The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1990 Cold Tiger

"Sir, I feel that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is to kill Zhang Bin such a small person. It is impossible to use this means. That is too losing, saying this, she is more shameful because she is big The son was killed by Zhang Bin. And the three sons were defeated in Zhang Bin's hand. "Bei Snow Princess said," So, she will wait patiently to wait patiently, quietly. "

"Princess you analyze well."

The picture of the remote range is full of appreciation, "Therefore, Zhang Bin took the quenching hole, staying in our Arctic family, is the safest, going elsewhere, simply there is no living road, because the East demon The Emperor will give him a spider silk, and go to the East Korean to assist the Phoenix, which is a dead road. "

"If Zhang Bin can kill the phoenix in the quenching hole? Is that safe?"

Northern Snow Princess asked again.

"What is safety? That is just to eliminate Feng Qiankun. The East Emperor will make her additional son, daughter shot, kill Zhang Bin. Anyway, she will not let Zhang Bin live." Figure remote

"Gigle ... This seems that I still have no loss."

Northern Snow Princess issued a laughter like a silver bell.

"But the princess, today you have not done it." The picture is remote. "When you strive for you, it will make the Silver screen princess, Zhang Bin is willing to be full of good feelings for the Silver screen. I am worried He will turn to the silver screen. "

"The little Nizi is getting more and more. When I won't kill her?"

I mentioned this, the Northern Snow Princess was so bad that "I thought it was again, but it took a step."

"Princess, you must continue to work hard, Zhang Bin, can not let him become a silver screen princess." The picture is very serious. "Today, his performance is super good, there is no discerning place, and can be in east The Emperor Emperor is safe, this is not luck, but the embarrassment of wisdom, such a person, even if it can't be hung, you can't let him turn to the competitors. "

"I know……"

Northern Snow Princess bite the bench, secretly making a special decision.

The Silver screen princess is also awarded the poor in Sitillar.

Poor analysis and diagram distance analysis is similar.

The silver screen princess issued a laughter like Huang Wei: "Zi Zhang Bin is not loyal to the north Snow sister, he is only awarded, and he is actually a Phoenix's lover, even the precious Tianmark is shared with Phoenix. I want to put it. Zhang Bin struggled, not so difficult. "

"Princess, today your performance is super good. The crucial moment is stringing, let Zhang Bin grabbed the opportunity to defeat and creating a miracle. He must be full of good feelings, he is not willing to see you die in another In the hands of the emperor. Plus the previous volts, now you have to fight for his auxiliary, it will be too much. He did not dare to go to the East of the East in the future, and he did not dare to help the Phoenix. Only stay in our Arctic Xiankai Road He assists who, who will work greatly, good future. "

"Zhang Bin, I must turn you into my big counselor."

Silver screen princess shouted in his heart.

This time, Phoenix is ​​a big harvest.

Because Zhang Bin took the spatial ring of Feng Qiankun, he seized a space container.

The treasure inside is full of mountains.

That is the lack of phoenix.

And these treasures, Northern Snow Princess and Silver Screen Princess are not dare.

Because the East Emperor Emperor has not retrieves those treasures, it is certainly the reward to the phoenix.

It is equivalent to improving the power of Phoenix and enhances her competitiveness.

If they are greedy, who knows that the East Emperor will punish them?

That is a horrible demon emperor, even the Arctic Xian Di must take her three points.

In addition, there are not all killed in more than two hundred genus of Feng Qiankun.

There is still a hundred people live.

Just imprisoned.

Because they are all demon, the Northern Snow Princess and the Silver Screen Princess are not.

Both the Phoenix Princess.

Phoenix princess is not hesitant, and kills their soul.

Let her space containers will enter the station.

Her team quickly strengthened to 151 people.

The forces expansion is very fast.

Northern Snow Princess and Silver Screen Princess are envious.

Do these, everyone projected the eye to the zoom of the zoom of the gods.

They all shot a hot radiant.

However, it is not easy to pick these fruits, because those geckots climbed back to the tree.

All look at everyone with ice cold eyes.

A cold murderous gas is also emitted.

Let everyone secretly be secretly jealous.

Can guard against the shrinking of the Shenshu for nearly 100 million years, and it has not been taken away, and it can be seen of these geckoes horror and power.

"What is this gecko? What is the point?"

Zhang Bin looked at the gecko on the tree and asked seriously.

"This is the cold tiger, master the scratch of terror, and the horrible cold poison is also a good property. They reinforced iron bones, the teeth are sharp, and they can easily bite super-super A powerful armor. As long as you bite the skin, you will die. You look at the high-raised snow pile under the tree. There is no doubt that you are countless bodies. It is a genius that is falling here. I can affirm that the people who came to treasure this treasure in the past. They are all falling. So, the outside world knows that there is a magical zooming of god trees here. "Silver screen princess said seriously.


Zhang Bin took a breath. At this time, he finally understood, why did the East Emperor did not pick up these scales, one is her cultivation to the peak of the demon, no longer inch, take the zoom, it is not good. usefulness. The two is that she has a better Tianwei Di Bao. The three are to let Zhang Bin fall here, die in the cold poisonous wall.

Even, she may also secretly look forward to the Phoenix is ​​also dead here.

Because she is not too optimistic about Phoenix.

Of course, this is also a test for Phoenix. If she can't spend this difficult relationship, she is in her heart.

He quickly calmed down and asked the characteristics of the cold poisonous gecko.

It turns out that the habit of the cold poisonous gecko is very weird. If you don't attack them, they will not actively attack.

If you want to pick the scales of the zoom, or take the initiative to attack them, they will be crazy, but they are not afraid of attacking until they kill everyone.

Terror is that these cold poisonous geckows have super jumping capacity, and the speed is like electricity, it is invasive.

Can only use body hard.

"In the past, there is also an emperor to come here for treasure hunt. Are they fall here?"

Ma Rufei didn't believe it.

"All the emperors are not more than one year old, how can I have been here? The most of the up to the quenching hole is the Talents of Xianwang. They have not cultivated to the realm of Xianjun, and most of them have a murder. In addition, he is afraid of hurting the god trees, naturally, it is difficult to deal with the cold poisonous gecko. What other things they have not necessarily knew that the cold poisonous gecko is very powerful and horrible, too bad, falling is normal. "

Northern Snow Princess said.

At this moment, she showed an unusual wisdom.

"You talk about it, is there any way to pick it to zoom ?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.

"Arrange the ball, use the big array defense and attack ..."

"We combine with the most horrible gravity of gravity, and pick them up to fruit."

"We use flames to defense, they will be afraid of horrible flames ..."


Everyone spoke, I came up with another way.

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