The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1985 Zooming God Fruit

Three printers have long found that Zhang Bin took an angry pepper almost every day. Of course, he would not suspect that he is lying, and they all do everything possible to please Zhang Bin, how can I not agree?

The full mouth promised.

Zhang Bin did not delay, with many players, the ice cave, continued to treasure hunt in the cold ice.

In fact, it is looking for ice cave.

However, the ice cave is hard to find, even if there is, it may be frozen.

Turning a snow mountain, they found a new world.

Here is a deep valley that has a rich white fog.

There is a piece of medicine in the white fog.

And it contains a rich.

"It's a treasure."

Everyone's eyes lit.

They immediately look for a gentle place, quickly go to the valley

It's very deep, just like a deep abyss.

After three days, they went to the bottom of the valley.

Here is a lot of white fog and many medicine.

On a hill, a big tree is growing.

Covered with thick snow.

In the branches, there are 100 wig fruits.

Fruit has a football as big as the football, light red, which is turned to be larger and narrowed.

In the blink of an eye, it becomes like the peanuts, and then there is a football.

This tree is also very quirky, and it is also sluggish, and once a moment, it is only a few hundred meters high again.

White gecko climbing the dense numbness on a branch.

Extracting the cold light in the eyes.

Dispersing an incomparably dangerous atmosphere.

"God, that is to zoom God tree, and then set up 100 zoom of god fruit, and ripe, this is a billion years to mature."

The silver screen princess was first recognized, and the sound of shocking sound was issued.

"I rely on, I actually find it to zoom God tree? How is this possible?"

Zhang Bin is completely stupid, shocking, and the heart is full of ecstasy.

He got the jade jade of the Tianwei Di Bao from the hands of the two emperors, which recorded the super treasure of the omby, after taking it, can quickly improve the zoom.

And the magic of the zooming, can be said to be the king of all the abilities.

Can scales all power power.

Zhang Bin is so powerful, and he has mastered the magical zoom can have a big relationship.

Of course, most of the emperors have also mastered the zoom.

But there is no such thing as Zhang Bin's refining.

After all, Zhang Bin learned the complete emperor's skills, and Haoyu, the true dragon, the most good at zooming, Zhang Bin quickly cultivated into a real dragon.

Plus he saw the terrorist force of the plum deer and the agency in the Time Valley.

I also got their guidance.

Therefore, he has a deep feelings and understanding of zoom.

Then, the cultivation of the zoom resistance is flying.

If there is no zooming energy, Zhang Bin's war is difficult to exceed the emperor of the same realm.

Now I have found this treasure, I can imagine how excited and excited Zhang Bin.

Because the multiple of the zoom is doubled, the war will increase much.

"Opposite someone ..."

Ma Rufei suddenly pressed down the sound.

Zhang Bin quickly turned his attention to opposite.

Opposite, someone is the people of the East Demon.

What is headed is a teenager of an imperial horror. There are still more than two hundred people.

"The three emperors are very powerful, and it is very good to be very optimistic." The face of the phoenix has changed, and the sound of the sound is said to Zhang Bin, "What should I do?"

"Good things, we can only act in the machine."

Zhang Bin's eyebrows are also awkward. He is not afraid that the other party is strong, he is afraid of the horror fire.

It is very likely that the other party has not been exhausted.

Since Feng Qiankun is a very optimistic candidate, it will give him two bottom cards.

Because Feng Yan has two horrible fire characters.

"Little girl, I can encounter you, I am very happy."

Feng Qikun, of course, immediately discovered Zhang Bin and others. He took a lot of big shaking around the tree and came here.

However, his gaze is dead and staring at Zhang Bin.

It is also a cold murder.

Zhang Bin's pupil contraction, because he felt that the other party was rushing, his mind, there was a cold ice giant helmet.

This helmet is a lot more than the crocodile helmet, and the ability to resist terrorist flames is strong.

"Three brothers, what do you want?"

Phoenix also felt that there was a fake fire in her hands.

And the hands of the Northern Snow Princess and the Silver Screen Princess have appeared forged swords.

"Hahaha ..." Feng Qikun made a laughter. "You don't have to make the cavity, and the fake base card also dares to come out?"

"Not good, he knows our secrets."

Zhang Bin and others have jumped, yelling: "All spread."

Everyone couldn't help but remember the horrible fire, as long as they were issued, it would be shrouded a few feet.

They have been spread out, and the magic weapon appeared in his hand, ready to be bloody again.

"You are the person who killed my big brother? Not bad. A little strength. In fact, I should thank you." Feng Qikun looked at Zhang Bin, said, "But why do you want to help my little girl? I can only Send you up? "

"What do you say? When did I kill your big brother?"

Zhang Bin still has no panic.

"You don't have to argue, the mother is contacted me with secret law, saying that you kill your big brother. Let me kill you. I will revenge for the big brother." Feng Qikun said with a whistle, "she said, you have horrible shock energy, Let me be careful. You have suicide, don't take it. "

"Nima, the East Emperor is so horrible to this way?"

Zhang Bin shocked the extreme, but the face was full of doubts, the other party is now in all of him?

Asked surprised: "How do you know your mother?"

"You are very busy, the mother is not a real cause of the big brother, just through the time and space, look at each other, how do you kill two emperors? Your ability, under her eyes, of course, nothing Shape. The Tianguo, I am great. "Feng Qikun said," The Tiangle is in you, and now I am. "

"Woyry ..."

Zhang Bin got almost vomiting blood, the East Emperor Emperor actually passed the time and space, saw everything happened? But she didn't have to kill him, maybe worried that she caught the cause, she can't go back. As for her, she didn't save the Phoenix, may be disappointed with Feng.

"Second brother, I don't compete with you, I will give it to you, please don't kill him."

A phoenix rushed over and blocked in front of Zhang Bin.

"Then you can only do a pair of life."

The emperor fire is there in the hands of Feng Qiankun, blasted the murderous murder.

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