body.

Then, I wake up the battlefield and dug a lot of fairy medicine from the island, such as the yellow crude fruit, to the space container.

Just leave here.

The purpose is to discover their death and the death of these two emperors.

They quickly went to more than two hundred kilometers and found a very hidden cave.

They drilled in and began to trim.

The cruelty of this battle is simply.

Zhang Binqi only left Zhang Bin, three teasing, frog women, Li Taqing, Tian Guangjin, three princess, iron two, iron three, iron four, swallowing the sky.

Silver Screen Princess and Phoenix Princess become alone.

It is the Northern Snow Princess. If you go to Zhang Bin and Zhang Bin, she only has three subordinates.

The loss is extremely heavy.

Along the way, Zhang Bin has a face, and the cold breath is emitted.

Everyone is also afraid to speak.

Worried about the anger of Zhang Bin.

In the cave, Zhang Bin began to assign this treasure.

The silver screen princess and the North Snow Princess were divided into 25 unique cactus and some yellow cryples.

And the Phoenix Princess is of course a body and some yellow cryples that have no soul.

As for the magic equipment, it is also averaged.

Do these, Zhang Bin entered the Quartet Tower and was ready to think.

The frog woman came in, and said low voice mysteriously: "Fu Jun, I also found two space rings in the lake, there are a lot of treasures inside. It should be two emperors."

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